
Cordyceps sinensis and health issue 1 of the 100-episode interview column "Health Lecture Hall".

author:China International Education Television

Popularize medical knowledge, preach about traditional Chinese medicine and health preservation, promote traditional culture, and walk the road of health.

Cordyceps sinensis, the scientific name of the bat moth is Trichosporium, because it is unique to China, and it is also called Chinese Furspora internationally, which is a precious Chinese medicinal material in the mainland. Together with ginseng and deer antler, it is listed as one of the three major tonic drugs in China, and its medicinal value and tonic effect rank first among the three major tonics, and it is known as "soft gold". As early as 780 A.D., the "Tibetan Materia Medica" recorded: "Cordyceps sinensis moistens the lungs and nourishes the kidneys". The Qing Dynasty pharmaceutical masterpiece "Medicinal Properties Examination" said: "Cordyceps sinensis is sweet, warm, secret, lean and vigorous, and specializes in supplementing life." There is also a record in "Materia Medica": "Cordyceps sinensis glypin protects the lungs, benefits the kidneys, replenishes the essence, dissolves blood, stops phlegm and cough, and treats diaphragm".

Starting from this week, we walked into the "Health Lecture Hall" together and listened to experts talk about Cordyceps sinensis, so that health can come into our lives.

Cordyceps sinensis and health issue 1 of the 100-episode interview column "Health Lecture Hall".
Cordyceps sinensis and health issue 1 of the 100-episode interview column "Health Lecture Hall".

Cordyceps sinensis mainly grows in the alpine meadows between 3500-5000 meters above sea level on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, at the beginning of May every year, Tibet and Qinghai are the golden period of harvesting Cordyceps, local herders and people from all over the country who dig Cordyceps come together, and the main distribution areas of Cordyceps sinensis in the mainland are which? What are its medicinal values and application ranges? Legend has it that Cordyceps sinensis is called a sacred grass and has the effect of reviving the dead, is this statement excessive? Are there any cases?

Listen to the chief physician of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the national inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine, the member of the Pulmonary Disease Professional Committee of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the member of the Beijing Pulmonary Disease Professional Committee, the member of the Liver Disease Drug Research Professional Committee of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the deputy director of the Expert Committee of the Zhongguancun Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Alliance, Director Hou Xianju.

Cordyceps sinensis and health issue 1 of the 100-episode interview column "Health Lecture Hall".
Cordyceps sinensis and health issue 1 of the 100-episode interview column "Health Lecture Hall".

After listening to the experts' story, I benefited a lot, and I couldn't help but think of a poem about Cordyceps: it comes from "Liao Zhai Zhi Strange Collection", which is written like this: Cordyceps sinensis is worthy of its name, changes and generates a breath, a thing can be planted at the same time, and the physical faith in the world is endless. This poem is very old and describes the generation and function of Cordyceps.

Cordyceps sinensis and health issue 1 of the 100-episode interview column "Health Lecture Hall".

Spread the concept of health education and advocate a healthy lifestyle.

Please pay attention to China International Education Television's large-scale 100-episode interview series "Health Lecture Hall" and CCTV's "Cultural Corridor". "Cordyceps Sinensis and Health Phase 1" of the "Health Lecture Hall" of the "Chinese Culture" channel of China International Education Television will be broadcast at home and abroad from June 24 --- June 30, 2024. Each episode premieres 1 time and reruns 6 times. Premiere (Beijing time): Monday 19:00:00-19:20:00, Tuesday 01:00:00--01:20:00, Wednesday 11:00:00--11:20:00, Thursday 07:00:00--07:20:00, Friday 09:00:00--09:20:00, Saturday 15:00:00--15:20:00, Sunday 02:30:00--02:50:00. CCTV "Cultural Corridor" has been broadcast one after another, welcome to watch.

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