
Positive Observation: Teacher slapped a 7-year-old girl to make her deaf? Parents' real-name reporting is worth pondering

Positive Observation: Teacher slapped a 7-year-old girl to make her deaf? Parents' real-name reporting is worth pondering

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2024-06-19 18:27Posted on the official account of Henan Zhengguan News

According to Shenzhen Radio and Television Report, on June 19, in Luliang, Shanxi, a woman reported with her real name that her 7-year-old daughter, who was in the first grade of primary school, was slapped by her Chinese teacher and mathematics teacher, and then she has been tinnitus, and the hospital was diagnosed with deafness in her left ear, which is impossible to recover. The child's mother said that the school has not responded, the Chinese teacher refused to admit to slapping her daughter, and the math teacher had surveillance video as evidence.

Positive Observation: Teacher slapped a 7-year-old girl to make her deaf? Parents' real-name reporting is worth pondering

Video surveillance of the girl when she was beaten for the second time

Positive Observation:

I noticed that the child's diagnosis and treatment proposal date is January 8, 2024, which means that the incident has been at least 5 months, but the parents have not yet received a satisfactory response. Since there is surveillance video as evidence, and there is a diagnosis of the child, why did the school delay in dealing with it? The deafness in the left ear caused by the teacher's slap, the physical and mental damage suffered by the child, and the mood of the parents can be imagined, corporal punishment of students is illegal, and if the teacher involved is not punished accordingly, it is really unreasonable.

According to the parents, the first time was the Chinese teacher's call, but there may be no monitoring, and the Chinese teacher does not admit it; The second time was by the math teacher, and the child had severe tinnitus after the beating. This could lead to a situation where two teachers are blaming each other and are not sure who is more responsible. But they were beaten in front of the whole class, so it shouldn't be difficult to find out whether they were beaten or not. If they do hit, then there is no doubt that both teachers should be punished. But in any case, the math teacher should have paid the price he deserved a long time ago.

Finally, now that the Education Bureau and the Public Security are investigating the matter, we can check the problems of the school as well. Nowadays, there are more and more cases where parents choose to send video reports instead of communicating with the school, which deserves the attention and reflection of schools and relevant departments. The schools involved may wish to start by handling this incident well, reflect on it, and make improvements.

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  • Positive Observation: Teacher slapped a 7-year-old girl to make her deaf? Parents' real-name reporting is worth pondering

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