
is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

author:Flying Pigeon Literary Society

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is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

In this era of advocating appearance, there are really not many actors in the entertainment industry who can win the title of "actor" by virtue of their strength, however, Ni Dahong is such a powerful actor. Although he was born with a mediocre appearance and even some ugliness, with his tenacious perseverance and persistent pursuit of his dreams, he has successfully created countless classic characters and achieved his extraordinary life.

Ni Dahong, born in Harbin in 1960, is born to parents who are actors in a repertory troupe. Due to his poor family, he was often looked down upon when he was a child, and even his name was "child".

Nevertheless, his surroundings give him infinite inspiration and motivation to move forward. Whenever he saw his parents' wonderful performances on stage, he was always fascinated, and the dazzling stage scenery made him have a strong interest and yearning for the profession of actor.

Since he was a child, he has aspired to be a great actor and show his talent.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

However, the skinny feeling of reality makes Ni child understand that in order to realize his dream, he must put in unimaginable hard work. During his work on the farm, he always seized every free time he could to read "The Self-cultivation of an Actor" as a way to enrich his inner world.

During the college entrance examination, he was ruthlessly rejected for three consecutive years, which made him almost give up his dream. However, with tenacious perseverance, he rekindled his persistent pursuit of his dreams.

After entering the Jixi Repertory Theatre, Ni Zizi has been honing his acting skills in actual combat. In 1982, he finally got his wish and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and embarked on the road to realizing his dream.

During his time at school, his excellent performance attracted the attention of director Xie Jin, and starred in his debut film "Garland Under the Mountain", officially stepping into the showbiz and starting his acting career.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Despite this, this is only the beginning of Ni Dahong's long life journey, and what awaits him next will be more difficult tests and doubts. However, it is precisely with his pious pursuit of his career and unremitting persistence in his dreams that Ni Dahong was finally able to overcome layers of obstacles and win the highest glory in his life as "actor".

Ni Dahong was born in an ordinary family, and his parents were actors in a Harbin repertory troupe. Due to his poor family, his parents gave him the ordinary name "child" when he was born.

Despite this, his surroundings doomed him to be extraordinary.

Ni has lived in the theater with his parents since he was a child, so he has developed a strong interest in stage art. Whenever he saw his parents performing vividly on stage, he was always fascinated and fascinated.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Those dazzling stage props and sets made him have an irrepressible yearning and longing for the profession of actor.

When Ni Kid watched a performance once, it suddenly rained heavily, which seemed urgent, but no one at the scene panicked, and Ni Kid realized that this was just a special effect carefully designed by the theater.

From then on, he decided to become a good actor and show his unique talent.

"When I grow up, I want to be an actor too." Ni once expressed such a wish to his parents. As a senior actor, my father has a deep understanding of this, and he clearly knows the cruel reality of the entertainment industry - appearance is often justice.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Looking at his son's unremarkable appearance, he dismissed his son's idea that success in this industry was simply a fantasy.

However, his father did not cut his passion and pursuit of his dream of being an actor. He was always engrossed in grasping the various props and devoting himself to imitating and interpreting different characters.

Once, the father seized the moment when his son's emotions were high and tried to change the direction of his career for him, saying to his son: "Baby, why don't we come and learn electricians?" This skill can help you secure a stable job in a wire factory. ”

In the face of his father's advice, the son shook his head without hesitation and said firmly, "I will not choose to become an electrician." My only dream is to become an actor, is it doomed to be unattainable because of my mediocre appearance? In the face of his son's heroic and righteous determination, the father was speechless.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

So, this child from a poor family unswervingly pursued his inner desire for stage art and began a legendary journey of chasing his dreams.

In order to realize his dream, Ni child has paid unimaginable hardships. After being assigned to work on the farm, his main responsibility was to drive a horse-drawn cart to transport grain, and he traveled all over the country, such as Lanzhou, Anhui and the capital Beijing.

He even had to travel to the distant Daqing region to transport oil during the cold winter, which was undoubtedly a very difficult task.

Departures depart around 9 p.m. every night and arrive at their destination at 5 or 6 a.m. the next morning. During the long, bumpy journey, he had to load the frozen oil into the wagons piece by piece, and lay on top of the cargo to prevent it from spilling on the ground.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

However, every half hour he had to get out of the car and trot for a while so that his body would not freeze.

