
When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

Secrets in the cupboard

In ancient times, there was a place called Qingyun Town, and the residents of the town lived a peaceful and peaceful life. There was a young man named Li Hao in the town, who was handsome and mild-mannered, and was deeply loved by the townspeople. This day is Li Hao's big day, and he wants to marry the most beautiful woman in the town, Su Wan'er.

The ceremony of the wedding was carried out in a burst of laughter, and when night fell, the guests gradually dispersed, and only Li Hao and Su Wan'er were left in the new room. According to local customs, the newlyweds should spend a good night together after drinking, which means that the husband and wife are united and grow old together.

Li Hao picked up the wine and was about to drink with Su Wan'er, but suddenly found that Su Wan'er was missing. He looked around and saw a figure squatting at the head of the bed in the new house, it was his bride Su Wan'er. Her movements were strange, as if she was looking for something, and as if she was hiding from something.

Li Hao was suspicious in his heart, not knowing why Su Wan'er would make such a strange move. He called Su Wan'er's name softly, but Su Wan'er didn't seem to hear it, and still squatted at the head of the bed, motionless.

At this time, Li Hao noticed that there was a large cabinet in the corner of the new house, the door of the cabinet was slightly open, and there was a black hole inside, as if there was some secret hidden. Li Hao's heart moved, and he decided to quietly hide in the cabinet to see if he could find the reason for Su Wan'er's abnormality.

He tiptoed over to the cabinet and gently pushed the door open. A cold breath came to his face, and Li Hao couldn't help but shudder. But he still had the courage to burrow into the cupboard.

It was pitch black in the cabinet, and I couldn't see my fingers. Li Hao could only rely on his own feelings and slowly groped his way forward. He felt something squirm in the depths of the cabinet, accompanied by a low moan.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

Li Hao's heart was beating faster, and he didn't know what was hidden in the cabinet. Just as he was about to touch the thing, suddenly, a blinding light shot in through the crack in the cabinet.

Li Hao subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he was no longer in the cabinet, but came to a strange place.

It is a barren ruin, full of dilapidated houses and ruined walls. The sky was thick with dust, obscuring the sun's rays, and the entire ruins were shrouded in darkness.

Li Hao looked around in a panic, trying to find his way back. At this moment, he heard a terrible cry, which came from the depths of the ruins.

He followed the cry and found that it was coming from a ruined temple. The gate of the temple is in a dilapidated state, and there are some strange symbols carved on the door, like some kind of ancient writing.

Li Hao hesitated for a moment, but decided to enter the temple to find out. He pushed the door open and walked into the temple. Inside the temple was even darker, with only a few crumbling oil lamps emitting a faint glow.

Li Hao saw a statue of a god enshrined in the center of the temple, and the face of the god was blurred, but it still revealed a majestic aura. In front of the idol, kneeling was a woman dressed in white, her hair was scattered, obscuring her face, and only her tearful eyes could be seen.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

The woman's cry was miserable, as if she was in great pain. Li Hao couldn't bear it in his heart, and stepped forward and asked, "Girl, why are you crying here?" Is there anything I can help you with? ”

The woman heard Li Hao's voice and slowly raised her head. When Li Hao saw the woman's face, he was stunned. The woman's face turned out to be exactly the same as Su Wan'er!

"You...... Who are you? Li Hao asked in astonishment.

"I'm Su Wan'er." The woman said slowly, "This is my hometown, which used to be a prosperous town. However, due to a terrible disaster, it was reduced to rubble. ”

"That'...... Then why are you in my new house? Li Hao asked.

"Because you're my savior." Su Wan'er said, "In that disaster, I lost all my relatives and my own body. My soul wanders around, and there is nowhere to live. Until I met you, your yang energy allowed me to temporarily condense my body and return to the world. ”

"However, I can only appear at night, and I can't be too far away from you. So, in your new room, I can only squat at the head of the bed, waiting for your return. ”

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

After listening to Su Wan'er's story, Li Hao was full of emotion in his heart. He didn't expect that he would inadvertently save a lonely ghost, and he didn't expect this lonely ghost to become his wife.

