
What level is Yu Qi, who has diplomatic immunity?

author:Achu experience

What level is Yu Qi, who has diplomatic immunity?

What level is Yu Qi, who has diplomatic immunity?

Review of the matter: A recent video of illegal parking caused everyone's strong concern, a Volkswagen car with an embassy license plate illegally parked in the middle of the road, causing road congestion, the driver of the rear car was extremely dissatisfied and got out of the car to discuss the explanation with the people on the illegal parked vehicle, and the lady on the illegal parking vehicle had a more arrogant attitude, and said amazingly, asking "I really told you, do you know what an embassy car is?" Do you know what diplomatic immunity is? Fuck off". Such overriding statements have caused an uproar on the Internet, because an estimated 90 percent of the Internet users do not know what diplomatic immunity is. So everyone is looking for answers.

Follow-up: The identity of the lady on the illegally parked vehicle was confirmed, Yu Qi, Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization. As her identity information was exposed, Ms. Yu Qi finally couldn't resist the pressure of public opinion, and specially recorded a video to apologize for her inappropriate remarks and say that she would reflect on her mistakes. Although some netizens did not buy it and said that the tone of apology was insincere, the official did not announce the results of the handling of this matter, and it seems that it is going to pass like this.

What level is Yu Qi, who has diplomatic immunity?

So many people ask, what level is Ms. Yu and does she really have diplomatic immunity?

Founded in Beijing on December 16, 2008, Ms. Yu is a non-profit intergovernmental international cooperation organization with eight full member states and several informal member states, with the aim of strengthening cooperation among Asia-Pacific countries in outer space, developing and utilizing space resources, cultivating technical talents, and promoting the economic development of all countries. The top person is the Chairman of the Council, while Ms. Yu serves as Secretary-General.

Generally speaking, the staff of international organizations are divided into three categories, senior officials (D level), professional staff (P level), and General Service personnel (G level), senior officials are generally selected by various countries, and a very small number of them are hired worldwide or among member states, and have positions and corresponding levels during the term of office of international organizations, and have corresponding rights, responsibilities and status in the positions they serve, but these are different from the cadre personnel systems of member states and are not compatible with each other. Therefore, the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization should have its own set of personnel organization system, and Ms. Yu holds the post of secretary general, although she is not the person in charge, but obviously belongs to the sequence of senior officials, so she has a certain identity and status.

There is also another way of saying that Ms. Yu was the deputy director of the First Department of Systems Engineering of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the deputy director of the Systems Engineering Department of the China National Space Administration, and the deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation of the China National Space Administration before serving as an official of international organizations. According to the position title habits of domestic cadres, the China National Space Administration is a department-level organization, and a deputy director of its subordinate unit should be a deputy director-level leader, so it is also believed that Ms. Yu is a deputy director-level or department-level official.

What level is Yu Qi, who has diplomatic immunity?

In any case, as a senior cadre of a regional international organization, Ms. Yu's status is indeed special, just like the officials of the United Nations, from all over the world, and then grouped together, it is indeed difficult to be supervised like public officials in specific countries, although international organizations also have their own regulatory departments, but because officials come from different countries and there are differences between regions, it is generally difficult for officials of international organizations to be punished in time for violations of discipline. However, while the rights and interests of officials of international organizations are protected, some of them have a special right such as diplomatic immunity. However, it is also subject to the territorial management of the host country and still needs to comply with local laws and regulations. For example, Ms. Yu's traffic violation this time, although she was riding in an embassy vehicle, will still be punished by the traffic management department. Therefore, diplomatic immunity could not save Ms. Yu.

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