
In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

author:Historical Science

Source: CNKI

The Battle of Guandu is one of the battles in ancient times in the mainland where less won more, and the story of Guan Yu beheading Yan Liang and Wen Chou was passed down by the common people as a good story, and the popularity is not inferior to the current Internet celebrities telling jokes.

This battle was not only a great reversal of the strength of the Yuan and Cao families, but also an important step in the transformation of northern China from division to reunification.

This battle also determined the future direction of the history of the Three Kingdoms.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

1. Background: The collision of the two giants

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the heroes rose together, and the princes from all walks of life were fighting for territory and resources, and the whole world was surging and undercurrents surging.

In the turbulent situation, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao finally stood out and became the figures who dominated the world.

Cao Cao served as the "police chief" of Luoyang City when he was young, but after all, he was burdened with the burden of eunuchs and was always looked down upon by the scholars.

In the crusade against Dong Zhuo, he started as a chariot cavalry captain, incorporated the Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou, and gradually controlled Yan, Henan, Xuzhou and other large areas south of the Yellow River. He held the "trump card" of the Son of Heaven, and finally counterattacked into a prince.

And Yuan Shao was born in a famous family, and the family background of the fourth and third princes is staggering. After destroying Gongsun Zhan, he sat in the four states of Hebei, and his soldiers were strong and strong, and he was recognized as the most beautiful boy in the world at that time.

These two are one south and one north, each dominating one side, and they can be regarded as peaceful. But the world is Cao Cao's and Yuan Shao's, and it is always full of variables.

Yuan Shaoke is an arrogant character, he can't stand Cao Cao's style of "coercing the Son of Heaven to order the princes", although he has thousands of generals and tens of thousands of soldiers. But the imperial court has to look at Cao Cao's face to make a general.

Now after Cao Cao killed Lü Bu and Zhenggu, he obtained Hanoi County, and has extended his hand to the north of the Yellow River.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

Shi can be tolerated, who is unbearable.

What's more, Cao Cao's little men, Yuan Shao didn't pay attention to it at all, so Yuan Shao gathered an army of 110,000 and killed Cao Cao mightily.

However, although Yuan Shao is numerous, Cao Cao is not a vegetarian to survive to this day. With his extraordinary resourcefulness and courage, he managed to beat this seemingly one-sided battle into suspense and ups and downs.

2. Behind the scenes: think tanks collide

Behind the collision of giants is often a contest of think tanks.

Although Cao Cao's reputation as a military strategist and politician is not in vain, and he has long seen through Yuan Shaozhi's weakness and is ready to go out to meet the enemy.

But in the face of an enemy five times his size, and looking at the 20,000 horses in his hands, it is a bit reluctant to say that he is not intimidated.

At this time, Xun Yu stood up, this wise man who was praised by Cao Cao as "my son's room", knew that Yuan Shao was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and he was suspicious of people, and could not give full play to the talents of his subordinates.

He strongly persuaded Cao Cao: "The public has a degree of victory, a victory, a martial victory, and a virtue victory can win against Yuan Shao, and the four victories will assist the Son of Heaven, and support the righteous expedition, who dares not to obey!" Shao Zhiqiang, how can it be"

And Guo Jia, who didn't have the opportunity to wrestle with Zhuge Liang, was even more blunt: "Yuan Shao has ten defeats, and the public has ten victories, although Yuan Shao is strong, he can't do anything." He listed Yuan Shao's weaknesses one by one, as well as Cao Cao's strengths, which greatly increased Cao Cao's confidence.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

At the same time, Yuan Shao also has masters like Tian Feng and Fu Zhi.

But it's a pity that Yuan Shao is arrogant and often doesn't listen to advice.

Tian Feng once bitterly advised Yuan Shao not to rush to send troops, but to take advantage of the vast territory and strong troops to fight steadily. But where can Yuan Shao listen, he thinks that he has a large number of soldiers, and he can decide the victory in one battle.

