
"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

author:Liuyun said ancient and modern
"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

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"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

2020 was supposed to be a year full of hope, but it became the darkest moment of Bai Kenan's career. On the stage of "Happy Comedian Season 6", this once "comedy giant" who once called for wind and rain is now standing in the spotlight tremblingly, competing fiercely with other contestants, and finally being eliminated.

His expression was full of anxiety, his eyes flashed with unease, and his trademark "ugly" face paled at the moment.

Bigger storms are yet to come. A statement from Xiaoguo Culture is like a hammer, knocking Bai Kainan into the abyss of public opinion. "Plagiarism" is almost a death sentence in the entertainment industry.

Through video comparison, we can clearly find that there is a high similarity between Bai Kainan's performance and Zhang Boyang's jokes in "Talk Show Conference". This is ironclad evidence, Bai Kainan is speechless, even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he can't clear his name.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

The anger of netizens came like a tide, and the audience who once laughed for him now sneered in the comment area, "Aren't you a master of comedy?" How did you become a copy master now? "

"From 'big talk teasing' to 'big talk plagiarism', Bai Kainan, you really know how to play the role!" Every comment was like a sharp blade, straight into the heart of Kenan Bai.

What's even more frightening is that this turmoil has torn off his previous disguises, and netizens have dug up his stage performances before "Happy Comedian", and those jokes that were once hailed as "innovative", such as the Peking Opera version of "Burn My Calories" and "White Dragon Horse", were unfortunately suspected of plagiarism.

In an instant, Kenan Bai no longer has all the glory of the past, as if he has suddenly changed from a master of comedy to a joke in everyone's eyes.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Bai Kainan finally lost control of his emotions and told his heart on stage with tears streaming down his face. In the past, he was a "comedy giant" who made the national audience laugh, but now he has become the object of ridicule.

At this moment, he deeply experienced the embarrassment of the "laughing star", and when the times abandoned people, he was stingy to give even a goodbye.

Fortunately, there are still people willing to lend a helping hand in this darkest hour. Mr. Guo Degang, with his character of valuing love and righteousness, suggested: "You might as well have a meeting with me." "

And Jia Ling, the former partner, is not a ruthless person. When she saw Bai Kenan's difficult situation, she also did her best to help him return to the stage.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

In 2010, for Kenan Bai, the experience of this year is undoubtedly worthy of being written in history. At the Spring Festival Gala, he and his partner Jia Ling successfully conquered the national audience through a cross talk called "Big Talk".

Bai Kenan's unique "ugly" face, coupled with his witty and humorous lines, actually produced a wonderful chemical reaction. His Beijing accent is particularly authentic, and he can perform everything very wonderfully, and those greetings and conversations from the streets and alleys can be vividly interpreted by him.

On this night, Bai Kenan became a household name. When he woke up the next day, rubbed his eyes, turned on his phone, and found that he was almost inundated with congratulatory messages.

"It really worked!" He muttered to himself, a glint of victory in his eyes. At that moment, all the bitterness, all the ridicule, turned into a sweet return.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

In the days that followed, Bai Kainan's development was booming, and he was constantly invited to participate in video variety shows and commercial performances. His exposure has grown rapidly, and so has his popularity.

In 2012, his performance in "Variety Show" once again detonated the audience. The "sea of faces" Ji Lianhai he imitated and the "nonsense" joke he cooperated with Da Zhang Wei made the audience laugh.

Bai Kenan's unique temperament is fully demonstrated in the imitation.

However, in this seemingly successful process, there are hidden seeds of danger. When the applause poured in, Bai Kenan seemed to be disoriented. He began to believe that just standing on the stage could inspire endless laughter.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

So, he chose two seemingly quick paths: one is to make quick money in variety shows, and the other is to try to cross over to become an actor.

This decision was like a wrong move, and he fell into a game full of pitfalls. After entering the road of chasing fast money, Bai Kainan began to appear frequently in various variety shows.

His jokes have been repeated, and the laughter is getting weaker and weaker. The audience began to get tired. What once made everyone laugh can now only be exchanged for some polite smiles.

