
Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

author:Zhen Entertainment

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Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

Text: Zhen Entertainment

Edited by Zhen Entertainment

This time, our rich second-generation Wang Sicong has become the focus of the entertainment industry, what's going on?

It turned out that his ex-girlfriend Huang Yiming suddenly jumped out and said that the two of them had an illegitimate daughter!

Wow, as soon as this news came out, it was like throwing a big bomb, and it blew up the curiosity of netizens in an instant!

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

This Young Master Wang is not an ordinary person, he immediately stood up when he heard this, and retorted so neatly that Huang Yiming was hype. Oh, these two people come and go, and the eyes of the people who eat melons are straight, and this melon is really delicious!

But it's not that simple. Wang Sicong's father, Wang Jianlin, is a big man in the business world, and as soon as this incident came out, he was also pushed to the forefront.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

This old man is also very decisive, and directly said that he would do a paternity test, looking at this posture, if there is really such a granddaughter, he will take it home in person.

Wang Jianlin's attitude is really vigorous and resolute, and there is no ambiguity at all.

He said that if the child was really theirs, then he would have to take responsibility and give the child the best care.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

This old man is really responsible, everyone praised it after seeing it, and felt that this was what it was like to be an elder.

But it's not that simple. Huang Yiming also had a tough attitude, she said that she didn't want to be a rich wife, she could earn child support by herself, and Wang Sicong, the father, had to be responsible. This matter is really getting bigger and bigger, and netizens are speculating about who this child is and how it will develop in the future.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

Among the legends in the business world, Wang Jianlin is undoubtedly a heavyweight. As the founder of Wanda Group, his business empire spans multiple sectors and is highly successful. However, in the continuation of the family bloodline, Wang Jianlin also showed his unique thinking and attitude.

Although Wang Jianlin has not publicly and clearly expressed his requirements for bloodline, we can get a glimpse of some of his actions and remarks.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

As a successful entrepreneur, Wang Jianlin understands the importance of the inheritance of the family business and the continuation of the family bloodline. Therefore, his expectations for family members are not only limited to business talents, but also value morality, a sense of responsibility and family honor.

In terms of his attitude towards his granddaughter, Wang Jianlin showed strong family feelings. According to recent media reports, Wang Jianlin expressed great joy and anticipation for the birth of his granddaughter "Wang Shanshan".

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

This little girl is the suspected daughter of Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong, and Huang Yiming has publicly claimed that he has sufficient evidence to prove that Shining is Wang Sicong's daughter. Although Wang Sicong himself did not respond directly to this matter, Wang Jianlin, as the elder of the family, showed a high acceptance and expectation for the arrival of his granddaughter.

From Wang Jianlin's attitude, we can see that he cherishes and attaches importance to the family bloodline. He knows that the inheritance of the family is not only the accumulation of wealth, but also the inheritance of the family culture and family spirit. Therefore, for the arrival of his granddaughter, he is more looking forward to and blessings, hoping that she can grow up healthy and happy, and inject new vitality and hope into the future of the family.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

Wang Sicong, as Wang Jianlin's son, has always been the focus of public attention. His words and deeds often become a hot topic of discussion among the media and netizens. However, in the face of Huang Yiming's mother and daughter, Wang Sicong's attitude seemed a little complicated and subtle.

According to recent news reports, Wang Sicong clarified the rumors of himself and Huang Yiming's mother and daughter on a live broadcast platform, emphasizing that he has no relationship with them. This statement quickly aroused the attention and discussion of netizens.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

Not long after Huang Yiming publicly declared that the child was Wang Sicong, Wang Sicong flew to Japan to visit the mother and baby store, which was interpreted as a tacit acquiescence to Huang Yiming's statement. This ambivalent attitude has caused the outside world to have more speculation and doubts about Wang Sicong's true thoughts.

However, no matter what Wang Sicong's true attitude towards Huang Yiming's mother and daughter is, as a public figure, he needs to bear some responsibility for his words and deeds.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

In the face of such rumors, he chose to clarify and call on netizens to look at it rationally, which in itself is a positive attitude. But at the same time, he also needs to express his position and attitude more clearly and firmly, so as to avoid causing more misunderstandings and speculation to the outside world.

Huang Yiming, as another protagonist in this incident, has also attracted much attention for her choices and decisions. According to Huang Yiming herself, she chose to give birth not out of the mentality of escaping responsibility, but because she knew that she only had one chance to give birth and did not want to miss the precious opportunity to become a mother. At the same time, she also said that she has been working hard to earn money to ensure that she can raise her children self-sufficiently.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

From Huang Yiming's statement, we can see her responsibility and responsibility as a mother. She did not choose to run away or give up because of the arrival of her child, but bravely faced and took on her responsibilities. This spirit deserves our admiration and affirmation.

However, as a single mother, Huang Yiming also faces great pressure and challenges. She needs to take on the responsibility of raising her children alone, and at the same time, she also needs to face pressure and doubts from society and public opinion. In this case, she needs to be stronger and brave to create a healthy and happy environment for her children to grow up.

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

From Huang Yiming's mental journey, we can see a mother's selfless love and sense of responsibility for her children. Her actions proved the greatness and selflessness of maternal love, and also made us pay more attention to and support the rights and interests of single-parent families and mothers.

You see, there is a lot of gossip in this entertainment industry, and a little wind and grass can make a storm in the city.

This illegitimate daughter incident of Wang Sicong and Huang Yiming really makes people can't help but want to continue eating melons!

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

Everyone wants to know what the final result will be, if there will really be an illegitimate daughter coming out?

Also, will this Huang Yiming come up with any evidence to prove what he said? How will Wang Sicong deal with this situation? Can this old man Wang Jianlin really take the child home and give her the best care?

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

These questions are like a bunch of question marks hanging in our hearts, and we can't wait to see the final result.

So, let's continue to squat and see how the melons in the entertainment industry can develop! After all, it's even more exciting than a TV series!

Abandoning a mother and leaving a child? Wang Jianlin wanted to abandon his mother and keep his son, and Huang Yiming's dream of a wealthy family was shattered

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