"And what are you going to do now?" Li Hao asked.

"I don't know." Su Wan'er shook her head blankly, "I just want to find a place where I can settle down and stop wandering around." ”

Li Hao looked at Su Wan'er's helpless eyes, and a strong desire to protect surged in his heart. He decided to help Su Wan'er find a place to live so that she would no longer suffer from wandering.

So, Li Hao and Su Wan'er began to look around for a suitable place to live. They searched every corner of the ruins, but never found a suitable place.

Just when the two were about to despair, they came to the edge of the ruins. Here, they saw a lonely hut, which was simple but had a warm atmosphere.

Li Hao and Su Wan'er came to the front of the hut, pushed open the door and walked in. The cottage, although basic, was kept clean and tidy and apparently once inhabited.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

"It seems good here." Su Wan'er looked around with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Then let's stay here." "I'll find a way to restore this hut and make it more comfortable." ”

So, the two of them set out to repair the hut. They cut wood and mended roofs and walls; They cleaned the yard and planted flowers and plants; They also found some old furniture from the ruins and placed it in the hut.

After a few days of hard work, the cottage was renovated and became warm and cozy. Li Hao and Su Wan'er also lived a peaceful and happy life here.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, while looking for repair materials in the ruins, Li Hao stumbled upon an ancient legend. Legend has it that an evil youkai is buried beneath the ruins, and every night when the moon is full, the youkai wakes up and harms the world.

Li Hao was shocked in his heart, he thought of Su Wan'er. Su Wan'er is a soul body, if the monster really wakes up, she is afraid that she will be in danger.

So, Li Hao decided to find a way to suppress the monsters and protect Su Wan'er's safety. He runs around looking for clues and finally finds a way to suppress youkai in an ancient text.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

On the night of the full moon, Li Hao laid a magic circle around the hut according to the method in the classics. He held the magic weapon and nervously waited for the arrival of the youkai.

Sure enough, when the moon rose in mid-air, a gloomy wind blew, and an eerie laugh came from the ruins. Then, a huge black shadow slowly rose from the ruins, and it was the evil youkai.

When the monster saw the magic circle laid by Li Hao, he roared angrily and rushed towards Li Hao. Li Hao was not afraid, he raised his magic weapon and started a fierce battle with the monster.

After a fierce battle, Li Hao finally succeeded in suppressing the monster. He sat on the ground tired, but his heart was full of joy. Because he knew that he had successfully protected Su Wan'er's safety.

When Li Hao returned to the hut, he saw Su Wan'er waiting for him anxiously. Seeing Li Hao's safe return, Su Wan'er threw herself into his arms excitedly.

"Are you alright?" Su Wan'er asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Li Hao said with a smile, "The monster has been suppressed by me, and we don't have to worry about it in the future." ”

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

When Su Wan'er heard the news, a gleam of gratitude flashed in her eyes. She knew that she was able to meet Li Hao because he gave her a chance to be reborn, and he had been silently guarding herself.

Since then, Li Hao and Su Wan'er have lived a happier life. Together, they restore the hut, plant flowers together, and enjoy the beautiful view of the full moon night together. And the monster that once haunted them was forever suppressed under the ruins, and it can no longer harm the world.

This story was sung in Qingyun Town, and people said that Li Hao was a brave and kind young man whose love and courage touched heaven and earth. And Su Wan'er has also changed from a lonely ghost to a happy bride, and her life has become better because of Li Hao's appearance.

Li Hao and Su Wan'er lived a quiet life in the hut, but the doubts in Li Hao's heart never dissipated. He still couldn't understand why Su Wan'er's soul appeared in his new house, and why only he could see Su Wan'er's true body.

One morning, when Li Hao was cleaning the hut, he accidentally found a dusty stone slab in the corner of the house. Curious, he brushed the dust off it and found some strange words and patterns carved on the stone slabs.

Li Hao has a wide range of literacy, but he has never seen these words. He struggled to find a similar written record in an ancient book. It turns out that the texts are ancient charms, while the patterns depict a mystical ritual called the "Soul Pact".