In such a difficult environment and heavy work, Ni never gave up his dream. When he is resting, he always takes out the book "Self-cultivation of Actors" and reads it carefully, so as to nourish his lonely and thirsty soul.

In 1977, China reinstated the gaokao system, which was undoubtedly encouraging news. Ni child instantly remembered his mother's busy figure in the background, and the sudden heavy rain in the theater.

He secretly decided that he must work hard to pass the college entrance examination, enter the drama academy, and eventually become an excellent actor. So, he resolutely decided to give up the job in his hand and devote himself to the process of preparing for the college entrance examination.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

In 1978, the Shanghai Theater Academy set up an enrollment examination center in Changchun, and he decisively packed his bags and embarked on the journey to Changchun. However, in the college entrance examination for several years in succession, he was ruthlessly rejected because of his mediocre appearance, which undoubtedly gave him a blow to the head.

However, he was not discouraged and resolutely chose to move forward and prepare for the next exam.

Ni did not take the exam for the same reason for three consecutive years, but he did not give up hope, but actively adjusted his mentality and strengthened his belief in realizing his dreams.

In order to get rid of the trouble of unfavorable names, he pronounced the word "child" as "big red", which means "big red and purple, high promotion rules".

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

When the time came to 1980, Ni Dahong was fortunate to join the Jixi Repertory Theatre, which was the starting point for him to embark on the road of actual combat training. In the next two years, he devoted himself to every performance practice, and his acting skills were gradually improved and tempered.

In 1982, after years of perseverance and hard work, he was finally admitted to the Central Academy of Drama as he wished, and began to officially embark on the journey to his dream.

Ni Dahong was recognized by Director Xie Jin for his outstanding performance in college. Xie Jin is a world-renowned director, and he was looking for the right actor to star in his new film.

At a meeting, Ni Dahong's performance left a deep impression on Xie Jin. Xie Jin said happily: "Today at noon, I saw your leisurely appearance in the playground, which is really impressive.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Xie Jin then made a very challenging request, asking Ni Dahong to act out the scene of reading a book. After a short period of preparation, Ni Dahong began his performance.

He was attentive and natural, as if the content of the book had been deeply ingrained in his blood, and this outstanding performance amazed everyone present.

About a month later, Ni Dahong received an audition notice from the crew. Although Chinese opera has never advocated students to devote themselves to acting careers too early, Ni Dahong knows that he is destined to become an actor.

Under the guidance of his mentor, he decided to seize this rare opportunity.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

In this way, Ni Dahong was fortunate to participate in the filming of the classic film "Garland Under the Mountain" directed by Xie Jin. He portrayed the character Duan Yuguo for the first time in this film, and he was both nervous and expectant.

After the shooting, the students praised his performance for being very good, especially the scene of lying on the stone and shaking his feet, showing a high level of professionalism.

After graduating, Ni Dahong went to work at the National Theatre, and over the next decade, he won the Plum Blossom Award, the highest honor in theater, for his superb performance in the stage play "The Orphan of Zhao".

As an outstanding representative of the drama industry, he has successfully realized his dream and achieved remarkable achievements that have attracted the attention of the world.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

However, Li Fei's development in the film and television industry has been questioned and hindered, although he can participate in the filming of various film and television works, the roles he plays are basically small people, despicable and shameless, and even people with intellectual disabilities, and the importance of the role is not great.

In one script, he was originally the leading actor, but the director suddenly decided to change his role halfway through filming. This is because the popular performance style at that time was too outgoing and flamboyant, which was contrary to his restrained and simple performance style.

This setback dealt a heavy blow to Ni Dahong, making him begin to doubt whether his acting concept and method were appropriate, and he had the idea of giving up. In the next 8 years, he fell into a low point in his life in the film and television industry, and he was unable to get important roles in either movies or TV series.

Despite the baptism of wind and rain, Ni Dahong has never given up the pursuit of her dreams, and has always carried a pious heart, looking forward to shining one day in the future.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Although Ni Dahong has suffered many doubts and blows in the film and television industry, he has not been crushed by this, but cherishes every hard-won opportunity even more and shapes every role wholeheartedly.

Therefore, he will even do things that seem "crazy", in order to make everyone better understand the inner world of the character he plays.

