
In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

author:Joys and sorrows are self-sufficient, not seeking or delusional

In ancient times, consanguineous marriages seemed to be a commonplace. Whether it is the Chinese royal family or the European aristocracy, it is not uncommon for a cousin to marry a cousin or a cousin to marry a cousin. Although modern science tells us that consanguineous marriage can easily lead to genetic diseases and intellectual disability, there are few records of children with dementia in ancient times.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

What is the reason behind this phenomenon?

Let's walk into the long river of history and explore the mystery of the marriage of close relatives in ancient times.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Historical Background of Consanguineous Marriage

In ancient China, consanguineous marriage was a common phenomenon, especially among royal and aristocratic families.

This form of marriage is not only out of love or family considerations, but also for the deeper reason of the consolidation of power and the maintenance of family interests. In ancient Chinese royalty, consanguineous marriage was an important means of maintaining blood purity and consolidating imperial power. During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Han's mother, Wang Zhengjun, was the cousin of his father, Emperor Jing of Han. Such a marriage arrangement ensures the purity of the royal lineage, while also helping to strengthen the cohesion within the family.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Among ordinary people, consanguineous marriage is also a relatively common phenomenon.

The concept of kinship was widely accepted in the society at the time, and this form of marriage could strengthen the ties within the family and promote the economic and social stability of the family. In agrarian societies, close cooperation between family members is essential for sustaining livelihoods, and consanguineous marriages help to maintain the stability of this partnership.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

In Europe, consanguineous marriages were equally prevalent, especially among royalty and nobility.

Queen Victoria is a prime example of this, and her marriage policies and the health of her offspring are still talked about today. During the reign of Queen Victoria, she married her children to members of the royal families of European countries by marrying her daughters, so as to strengthen British diplomatic relations. This consanguineous marriage brought serious genetic problems, and several cases of hemophilia appeared in her offspring.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

The royal families of various European countries usually passed strict marriage laws that restricted the intermarriage between members of the royal family and commoners, in order to maintain the pure blood of the royal family. For example, the Habsburg dynasty in Spain used consanguineous marriages to keep the family blood pure, which led to serious genetic problems.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Historical case analysis

Wang Zhaojun is a famous "harmonious" princess in Chinese history, and her marriage story is widely circulated.

She was originally a court maid in the Han Dynasty, and because of her outstanding beauty, she was chosen by Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty to marry the leader of the Xiongnu in order to maintain peace between the Han and the Huns. Wang Zhaojun's marriage was not a consanguineous marriage in the traditional sense, but her story reveals an important feature of ancient marriage, which is that marriage is not only a personal matter, but also a tool of politics and diplomacy. She successively married several leaders of the Xiongnu and became the wife of three generations of grandparents, and this complicated marriage relationship was not uncommon at that time.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Lü Pheasant was the empress of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, and in order to consolidate her power, she did not hesitate to let her son Liu Ying marry her own niece.

The aim is to further strengthen the cohesion and concentration of power within the family through marriage. This arrangement of Lu Pheasant was not uncommon in the royal family at that time. In the ancient royal family, marriage was not only a personal choice, but also a reflection of family interests. Solidarity and power stability within the family can be ensured through a marriage arrangement.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Emperor Kangxi was one of the most famous Ming monarchs in Chinese history, and he had his first child when he was 12 years old.

Kangxi's early marriage did not bring good health problems for offspring. Many of his children died at a young age, which was closely related to the marriage customs and medical conditions of the time. Kangxi's early marriage reveals the concept of early marriage and many sons and blessings in the ancient royal family. This belief led to high mortality rates and health problems, but in the social context of the time, it was considered an important means of maintaining the stability of the royal family and the country.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Medical Drawbacks of Consanguineous Marriage

The biggest disadvantage of consanguineous marriage is the high incidence of genetic diseases.

Modern medical research has shown that consanguineous marriages can easily lead to the transmission and accumulation of genetic diseases, because close relatives share similar genes, which increases the risk of having the same genetic diseases. There are many types of genetic diseases that can result from consanguineous marriages, the most famous of which include hemophilia, thalassemia, etc. These diseases have been studied and understood in detail under modern medical conditions, but in ancient times, the occurrence of these diseases was often attributed to fate or the will of the gods.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Modern medical research on gene transmission has revealed the risks of consanguineous marriage. Due to the high genetic similarity between close relatives, the probability of recessive genes manifesting themselves in offspring is also greatly increased. This means that if both partners carry a certain recessive gene, the chances of their offspring developing the disease are significantly increased.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

The high incidence of hemophilia among Queen Victoria's descendants is a prime example of consanguineous marriage.

