
Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

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Copywriting丨Xiao Er

Editor丨Xiao Er

Some people on the Internet said that Jiang Ping was suspected of fraud.

Her preliminary round is an open-book online exam, and her teacher Wang Yanqiu has a suspected cheating record, and her usual secondary school mathematics scores are average, such as 83 and 51 points in the monthly mathematics exam, but a month later, she won 12th place in the global mathematics competition.

The Damo Academy denied the follow-up test, and the competition system had cheating conditions.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

Jiang Ping's situation is full of elements, and there have been junior high school students with good grades but few reports before.

Most of the doubts in the industry are in the reasonable category, Jiang Ping does not need to prove himself, and the follow-up normal play can eliminate doubts, the news has been reported by the central media and is highly popular.

As an open-book online exam, the possibility of cheating seems to be in the spotlight.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

In addition, Jiang Ping's usual mathematics scores in secondary school are not outstanding, and some teachers have even been exposed for cheating, which makes her grades improve extremely rapidly and unbelievably.

What's more coincidental is that her teacher Wang Yanqiu shared the same score with his girlfriend in the early competition last year, and this series of coincidental events undoubtedly intensified the public's doubts.

In the eyes of industry professionals, these doubts may be within the scope of reasonableness.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

After all, the fierceness of the math competition is obvious to all, and every participant is an elite who has been tempered thousands of times.

Jiang Ping's ability to stand out in such a competition is enough to prove her strength and potential.

What's more, for a 17-year-old girl, the pure dreams and spirit of working hard for her interests are even more commendable.

As some education experts have said, real education reform is not achieved overnight, but needs to give children more choices and teach them according to their aptitude, so that each child can thrive on the path that suits them.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

Jiang Ping's story is not only a victory in a competition, but also a profound revelation about dreams, hard work and the power of self-learning.

She showed us the power of pure dreams.

In this era of increasingly utilitarianism, Jiang Ping can stick to her interests and hobbies without external interference, and this spirit is worth learning from each of us.

Her dream is not to win competitions and win honors, but to love and pursue mathematics.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

This kind of pure dream allows us to see the spiritual outlook and value pursuit that teenagers should have.

Jiang Ping's self-study path has also brought us profound enlightenment.

In this era of information explosion, the abundance of learning resources is unprecedented.

How to make effective use of these resources has become a major problem in front of us.

Through self-study, Jiang Ping has not only achieved excellent results in the field of mathematics, but also showed the possible development trend of education in the future.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

As some futurists have said, the future of education will pay more attention to the cultivation of students' self-directed learning ability and innovative thinking ability.

And Jiang Ping is such a leader with independent learning ability and innovative thinking ability.

The pure teacher-student friendship between Jiang Ping and teacher Wang Yanqiu also made us feel the warmth and power of education.

In the fiercely competitive mathematics competition, they supported each other and made progress together, not only winning the competition, but also gaining a deep friendship between teachers and students.

This pure teacher-student friendship allows us to see the best side of education: teachers and students grow together and achieve each other.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

In the face of doubts and pressure from the outside world, Jiang Ping did not choose to escape or retreat.

She firmly believes in her strength and potential, and has proved her value with practical actions.

After the Damo Academy responded that Jiang Ping was not subject to a follow-up test and denied that she had asked to answer the question again, she stepped towards the stage of the rematch with a more determined pace.

This kind of perseverance and courage to move forward is undoubtedly something that each and every one of us should learn from.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

Of course, Jiang Ping's story also triggers a deep reflection on education reform and talent selection.

Under the current education system, are we giving children enough choices? Is it really a student-sized student? These questions deserve deep consideration by each and every one of us.

We should also give more support and encouragement to outstanding students like Jiang Ping to help them achieve their dreams and goals.

Let's look forward to Jiang Ping's wonderful performance in the semifinals.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

She has already proved her love and potential for mathematics with her hard work and strength, and there is no need to prove herself with medals anymore.

We believe that in the future, she will continue to uphold the pure dream and self-learning spirit to bring us more surprises and inspirations.

In Jiang Ping's story, we not only see a young man's talent and efforts in the field of mathematics, but also the kind of persistence and pursuit of dreams that she exudes.

This spirit not only inspires herself, but also infects everyone who cares about her.

Jiang Ping's story tells us that success is not accidental, it requires hard sweat and unremitting efforts.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

In this process, we may encounter setbacks and difficulties, but as long as we maintain our love and pursuit of our dreams, we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve our goals.

Jiang Ping's story also shows us the power of education.

In an era of holistic development, we should give children more choices and allow them to develop freely in their areas of interest.

Only in this way can we truly cultivate talents with innovative spirit and practical ability to contribute to the development of society.

In addition, Jiang Ping's story also makes us think about the fairness of education.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

In today's society, the uneven distribution of educational resources is still an urgent problem to be solved.

We should strive to break this imbalance so that every child can enjoy high-quality educational resources and realize their dreams.

In the days to come, let us hope that Jiang Ping can continue to achieve more excellent results in the field of mathematics, and at the same time, hope that she can maintain her love and pursuit of her dreams and add more color to her life path.

We also hope that the whole society can give more attention and support to outstanding students like Jiang Ping, so that they can be more determined and confident on the road to pursuing their dreams.

Jiang Ping cheating? The more you pick it up, the more you have? The bullet has reached the dermis, and the Ali frame is roasted on the fire

Because in this era full of challenges and opportunities, everyone with dreams deserves to be respected and encouraged.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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