
Oh, my God! Do you want to increase the price? New study finds canagliflozin not only lowers blood sugar but also anti-aging?

author:Doctor Qingbin

Good news! Did you know that a recent study found that a common hypoglycemic drug has the potential to help us eliminate senescent cells and even prolong our lives?

We all know that as we age, we accumulate more and more senescent cells in our bodies. Not only do these cells not work, but they can also cause various health problems. However, the latest research has found that a hypoglycemic drug called canagliflozin can significantly reduce these senescent cells in a short period of time!

On May 30, 2024, Professor Tohru Minamino's team from the Graduate School of Medicine of Juntendo University in Tokyo, Japan, published an article entitled "SGLT2 inhibition eliminates senescent cells and alleviates pathological aging" in the journal Nature Aging. Activates a substance in our body to remove these senescent cells. What's even more amazing is that it can also improve our insulin resistance and glucose tolerance, and it is also helpful for cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, and more!

You may ask, is this medicine safe? Are there any side effects? Tell everyone that this drug has been used clinically for many years. Of course, any medication needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor, so if you are interested, be sure to consult your doctor first!

Imagine if we could slow down aging and reduce the occurrence of diseases through simple drug treatment, wouldn't life be better? Of course, this needs more research to confirm, but at least we see a new possibility!

Finally, remind everyone that a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing. Medicine is only an auxiliary, and real health still needs our own efforts! Let's do it together!

Oh, my God! Do you want to increase the price? New study finds canagliflozin not only lowers blood sugar but also anti-aging?

Hypoglycemic drugs and anti-aging

In the previous article, we presented an exciting study: short-term use of the hypoglycemic drug canagliflozin may help us eliminate senescent cells and even prolong life. This discovery has undoubtedly sparked a heated discussion in the medical community and among the majority of patients. As a doctor, I am well aware of everyone's concern about this topic, so today I will give detailed answers to the questions that patients may have, and popularize relevant drugs and disease knowledge.

What exactly is canagliflozin?

Canagliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, was originally used primarily for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It reduces the reabsorption of glucose by the kidneys by inhibiting the effect of SGLT2, thereby increasing urinary glucose excretion and achieving the effect of lowering blood sugar. However, recent studies have found that canagliflozin can do much more than that.

How does canagliflozin work for anti-aging?

This brings us to the "perks" of canagliflozin. It has been found that canagliflozin can promote the clearance of senescent cells by activating the AMPK (adenylate-activated protein kinase) signaling pathway. AMPK is an intracellular energy receptor that is activated when the cell is low on energy, which in turn regulates cellular metabolism and growth. Canagliflozin increases plasma levels of AICAR (5-aminopyrazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-nubofuroside), a metabolite that activates AMPK. In this way, canagliflozin indirectly exerts an anti-aging effect.

What are the possible side effects of taking canagliflozin?

Side effects can occur with any medication, and canagliflozin is no exception. Common side effects may include urinary tract infections, low blood sugar (when combined with insulin or sulfonylureas), and more. In addition, because canagliflozin increases urinary glucose excretion, it can also lead to dehydration or electrolyte imbalances. Therefore, before using canagliflozin, the doctor will assess the patient's overall condition to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the medication.

Is canagliflozin suitable for anti-aging for everyone?

Not really. While studies have shown the potential of canagliflozin for anti-aging, current studies have been conducted mainly under specific conditions. For the general population, more clinical data are needed to support the suitability of canagliflozin. In addition, anti-aging is not an overnight process, in addition to medication, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and proper exercise are also key.

In addition to hypoglycemic and anti-aging, what are the possible applications of canagliflozin?

In fact, the potential applications for canagliflozin go far beyond that. Because it can improve insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, it may also have a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on cardiovascular diseases and metabolic diseases. However, these need to be confirmed by further clinical studies.

Oh, my God! Do you want to increase the price? New study finds canagliflozin not only lowers blood sugar but also anti-aging?

Important Tips:

Drugs are not a panacea: While canagliflozin has shown some anti-aging potential, drugs are not a panacea. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and proper exercise are the foundation for preventing aging and disease.

Individual differences: Everyone's physical condition is different, so before using any medication, you should consult your doctor to develop a suitable treatment plan for your specific situation.

Advances in scientific research: Scientific research is an ongoing process, and new discoveries and understandings may change our understanding of drugs and diseases. Therefore, it is important to stay up to date and stay up-to-date with the latest research advances.

Oh, my God! Do you want to increase the price? New study finds canagliflozin not only lowers blood sugar but also anti-aging?

Overall, the potential anti-aging effect of canagliflozin, as a new type of hypoglycemic drug, has undoubtedly opened a new door for us. However, for the majority of patients, looking at this finding rationally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and using drugs rationally under the guidance of doctors are the keys to a long and healthy life.