Fu Zhu also put forward the strategy of "three years of fatigue", suggesting that he should use superior forces to divide his troops to harass Cao Cao in multiple ways and make him exhausted.

Hesitating for a second is disrespectful to one's own troops.

Therefore, under the influence of Guo Tu and the trial, Yuan Shao only wanted a quick solution and ignored these suggestions.

3. Expedition: Yuan Shao's army pressed the border

In 199 AD, when Cao Cao was deploying to fight against Yuan Shao, Liu Bei took the opportunity to raise troops against Cao in Xuzhou, and in February of the following year, Cao Cao personally led his elite troops to attack Liu Bei in the east.

When Cao and Liu were fighting fiercely, Yuan Shao's chief of staff Tian Feng suggested that Yuan Shao "Let's go and copy Lao Cao's back road", but Yuan Shao refused on the grounds that "my youngest son is sick and not in the mood".

Cao Cao quickly occupied Peixian, turned to attack Xiapi, and forced Guan Yu. Liu Bei's entire army was defeated. fled to Hebei alone and defected to Liu Bei of Yuan Shao. not only with the edict of Emperor Han Xian. also sent Yuan Shao a reason to go to war.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

The army does not produce an unknown army. In order to create momentum, Yuan Shao ordered the talented Chen Lin to write an essay against Cao.

Chen Lin is talented, her pen is full of flowers, and an essay is written impassionedly, painfully Chen Cao Cao's various crimes, and calls on the heroes of the world to fight against Cao Cao's thieves.

Although the Kwantung princes expressed their stance that they would neither help Cao nor Yuan, this article was widely circulated in the rivers and lakes, and they still watched Cao Cao's joke very happily.

It is recorded in the "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms": "Lin made a tree, grass was formed, and it was presented to Taizu." The ancestor suffered from the wind, and it was a day of illness, and he read what Lin did, and suddenly he got up, saying: 'This heals me of my illness.' ”

It can be seen that Chen Lin's writing is sharp, and Cao Cao was moved by the crusade against the text, and praised again and again, "You kid scolded me so refreshed, and my head didn't hurt anymore." ”

Yuan Shao saw that the time was ripe and decided to personally lead the army to the battle.

He ordered Yan Liang and Wen Chou to be the vanguard, and Yuan Shao personally led the main force to follow, intending to defeat Cao Cao in one fell swoop. The entire Hebei army was mighty and imposing, as if it was going to completely destroy Cao Cao's forces.

Although facing Yuan Shao's strong military pressure, Cao Cao was not frightened at all even if he had just cleaned up Liu Bei's tired troops, and still dealt with it calmly. He dispatched troops, divided troops to guard the Yellow River crossing, and personally led troops to confront Yuan Shao at Guandu.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

Fourth, the first battle: the battle of Baima Yanjin

In February, before the spring breeze arrived, Yuan Shao had already personally led the army and rushed to Liyang in a hurry.

The first battle is a decisive battle, and the first battle is decided.

Yuan Shao sent the generals Guo Tu, Chun Yuqiong, and the brave Yan Liang to attack Baima, with the goal of getting Liu Yan, the Taishou of Dongjun, to control the key positions on the south bank of the Yellow River and open the way for the subsequent main force to cross the river.

However, where is Cao Cao a lamb to be slaughtered. In April, in order to grasp the initiative in the war, Cao Cao also personally led his troops north to relieve the siege of Baima.

At this time, Xun You in his think tank proposed a clever plan: to attack the east and the west.

By crossing the river in disguise, he attacked Yuan Shao's rear, forced Yuan Shao to divide his troops into Yanjin, and then quickly attacked Yan Liang's troops with light cavalry.

After Yuan Shao learned the news that Cao Cao might cross the river to attack the rear, he really ordered Guo Tu and Chun Yuqiong to lead the army to advance west to Yanjin to deal with the possible threat.

