
How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

author:One Light Health Net
How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Summer is the season of strong yang energy, the temperature rises, the sunshine hours are extended, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, summer yang energy can have a strong impact on the body.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

For cancer patients, the summer yang energy has both potential advantages and possible disadvantages.

First, the advantage of strong yang in summer

Boosts immunity

In the middle of summer, the body's yang energy is not only reflected in the rise in temperature, but also in the improvement of the body's metabolic level and immune function.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Abundant sunlight can, and vitamin D plays an important role in boosting immune function and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

Moderate sun exposure can help, which has a positive impact on the treatment and recovery of cancer.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Boosts metabolism

The filling of yang energy will speed up blood circulation, thus. For cancer patients, this means that metabolic waste products and toxins from the lesion area can be excreted more quickly.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

At the same time, a good metabolic state helps patients maintain physical strength and improve nutrient absorption.

Improvement in mental state

Bright summer sunshine and a pleasant climate tend to bring a pleasant mood and a positive state of mind. Studies have shown that an optimistic mindset and positive emotions help:

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

The natural environment in summer makes it easier for patients to be exposed to outdoor activities such as walking, gardening, etc., which is also beneficial for psychological rehabilitation during the fight against cancer.

Eat a rich diet

Summer is the harvest season, and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables not only provide rich vitamins and minerals, but also contain a lot of antioxidants, which are substances.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Appropriate adjustment of dietary structure has a positive effect on improving the nutritional level and immune function of patients.

Second, the disadvantage of strong yang energy in summer

High physical exertion

High summer temperatures can cause cancer patients to sweat excessively and have fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Cancer patients are weak, and excessive sweating can exacerbate physical exertion, which may lead to dehydration and fatigue, affecting the smooth progress of the treatment process.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Therefore, it is very important to do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down.

Increased risk of infection

In summer, the risk of infection increases due to high temperatures and humidity, increased multiplication of bacteria and viruses, and complex environmental hygiene.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

In particular, immunocompromised patients receiving chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc., are more susceptible to the invasion of germs.

Burden on the digestive system

Hot climates can affect a person's appetite and digestive function. Some cancer patients may have poor appetite and loss of appetite due to the scorching heat, and the body's digestion and absorption function itself has been affected by the disease or treatment, and further reducing nutrient intake may affect the recovery process.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Therefore, the summer diet of cancer patients needs to be carefully regulated and follow the principles.

Medication and treatment effects

High temperatures can affect the preservation and potency of drugs, especially some anti-cancer drugs that require cold storage.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

In addition, some patients with radiotherapy and chemotherapy may experience adverse reactions such as aggravated skin reactions in hot weather, and the medical team needs to adjust the treatment plan according to the specific situation of the patient to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

In summer, the yang energy is vigorous, and for cancer patients, proper diet, work and rest, and exercise can better promote healing. Here are some suggestions from these three aspects.

1. Diet

Light to taste

In the hot summer weather, cancer patients should eat a light and easily digestible diet and avoid greasy and spicy foods. OK.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?


Sweating a lot in summer can easily cause dehydration, so pay attention to replenish enough water. Drink daily to maintain your body's water and electrolyte balance.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Ways should be taken to reduce the burden on the digestive system. , you can increase the number of meals per day and distribute nutrients reasonably.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Suitable food

It should be eaten more, such as bitter gourd, winter melon, watermelon, mung bean, etc. At the same time, the intake of quality is also very important, such as fish, soy products, eggs, etc.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Pay attention to food hygiene

In a high temperature and humidity environment, food is easy to spoil, so special should be taken to prevent gastrointestinal infection.

2. Work and rest

Go to bed early and wake up early

In summer, the day dawns early, and the work and rest time should be adjusted appropriately to ensure adequate sleep. Suggestion.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Lunch break

In the hot noon of summer, you can arrange a proper lunch break, which should not be too long, to maintain your mental state.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Avoid sun exposure and high temperatures

Avoid going out at noon when the sun is at its strongest, and if you need to go out, you should take sun protection measures, wear sun-protective clothing, use sunscreen, and bring parasols, hats, etc.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Keep the room well ventilated

Keep your living environment ventilated and cool, use air conditioners or fans, but be careful not to blow cold air directly in case you catch a cold or induce physical discomfort.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

3. Reasonable exercise

Gently and in moderation

Choose appropriate exercise methods according to your physical condition, and it is advisable to be relaxed and gentle, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, etc. It is advisable to control the exercise time.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Avoid periods of heat

Choose to exercise in the morning or evening when the weather is cooler, and avoid strenuous activities during hot periods to prevent heat stroke.

Pay attention to moderation

Exercise within your ability and avoid over-fatigue. If you feel unwell during exercise, you should stop immediately, rest and hydrate in time.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Combined with the natural environment

You can choose to exercise in green spaces, parks, and other places with fresh air, which not only enjoy the natural environment, but also help to relax the body and mind.


For cancer patients, the exuberant yang energy in summer brings both favorable conditions for recovery and some challenges.

  • In addition, it should be kept as light, moderate, rich in nutrients as possible, and pay attention to food hygiene;
  • In addition, it is necessary to go to bed early and get up early, arrange the lunch break reasonably, avoid exposure to the sun and high temperature environment, and keep the room cool and ventilated;
  • In the case, choose a moderate, gentle approach and avoid periods of heat.

Scientific and reasonable diet, rest and exercise can help cancer patients maintain a good physical condition, enhance immunity and accelerate the recovery process in the hot summer.

How to prevent recurrence and metastasis during the summer healing period?

Of course, each patient's specific situation is different, and the above recommendations need to be adjusted and implemented in conjunction with the doctor's individualized guidance. Through integrated life management, cancer patients can better cope with the special challenges of summer and promote overall health and recovery.


(Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet)