
May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

author:Mita Omura

Introduction: May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, keep in mind, no matter how busy you are, don't make taboos in 4 things!

Time flies very quickly, about to usher in the summer solstice solar terms, tomorrow June 20th, the 15th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, in traditional culture, this day is the "departure day", leaving the meaning of "leaving", which means that we have to say goodbye to the mangs, into the new solar terms, in order to spend the summer solstice more smoothly, the ancients usually have some attention on this day, May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is coming, keep in mind, no matter how busy, 4 things do not be taboo!

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

What is "Leaving the Sun"?

In traditional culture, "leaving the sun" refers to the day before the spring equinox, autumn equinox, summer solstice, and winter solstice, and these four days are called the "four departure days", and the day before the beginning of spring, summer, autumn, and winter is called "the absolute day". The ancients formulated these days as "leaving the sun" and "absolute day", which is actually in line with the laws of nature.

As the old traditional saying goes, "The day is worth all the time, and don't use it for big things", which shows that there are still some things that cannot be done on this day.

The ancients had the concept of special days as early as thousands of years ago, and the saying "leaving the sun" was mentioned in the "Jade Gate Sutra". "Those who leave, yin and yang are divided to the previous hour." The "equinox" here refers to the spring and autumn equinoxes, the "solstice" refers to the summer solstice and the winter solstice, and the "first day" means the day before. This interpretation coincides with the definition of the "four departure days".

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

What are the particulars of "leaving the sun"?

"Leaving the sun" represents the replacement of this solar term, so the magnetic field in nature still changes greatly, so in order to get through this day smoothly and smoothly enter the new solar term, there are some things that cannot be done.

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo! See what's there?

First things first: don't go far away

"Leaving the sun" is not far away on this day, "three miles away from home, don't be a rural style". The word "leave" often has a sad meaning, representing parting and goodbye, and we often say that "the road has a way back", even if you go out for a long time, you still hope to return home, but the meaning of the word "away" is not very good, so the ancients generally do not choose to go out on this day, otherwise the emotional rendering will be more sad.

Although it is convenient to travel now, people usually do not choose to travel on this day, after all, going far means that they may not see their families for a long time, and they will inevitably cry sadly, and the meaning of the word is not very good, and the atmosphere is heavier, so there is nothing urgent tomorrow, and it is best not to go far away.

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

The second thing: don't get married

"Leaving the day" is not married on this day. "Qin Se is in the palace, don't be quiet." Marriage is a major event in life, and it is also an extremely festive thing, so from ancient times to the present, people generally choose a day with a good meaning to get married, rather than a day full of sad emotions, the word "divorce" in the relationship between husband and wife, often makes people think of words such as "divorce", "centrifugation", "leaving", etc., which are contrary to the good expectations of marriage, so everyone will not choose to get married on this day.

If you have children, don't choose to do your life events tomorrow, the older generation usually finds it unlucky!

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

The third thing: don't lose your temper

Don't lose your temper on the day of "departure". There is a saying in "Zengguang Xianwen": "Endure the anger of the moment, so as not to worry about a hundred days." "The ancients believed that from the day of the summer solstice, the qi of heaven and earth gathered together, from a scientific point of view, in fact, the magnetic field fluctuations on this day will be relatively large, people will be more irritable by this influence, so there may be quarrels, on this day we had better spend it calmly, do not lose your temper at people, so as not to be unpleasant!

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

The fourth thing: avoid opening the window for ventilation

On the day of "leaving the sun", it is forbidden not to open the window for ventilation. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a cloud: "Although the atmosphere can give birth to all things, it can also harm all things." "On this day, the ancients felt that when the solar terms alternate, the temperature difference will change greatly, and people are more likely to get sick, in order to reduce this situation, they will generally open windows for ventilation, accelerate indoor air convection, and make the air fresh.

Especially if there are patients at home, it is necessary to pay more attention to opening windows for ventilation on weekdays, and discharge toxic exhaust gases in time, so as not to affect the health of other family members!

May 15 is the "departure day", the summer solstice is approaching, remember, no matter how busy you are, 4 things don't be taboo

While these traditions may sound superstitious, in the eyes of the ancients, they were the key to a smooth day, so we should also look at them with an understanding mindset! Of course, the ancients are not necessarily superstitions, but also have merits, so we might as well try to do it on this day, smoothly enter the summer solstice, and wish everyone a healthy summer!
