
Wang Bingbing, Wu Dajing and others have new identities

author:Auspicious News

According to Jilin Daily, on June 15, the Propaganda Department of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and the Cyberspace Administration of the Provincial Party Committee held a symposium on Internet celebrities in Jilin Province in the Changbai Mountain Protection and Development Zone.

At the meeting, the first batch of "Jilin Province Internet Civilization Ambassadors" letters were issued to 5 people, including Li Yugang, Wang Bingbing, Wu Dajing, Bai Xiaobai, and Jiang Xunqian, and the first batch of "Jilin Province Positive Energy Network Celebrities" certificates were issued to 12 people, including Liu Ying and Dong Zheng.

Wang Bingbing, Wu Dajing and others have new identities
Wang Bingbing, Wu Dajing and others have new identities

Jilin has been building an online celebrity cultural tourism economy.

In November 2023, the Jilin Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued the "Eighteen Measures to Increase Cultural Tourism Consumption". It is mentioned that it is necessary to build a new type of cultural and tourism consumption cluster, create a new space for cultural and tourism consumption, upgrade a number of tourism and leisure blocks, launch a number of night culture and tourism consumption clusters, and create a nationally renowned Internet celebrity check-in place.

At the same time, it is also necessary to increase the publicity of cultural tourism. Use mainstream media, new media platforms and other carriers to increase the publicity and promotion of resources such as summer recreation, ice and snow in Jilin Province.

Now, Jilin has a lot of popular cultural tourism IPs.

"This Mountain" is a cultural and tourism commercial complex, although it is located in the core area of the city, but taking advantage of the hillside caves, the uphill road will be built into a unique blue brick steps, pavilions and pavilions in Jiangnan Town. In the first quarter of this year, sales increased by more than 20% compared to the same period last year. During the Qingming holiday, the daily passenger flow of "This Mountain" reached more than 40,000 people.

Yanbian's "Internet Celebrity Wall" faces Yanbian University across the street, and its unique Chinese-Korean bilingual neon plaque attracts many tourists to check in.

Meihekou used to be a resource-exhausted city, but now it is now an "Internet celebrity" point for boating on Hailong Lake in spring, visiting the city that never sleeps in Northeast China, and "looking for the old" in Zhibei Village in autumn.

G331 National Highway is known as "China's most beautiful border", starting from Dandong, Liaoning, across Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, and directly to Altay, Xinjiang, with a total length of more than 9,300 kilometers.

Among them, the G331 is 1438.7 kilometers long in the Jilin section, passing through "one mountain, two rivers and five cities" on the way. One mountain refers to Changbai Mountain, two water refers to the Yalu River and Tumen River, and the five cities are Ji'an, Linjiang, Changbai County, Tumen and Hunchun, all the way with unlimited natural scenery and rich cultural landscape.

Behind the popularity of these Internet celebrities, there are many Internet celebrities to help.

For example, in 2023, many celebrities and Internet experts such as Yu Minhong, Lin Gengxin, Jin Runji, Dongfang Selection Duntun and @woolyue, have successively checked in on the "Internet Celebrity Wall" in Yanbian, and the photos and videos taken have been spread on the Internet, which has greatly increased the popularity of Yanji's Internet celebrity barrage wall and attracted a large number of fans and tourists to check in.

From June 13 to 16 this year, the Jilin Provincial Tourism Development Conference was held.

As a supporting activity of the conference, Internet celebrities inside and outside Jilin Province set up two self-driving tour teams, starting from Ji'an City and Hunchun City respectively, and starting a self-driving journey along G331 National Highway.

On June 15, at the end of the self-driving activity and the venue of the Tourism Development Conference, Changbai Mountain, the online theme activity sharing salon of "Going to the Secret Land of the Jilin Line and Seeing the Auspicious Jilin" was held. The experts who participated in the self-driving activity shared the beautiful scenery and food of the G331 Jilin section in the form of "video + narration".

Wang Bingbing, Wu Dajing and others have new identities

As the host of the salon, CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing and short track speed skater Wu Dajing introduced Jilin:

"Guys, are you feeling particularly hot lately? The average temperature in Jilin is only 22 degrees in the summer, so let's come to Jilin in summer! Wang Bingbing said.

"The summer temperature of 22 degrees here is suitable, there are delicious pot wrapped meat, barbecue, Yanbian special food, and the Jilin section of National Highway 331 like a picture scroll. If you like to drive, let's form a group together! Wu Dajing said.

On the same day, the Jilin Provincial Internet Celebrity Symposium was held.

Cao Lubao, member of the Standing Committee of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, said at the meeting that he hoped that Internet celebrities inside and outside the province would strive to be the "tellers" of Jilin's wonderful stories, the "companions" of Jilin's revitalization and development, and the "maintainers" of Jilin's Internet civilization, so that the "large flow" would be surging with "positive energy" and effectively contribute to the revitalization and development of Jilin.

Wang Bingbing, Wu Dajing and others have new identities

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