What's worse is his crossover attempt, he is like an elephant who broke into a porcelain shop and strayed into the film and television industry. His comedic talent seems to have lost its magic on the big screen, and those expressions and movements that once made people laugh out of place seem out of place.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

"My Dad Is Four Years Younger Than Me", "Desperate" and "Operation Magic Card" are like a string of failed fireworks, which bloom briefly and then are annihilated by the darkness and disappear without a trace.

Bai Kenan felt anxious. His witty ridicule on Weibo is no more, replaced by repeated publicity of the new drama. However, the low scores and comments on Douban doused his enthusiasm like cold water.

"Am I not a master of comedy?" He often asked himself questions in the middle of the night, but the only response he received was the former glory shown on television.

By the time he realized the seriousness of the problem, it was too late. Life is like an experiment, when we think it hasn't started yet, it's actually ended before we know it.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

In order to save the decline, Bai Kainan eagerly accepted all the invited scenes, even if the remuneration was meager, this behavior was tantamount to drinking to quench his thirst, and would only make his career decline faster.

After ten years of ups and downs, Bai Kainan has fallen from the former king of comedy to an outdated comedy star. When the times resolutely abandoned him, they didn't even say hello. The trajectory of his life is like an absurd comedy, but this time, behind the laughter is endless bitterness.

When Bai Kainan's career fell into a trough, we set our sights on Jia Ling, and in the Spring Festival Gala in 2010, she and Bai Kainan performed "Big Talk Tease" together, and became famous in one fell swoop.

From that moment on, their destinies were like two parallel lines, starting at the same point but drifting apart.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

While Bai Kainan was intoxicated with the joy of becoming popular overnight, Jia Ling had already begun to think about her next plan. She knows that the glory in the entertainment industry is like a flash in the pan, and only by continuing to work hard can she gain a firm foothold in the fiercely competitive soil.

Jia Ling sticks to comedy, the fertile soil that she has cultivated for a long time, in stark contrast to other people's pursuit of quick money and cross-border attempts.

In 2015, Bai Kainan frequently appeared in various film and television dramas but was repeatedly Waterloo, while Jia Ling was once again on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. This time, she cooperated with Qu Ying and brought the sketch "The Goddess and the Female Man", which once again sparked heated discussions across the country.

Jia Ling is not satisfied with the success of variety shows, she knows that although the CCTV platform provides her with rich exposure opportunities, she still needs to build her own territory in order to continue to develop in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

In 2020, Jia Ling has completed an amazing transformation, and Bai Kainan has withdrawn from the stage of "Happy Comedian".

The movie "Hello, Li Huanying" directed by Jia Ling not only won high praise from word of mouth, but also created a box office miracle. She used comedy to delve into a serious and touching theme, the mother-daughter relationship, and this innovation struck a strong chord with audiences across the country.

For a time, the title of "the highest-grossing female director in Chinese mainland" seemed to be a brilliant crown tailored for her.

started as a cross talk actor, Jia Ling gradually transformed into a comedy queen, and now she is sitting in the position of director again, and she walks calmly and firmly at every step. Major variety shows have thrown olive branches to her, and top traffic idols are also eager to cooperate with her.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

Jia Ling participated in a program called "Youth Travel" on Beijing Satellite TV, performed with popular Korean male stars like Song Joong Ki, and interacted closely with new generation idols such as Fan Chengcheng.

Although there have been controversies along the way, such as some of her actions on the show being criticized for being too flamboyant, her charisma seems to have a magical power that always makes criticism end up drowning out cheers.

She believes that comedy is not only about making the audience laugh, but more importantly, about making the laughter contain thinking.

One day in the summer of 2024, in a café in Beijing, Jia Ling was conducting an interview. When the reporter asked Jia Ling the secret of her success, she replied with a smile: "I'm just doing what I love."

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

On the road of comedy, choice is more important than effort.

Jia Ling's eyes revealed mixed emotions, and this topic inevitably led to Bai Kainan. Jia Ling said solemnly: "We used to be the best partners, and that time is really worth cherishing."

