
After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

author:Onigiri says things

In that magnificent War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, countless volunteer soldiers fought bloody battles and wrote heroic epics that can be sung and cried. Among them, there is such a legendary figure, he was the highest-ranking general who was captured, and he persevered tenaciously under the cruel torture of the US army, and finally survived until he returned victoriously. However, this hero suffered the fate of "being seriously injured and not being rehabilitated and given a cold reception", and it was not until he was dying of old age that the motherland gave him the respect he deserved. With tears in his eyes, he was relieved that his lifelong unswerving belief had finally been realized. This once buried hero, let us walk into his legendary life today.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

In 1950, the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began. As a new force, the Chinese People's Volunteers are far inferior to their opponents in terms of weaponry and combat experience. However, with their heroic and tenacious will to fight, they finally won the war.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

In the meantime, the volunteers also paid a heavy price. Nearly 20,000 officers and men were unfortunately captured, and the highest position was Wu Chengde, acting political commissar of the 180th Division. At that time, his unit was responsible for covering the retreat of the main force, but was unexpectedly surrounded by enemy snipers. In the end, only more than 4,000 people were left to break through, and Wu Chengde and more than 7,000 officers and soldiers encountered a desperate struggle with the enemy.

At this critical juncture, Wu Chengde faced death and was not afraid of danger. He first tried to evacuate the wounded who could walk, but found that more than 300 people were still unable to move. Although the road to freedom was ahead, Wu Chengde resolutely stayed to accompany these wounded and sick, and he insisted on the belief of "never leaving any comrade-in-arms".

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

In this way, Wu Chengde and these poor people embarked on a long road to self-help. They walked on rugged mountain roads, eating wild grass roots when they were hungry, drinking water from streams when they were thirsty, and even touching the bark of trees at night. The journey was arduous, and his companions continued to die, and in the end, only Wu Chengde and two fighters remained. They suffer from night blindness, but they still try their best to survive in the mountains.

When the enemy's reconnaissance team finally found the exhausted men, it was October 1952. Oh Sung-deok was reduced from the supreme commander to a prisoner and imprisoned in Busan's prison for war criminals. The U.S. military made unreasonable threats and tried to pry secrets out of his mouth, but Wu Chengde was iron-clad and always indifferent. As a result, he was subjected to all kinds of torture and ill-treatment - electric shocks, water prisons, suffocation while wearing a mask...... However, no matter how cruel the enemy was, he never gave in.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

Life in prison in Busan is like a bottomless abyss. Wu Chengde was thrown into a water prison for 15 days and was on the verge of madness; He tried to commit suicide and resisted, but he had no tools; He had escaped from the camp, but was quickly recaptured... Every day, he is living to the death and sending a silent cry for help to the motherland.

In 1953, the Korean War finally ended. Wu Chengde, as the highest-ranking prisoner, became the last person to be released. When he walked out of prison, there were several acquaintances standing in front of him, and no one recognized him. This once 130-pound man is now only skinny and bone-in-cheek, with scars on his face and a pair of worn rubber shoes on his feet.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

The moment he returned to his motherland, Wu Chengde seemed to have regained his life, and tears that had been suppressed for many years finally gushed out. However, what awaits him is a harsher reality. Due to some policy mistakes at that time, Wu Chengde was doubanyinglun and failed to restore his heroic deeds. In 1954, he was forced to leave the army and went to work as an ordinary farmer.

From a star to a civilian, from a hero to an obscurity, Wu Chengde suddenly fell into the lowest point in his life. But he didn't complain, and still worked silently, working in the field with his hands. In this once war-torn land, he lived a peaceful and leisurely life. It was not until 1980 that the central government re-examined his case and finally restored his reputation.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

When he learned the news, Wu Chengde, who was already in his prime, burst into tears. He had been waiting for this moment for 26 years! All the pain, humiliation, and disappointment were resolved at this moment, and his life was finally praised in the highest honor. In the following years, Wu Chengde retired in a remote town until his death in 1996.

A generation of heroes came to an end in this way, but his deeds will forever be engraved in the annals of the Chinese nation. Without them, there would be no dignity for the Chinese nation; Without them, there would be no prosperity and strength of the motherland. We will always cherish the great achievements of the heroes, and we must remember their indomitable faith.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

Wu Chengde's life can be called a cruel but shocking epic masterpiece. As an ordinary soldier, he experienced the smoke of war in the first half of his life, and held up the dignity of the motherland with his blood and life; In the second half of his life, he was treated coldly and even misunderstood, but he was still indifferent. It was not until his deathbed that his life finally received the highest praise.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

Just like the words of the People's Liberation Army sing: "I have never given up perseverance, even if I am bruised and isolated, even if I take my last breath." It is this kind of indomitable will and tenacious belief that has made Wu Chengde and countless martyrs immortal national heroes. And the reward for their heroic sacrifice is the prosperity of the Chinese nation today.

After returning home, the top general of the Volunteer Army was captured, became a farmer, restored his reputation at the age of 70, and cried into tears

The figure of every hero is a ray of light that warmly shines into our hearts. Because of them, we know how to be ashamed and courageous, and only then do we understand the truth of self-improvement. In the prosperous era, let us always remember the great achievements of the martyrs, and use our own efforts to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make unremitting efforts!