Hemophilia is a hereditary disease that is widespread among European royalty due to consanguineous marriages, leading to the early death or health problems of many princes and princesses. Many of Queen Victoria's children and grandchildren suffered from hemophilia, which not only affected their quality of life, but also had a profound impact on the political landscape of European royalty. The inheritance pattern of hemophilia is transmitted through the X chromosome, which means that male offspring have a higher probability of developing the disease, while women may become carriers.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Another problem caused by consanguineous marriage is the accumulation of genetic defects. Due to marital restrictions between members of the royal family, genetic diseases are constantly passed on and accumulate in families, leading to more and more health problems. This phenomenon is known in modern medicine as the "genetic bottleneck effect".

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Causes and Effects of Inbred Marriage in Ancient Times

The prevalence of consanguineous marriage in ancient times was not only due to the consideration of family interests, but also to the ideology and traditional concepts of the time.

In feudal society, marriage was often dominated by parents, and children's marital events were usually to serve the interests of the family. The idea of kinship was widely accepted at the time, believing that this form of marriage strengthened ties within the family and ensured prosperity and stability in the family.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Kinship is not only for the continuation of blood relations, but also for the economic and social status of the family. Through consanguineous marriage, the dispersion of family assets can be avoided and harmony and unity within the family can also be ensured. Under the guidance of this philosophy, consanguineous marriage has become a common phenomenon.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Although consanguineous marriages were common in ancient times, in most cases, people chose to marry distant cousins.

This form of marriage reduces the risk of genetic diseases to some extent because of the relatively low genetic similarity between distant relatives. Polygamy in ancient societies also reduced the risk of genetic diseases to some extent. Under polygamy, a man can marry more than one woman, and this marital structure can increase the genetic diversity of offspring and reduce the incidence of genetic diseases. Through polygamy, royal and aristocratic families can ensure the number of offspring, while also reducing the risk of genetic diseases by choosing a healthy mate.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Modern perspectives and legal provisions

In modern society, the restrictions on consanguineous marriages are very strict, and the law clearly stipulates that immediate family members and collateral relatives within three generations are not allowed to marry.

These laws are intended not only to protect the purity of the family lineage, but also to protect the health of future generations. Modern marriage laws prohibit marriages between immediate family members (e.g., parents and children, siblings) and collateral relatives (e.g., cousins, cousins) within three generations. These legal provisions help to reduce the incidence of genetic diseases and ensure the health of future generations.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

The emphasis on the freedom to marry in modern society has given people more autonomy in choosing their spouses. Marriage is no longer just about family interests, but is based on love and personal choice. This concept of free marriage has reduced the occurrence of consanguineous marriages to a certain extent.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

The development of modern science has led to a deeper understanding of genetic diseases. Genetic studies have revealed the risks of consanguineous marriages, making people more cautious in choosing a mate. This scientific knowledge has been widely disseminated in modern society, so that consanguineous marriage has gradually been abandoned in modern society.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple


From a historical point of view, consanguineous marriages have caused many problems for families and societies, especially the high incidence of genetic diseases. However, in the social context of the time, consanguineous marriage was seen as an important means of maintaining family interests and power. By reflecting on the historical lessons of the ancient consanguineous marriage, we can better understand the importance of the progress and scientific development of the modern marriage system.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Modern society emphasizes the importance of a healthy marriage, which is not only the union of two people, but also the responsibility for future generations. Through the scientific concept of marriage and the legal system, the occurrence of genetic diseases can be effectively reduced and the health and well-being of future generations can be protected. A healthy marriage is of great significance to both individuals and society and is an important hallmark of modern civilization.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

Cultural and scientific advances have had a profound impact on the concept of marriage. The freedom to marry, individual choice and the concept of genetic health in modern society are the result of cultural and scientific developments. Through reflection on history and scientific understanding, we can better grasp the future and build a healthier and more harmonious society.

In ancient times, "cousins marry cousins" was prevalent, why did children with dementia rarely be born? The reason is actually quite simple

What is your opinion on consanguineous marriage in ancient times?

How do you view the importance of freedom to marry and genetic health in modern society?

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