However, this is exactly what Cao Cao expected. He immediately seized this opportunity, with Zhang Liao and Guan Yu as the forwards, and quickly attacked Yan Liang.

In this fierce battle, Guan Yu showed extraordinary martial arts.

He rode his horse and rushed into the enemy's formation, "Yu Wang saw the good man, rode the horse to spur the good in the crowd, and beheaded him." The generals of the Yuan army were unstoppable, the Yuan army was defeated, and the siege of the White Horse was lifted.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

However, it was still early before the champagne was opened, because the war did not end there.

A general in vain, where is Yuan Shao willing to give up? In a fit of rage, he personally went down and led his army across the river to pursue Cao Cao.

Finally in Yanjin South, he bit Cao Cao. Wen Chou and Liu Bei led five or six thousand elite cavalry, plus a large fleet of infantry, and pursued Cao Cao's less than 600 cavalry.

The weight of the war has completely tilted towards Yuan Shao's side.

But Cao Cao once again showed the demeanor of a military strategist. He ordered the soldiers to unsaddle their horses, let go of their horses, and deliberately threw some baggage all over the ground to lure Yuan Jun to pick up the bargains.

Yuan Shao's army saw the treasures all over the ground and dismounted to scramble.

In the chaos, Cao Cao suddenly ordered an attack, Xu Huang and others turned on their horses, rushed directly to the enemy army in the chaos, and after killing Wen Chou (Wen Chou was killed by the rebellious army, not Guan Yu) Cao Jun successfully retreated to Guandu.

After this battle, Yuan Shao estimated that he would cry and faint in the toilet, Yan Liang and Wen Chou were gone, and the morale of the army also plummeted.

And Cao Cao not only counterattacked and won this key battle, but also saved a lot of chances for the later battle of Guandu.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

5. Confrontation: Guandu's persistence

Although Yuan Jun didn't fight well at the beginning, Yuan Shao's family background is still quite thick. There are many soldiers, sufficient food, and compared with Cao Cao's equipment and financial resources, he still holds a pair of "king bombs".

However, this battle is not only about the size of the cards, but also about IQ and strategy.

At this time, Fu Zhu came to beat the side drum for Yuan Shao again: "Although there are many soldiers in Hebei, they are not as brave as Henan; Although Henan is rich, its grain, grass and military goods are not as good as Hebei. Therefore, we should take a protracted war and slowly wear down Cao's army. ”

It's a pity that Yuan Shao, the "stupid son of the landlord's family", still can't listen.

In a blink of an eye, it was July, and Yuan Shao led the army to kill Xiangyangwu, preparing to go all the way south to take Xudu.

In August, the main force of Yuan's army flocked to Guandu like a tide, camped on the sand, and fought with Cao's army. Cao Jun attacked several times, but always suffered losses, so he had to retreat to the camp and grit his teeth and hold on.

But Cao Cao is clearly a stubborn Xiaoqiang and will not admit defeat.

He ordered the manufacture of a stone-throwing device called the "Thunderbolt" to deal with all kinds of disobedience. Yuan Shao's observation tower was papier-mâché in front of the thunderbolt car, and it was smashed one by one.

Yuan Jun thought about digging a tunnel to sneak attack again, but Cao Jun had already dug a big pit and waited for them to jump, and Yuan Jun's strategy was all in vain.

In this way, you spent three months back and forth, and Cao Cao's situation became more and more suspenseful. There are not enough soldiers, food is scarce, and the soldiers are as tired as dogs; The rear is still unstable, and on Xuchang's side, many courtiers secretly talk to Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao wants to retreat and return to Xudu.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

However, Xun Yu's reply letter was like timely rain, which made Cao Cao regain his confidence:

Yuan Shao gathered the main force in Guandu, wanting to fight the public victory. This is the key to determining the general trend of the world. Back then, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were between Xingyang and Chenggao, who was willing to take a step back first?