Everyone has their own journey in life, but no matter what he has experienced in the past, I am convinced that he still has a chance. On the road of comedy, as long as you don't give up, there will always be the possibility of turning around.

After the interview, Jia Ling walked out of the café, the sun shining on her face. She took out her mobile phone and flipped to a number in the address book that she hadn't dialed for a long time - Bai Kenan.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

She hesitated for a few seconds, hovered her finger over the screen, and pressed the dial key. Although the teacher is from the same school, there is no end to the road of comedy.

In order to understand Bai Kainan's comedy life, we have to go back to Beijing in 1997, a teahouse at the foot of the imperial city. Bai Kainan sat there alone, the tea in front of him was already cold.

His face was full of confusion, and the previous eight years of dance study passed by like a perplexing absurd drama.

Born into a family of artists, Kenan Bai grew up in an artistic environment like breathing air in the deep alleys of Beijing. His father was an amateur singer, his mother was a dance-related professional, and his aunt was a well-known soprano singer.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

Under the influence of this environment, Bai Kenan naturally embarked on the path of art.

There was a father who insisted on sending him to dance classes for eight years in a row, and although his movements often seemed clumsy and even ridiculous, his father never wavered in his support.

However, it seems that fate always plays tricks on people, and the graceful spinning of others is always difficult for him to learn, while others stand upright, but he always hunches over.

Kenan White is like an ugly duckling that strayed into Swan Lake.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

It's not something to celebrate, but Kennem Pak's father agrees. Bai Kainan was naughty by nature, like a disobedient child, who has brought a lot of trouble to his family since he was a child.

Although his parents were always close behind and his elders were blessed, he did not suffer physically.

Once, during a pivotal performance, Kenan Bai was assigned the role of the elegant White Swan. He flew awkwardly onto the stage, and the audience was initially shocked by his antics before bursting into laughter.

At that moment, Bai Kainan's heart was very complicated. His appearance, his movements, and even his unique temperament are completely out of step with the word "elegant".

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

During the recording of the show, Bai Kainan frankly revealed that he had studied ballet. As soon as he said this, everyone immediately burst into laughter, and it was hard to imagine what connection he had with the elegant white swan.

In his recollections, he also seems to be a little self-deprecating: "Despite my great efforts, my performance on stage always makes people laugh, as if I came to be funny and smash the scene."

That summer of 1997, Kenan Bai graduated from dance school and realized that no matter how hard he tried, his development in dance might be limited.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to give up his dance career. Although this decision made him feel lost for a while, it also laid a solid foundation for his future comedy path.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

In the four years since graduating, Kenan Bai's life seems to have achieved nothing. However, the pace of the times is too fast, and the once popular secondary school education has now lost its original value.

After years of study, Kenan Bai still hasn't found his dream job or a chance to perform. At that time, as long as there were commercial performances, he could be seen.

Whether it is an event held in Zhongguancun or a wedding ceremony held in the hotel, he can be seen busy. Only in this way can he barely make ends meet and avoid being dependent on his parents.

During that time, Bai Kainan encountered many setbacks. Because his appearance is not too outstanding, in the singing and dancing industry, he is often ridiculed when performing on stage, and some people even throw melon peels at him.

"Laughing star" Bai Kenan's embarrassment, when the times left you, he didn't even say hello

However, it was on this seemingly failed night that Bai Kenan unexpectedly discovered his potential talent. When he "messed up" the dance performance, the laughter in the audience was not mockery, but genuine joy.

In 2000, Kenan made another big decision in his life. He worshipped the famous cross talk actor Feng Gong as his teacher, and partnered with Jia Ling, who was still unknown at the time, to hone his cross talk skills together.

Under the guidance of Feng Gong, Bai Kainan's comedy talent has been comprehensively cultivated and developed. Whether it is his Beijing tone, or his greetings and conversations on the streets and alleys, they all radiate new vitality on the cross talk stage.

From the white swan to the ugly duckling to the comedy star, Kennem Paik's transformation is a miracle among the artist's family. His experience reminds us that sometimes, our greatest strengths can be hidden in what we mistakenly believe to be weaknesses.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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