According to ancient texts, a soul pact is a ritual that allows a living person to connect with a spirit. Through this ritual, the living person can see and touch the soul, and the soul can condense the body with the help of the yang energy of the living person. However, this ritual requires the willingness of both parties and must be performed on the night of the full moon.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

Li Hao recalled that the day he married Su Wan'er happened to be the night of the full moon. His heart suddenly brightened, it turned out that the fate between him and Su Wan'er had been doomed as early as that night.

However, the Soul Pact ritual did not come without a price. It requires the living to nourish the soul's body at the cost of its own lifespan. Li Hao knows this, but he doesn't regret it. He is willing to use his life to protect Su Wan'er so that she can live in peace in this world.

Li Hao told Su Wan'er about his discovery. After Su Wan'er heard this, she burst into tears, and she hugged Li Hao tightly and thanked him for his affection.

"I'm willing to spend my life with you, Wan'er." Li Hao said gently, "As long as we are together, whether we live or die, we are the happiest." ”

Since then, Li Hao and Su Wan'er cherish each other even more. They plant flowers and plants together, enjoy the sunrise and sunset together, and spend every ordinary and warm day together.

However, the tricks of fate are always unpredictable. One day, Li Hao accidentally found a legendary spirit grass in the ruins. It is said that this spiritual grass can enhance the lifespan of people and can even cure some incurable diseases.

Li Hao's heart moved, and he thought of Su Wan'er. If she can take this spirit grass, maybe she can get rid of the shackles of the soul contract and truly live in this world.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

So, Li Hao decided to look for this spirit grass. He said goodbye to Su Wan'er and embarked on the arduous road of finding spirit grass.

In the process of searching for the spirit grass, Li Hao went through a lot of hardships. He crossed mountains and deserts, fought fierce monsters, and battled the harsh weather. But he never gave up, because he had a firm belief in his heart - for Su Wan'er, he must find that spirit grass.

Finally, on a dark and windy night, Li Hao found the legendary spirit grass in a barren valley. He carefully picked it and prepared to return to the hut to reunite with Su Wan'er.

However, just as he left the valley, a group of men in black suddenly appeared in front of him. They claimed to be cultivators of the cult sect and had been secretly coveting the power of this spiritual grass. They wanted to snatch the spirit grass in order to enhance their cultivation.

Li Hao knew that he was no match for these black-clothed men, but he tried his best to protect the spirit grass in his hand. After a fierce battle, Li Hao was seriously injured, but he still guarded the spirit grass to the death.

Just when Li Hao was about to lose his support, a white light suddenly descended from the sky. A figure appeared in the white light, it was Su Wan'er. She felt Li Hao's danger, and at the risk of losing her soul, she forcibly broke through the shackles of the hut and rushed to the rescue.

Su Wan'er's appearance frightened the man in black. They didn't expect this seemingly ordinary woman to have such great power. They did not dare to fight, and fled the scene one after another.

When the man got married, he saw the bride squatting at the head of the bed, and he quietly hid in the cupboard

Li Hao was relieved to see that Su Wan'er was safe and sound. He struggled to stand up and handed the spirit grass in his hand to Su Wan'er.

"Wan'er, take this spirit grass quickly." Li Hao said weakly, "So that you can really live in this world." ”

Su Wan'er looked at the spirit grass in her hand, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes. She knew what this spirit grass meant to Li Hao, but she also knew how much Li Hao had paid for her.

She gently put the spirit grass aside, hugged Li Hao tightly and said, "Brother Hao, I don't care if I can really live in this world. As long as you are by my side, I already have the most precious thing. ”

When Li Hao heard Su Wan'er's words, a warm current surged in his heart. He held Su Wan'er's hand tightly and said, "Wan'er, as long as we are together, whether we live or die, we are the happiest." ”

Since then, Li Hao and Su Wan'er have lived a happier life in the hut. They guarded the spirit grass together, waiting for every sunrise and sunset in the future. And their story has also been sung in Qingyun Town, becoming an eternal story.