Now it has been half a year since Yuan Shao could not move forward because of the fact that he was holding one as ten. The situation is clear, there is no room for manoeuvre, and a major change will soon take place. ”

Sixth, the surprise attack on the black nest

The confrontation is not just a mouthpiece, compared to the murderous spirit in the eyes, and in the end, it is a fight for consumption.

Xun Yu said the truth, Cao Cao understands, take a step back, and there is no place to die, but he looks at Yuan Shao's continuous transportation of military rations from Hebei, and the perseverance of Guandu on the waterside every day is a torment for Cao Jun.

In the face of the crisis, Xun You came up with the idea of dividing his troops to attack Yuan Shao's grain road, and Cao Cao sent Xu Huang and Shi Jian to burn more than 1,000 grain trucks escorted by Han Meng, which made Cao Jun angry.

But in October, Yuan Shao asked Chun Yuqiong to lead more than 10,000 troops to escort more grain and grass across the river, stationed in the area of Wuchao and Gushi in the north of Yuan Shao's camp.

Therefore, Yuan Shao is not afraid of hard consumption here in Guandu, fighting logistics, and mobilization.

It's just that Yuan Shao made a fatal mistake. Chun Yuqiong's army transporting grain in Wuchao is a lone army without foreign aid.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

However, Cao Cao did not know about this news, he only knew that his army had lasted from mid-September to October, and it was on the verge of collapse, and he had run out of calculations.

But it seems that God has seen Xun Yu and Cao Cao's determination, and at this moment, Cao Cao sent a person. This person is none other than Xu You, an important advisor under Yuan Shao.

Xu You betrayed Yuan Shao because he was ostracized by the trial. Xu You, who knew the military situation, suggested that Cao Cao make a surprise attack on Wuchao with light troops.

When Cao Cao heard this, he personally led 5,000 cavalry to attack the black nest. In the Battle of Wuchao, Cao's army broke Yuan's army, beheaded Chun Yuqiong and other generals and burned all the grain and grass. After Zhang He and Gao Ran heard that the black nest was broken, they also surrendered to Cao Cao.

This battle completely turned the tide of the war, causing Yuan's army to waver, internal division, and the collapse of the army. In the end, Yuan Shao retreated to Hebei with 800 cavalry.

The Cao army successively annihilated and killed more than 70,000 or 80,000 Yuan troops.

After the war, Cao Cao captured Fu Zhu alive. Although Cao Cao pardoned and treated him favorably at first, he wanted to return to Yuan Shao's side, but was killed by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao also dug out some letters written by the minister of Xudu to Yuan Shao in Yuan Shao's camp, but he directly burned them, which can be regarded as appeasing people's hearts.

At this point, the Battle of Guandu ended with Cao Cao's complete victory and Yuan Shao's complete defeat.

Not only did Cao Cao's strength increase greatly, but also laid a solid foundation for him to unify the north.

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?


In war, the number of people is not the only factor that determines victory or defeat, and the contest between wit and courage is also the last word. The Battle of Guandu is proof of this.

Although Cao Cao only had 20,000 men, he successfully counterattacked Yuan Shao's 110,000 army with exquisite tactics and extraordinary courage. thought it was Yuan Shao's crushing game, but it turned out to be Lao Cao's personal show stage.

In this contest, Cao Cao is worthy of the "God of Counterattack", while Yuan Shao, on the other hand, has unsurprisingly become a "tragic hero".

So, don't believe too much in everything that is sure of everything, and don't always think that you can definitely win, you must do it, not only history is always full of drama. Things are always full of unexpected turns.

For we are those who stand on the earth, not gods who fly in heaven.


CNKI, "Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's Way of Employing People from the Battle of Guandu", Wu Guolian

CNKI, "Modeling and Analysis to Distinguish the Battle of Guandu "Winning More with Less"" Shao Peng, Yu Yongyang

In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?
In the battle of Guandu in the official history, Cao Cao only had 20,000 soldiers, how did he defeat Yuan Shao's 110,000 army in one fell swoop?

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