In 2003, Ni Dahong finally got the opportunity to star in the TV series "Loaches Are Fish", and he will play a contract foreman. In order to deeply understand the hardships of such low-level people, he deliberately wore shoes two sizes smaller than his own size, and experienced their difficulties in this way.

What's even more remarkable is that in order to pursue the real feeling of suffocation before death, he did not hesitate to wrap his head tightly in a plastic bag, challenging his limits again and again.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

This dedication deeply impressed the director. The director commented that Ni Dahong is the most dedicated and attentive actor he has ever seen, and he can be called a "model worker". His role as a contractor is very good, making the audience deeply feel the sad life of struggling on the edge of poverty.

In 2006, Ni Dahong was discovered by a Bole director and successfully played the role of Imperial Doctor Jiang in the movie "The City is Full of Golden Armor", and proved his acting skills. In the same year, with the strong support of Chen Jianbin , he finally got the opportunity to perform in "Qiao's Courtyard", and won the Best Supporting Actor award that year for his outstanding performance.

In 2007, Ni Dahong played the role of Yan Song, a traitor who leaned towards the government and the opposition, in the historical drama "Ming Dynasty 1566" directed by Zhang Li. At first, the director expressed doubts about Ni Dahong's 47-year-old playing a role in his 80s.

But when Ni Dahong carefully put on makeup and auditioned, the director immediately applauded the case and decisively handed over this important role to him to interpret.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Ni Dahong portrayed Yan Song, a vicious and obedient traitor, vividly through meticulous eyes and gestures. He skillfully used the back of his ears and slightly trembling hands to show the character's demeanor vividly and vividly, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

The strength of an actor is not only determined by age and appearance, but more importantly, whether they are able to deeply understand and appreciate the role they play.

In the long journey of life, Ni Dahong has always pursued his dreams with a focused and dedicated attitude, and finally won wide praise in the film and television industry. In an interview, he once emphasized: "A really good actor must first impress the audience with sincerity."

His pious pursuit led him to move forward with determination despite numerous setbacks and difficulties, and finally reached the pinnacle of his life.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

With unremitting efforts and perseverance, Ni Dahong finally made his mark in the film and television industry and began to get more opportunities to act.

He successfully created the image of Sima Yi in "New Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and in "It's All Good", his role as Su Daqiang was controversial, but won praise from the audience.

Every time he plays a new role, Ni Dahong will devote himself to in-depth research. Whether it is a decent person or a villain, he can always portray the characters vividly and into the wood, which fascinates and moves the audience.

The good guy character he portrays makes people feel warm and affectionate, while the bad guy character he plays makes people grit their teeth with hatred.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

During the filming of "Wolf Warrior" in 2015, the gangster played by Ni Dahong was accidentally hit by a steel plate in a fierce fight scene, and his blood flowed, and his dedication and professionalism were admirable.

But he still stood there motionless until the end of the shoot when the crew found his injuries. When asked curiously, he replied with a smile: "An actor should devote himself to the role, even if it is a drop of blood, it should be taken for granted."

Ni Dahong also maintains a low-key and introverted style in daily life. As early as 1993, he entered the palace of marriage with the talented producer Ni Wei and had a daughter.

Although some have questioned that he can get so many opportunities, perhaps because of the influence of his wife Ni Ping. However, in fact, even when he was at the height of his difficulties and doubts, he never publicly revealed his kinship with Ni Ping.

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

He can succeed completely on his own strength.

Today, with his superb acting skills and pious enthusiasm for his career, Ni Dahong has become a banner in the Chinese film and television industry. Whether it is because of the high praise of the masters or the unanimous praise of the audience, he deservedly won the prestigious title of "actor".

Looking back on Ni Dahong's long life history, we can find that the fundamental reason why he has achieved brilliant achievements is that he has a strong desire for his dream and has the courage to pursue and realize it.

Although his path to success has not been smooth, he has never been stopped by difficulties. As he said: "There is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, as long as you stick to your beliefs and do not give up the pursuit, you will be able to break through many obstacles and move towards the pinnacle of life."

is not yet facial paralysis and has no appearance, why does this actor make people call him "actor"?

Ni Dahong used his own life experience to profoundly interpret the great power of ideals and dreams. His success story tells us that everyone should be brave enough to pursue their deepest dreams, as long as they have firm beliefs and hard work, they will one day be able to touch the other side of their ideals and create an extraordinary legend in life.

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