
These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

author:Knowledge changes pets

Once cats come into our lives, they develop a unique and deep emotional connection with us. However, many times some of our inadvertent behaviors may cause cats to have a misunderstanding of "abandonment", which will bring harm to their psychology.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Behavior 1: Prolonged neglect.

Although cats are relatively independent, they also crave the attention and companionship of their owners. When we ignore them for a long time because we are busy or for other reasons, do not interact, play, or pet them, cats may feel that they are no longer valued, as if they have been abandoned.

They may become depressed, anxious, and even exhibit some abnormal behaviors such as excessive licking, open defecation, etc. So, no matter how busy you are, try to make some time to spend with your cat, even if it's just a simple conversation, they will feel cared for.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Behavior 2: Change your living environment frequently.

Cats are animals that place a lot of emphasis on familiarity and security. If we take them to move frequently, or change the layout of the house frequently, cats may feel upset and confused.

They may perceive that their lives have lost their stability and may have the illusion of abandonment. Every environmental change is a challenge for cats, and we should minimize this unnecessary change to create a stable and comfortable living environment for them.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Behavior 3: Sudden loud scolding or punishment.

Cats can sometimes be mischievous and do things that displease us. But when we suddenly yell or punish them in an overly harsh way, cats may be frightened.

They may associate this situation with abandonment and feel that the owner doesn't love them anymore. When cats make mistakes, we should stay calm and guide them to correct them in a gentle and firm way, rather than simply treating them roughly.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Behavior 4: Traveling for a long time without proper arrangements.

When we plan to go out for an extended period of time, cats can feel lonely and helpless if they don't organize their lives properly. They don't know where their owners have gone or when they're coming back, and they have the fear of being abandoned.

Before going out, we can find a reliable friend or pet boarding agency to take care of the cats and make sure they are adequately loved and cared for during our absence.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Behavior 5: Showing excessive preference for other pets.

If there is more than one pet in the house, and we show a clear preference for one of them, such as giving more attention, food, or toys, other cats may feel lost and left out.

They may feel that they are no longer the most important thing in their owner's heart, creating a feeling of abandonment. We should try to treat every pet fairly so that they can all feel equal love.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Behavior 6: Send the cat away at will.

Some owners may easily decide to send their cats away for various reasons, such as allergies, moving, etc. For cats, this is undoubtedly the most straightforward experience of abandonment.

Their familiar life and owners are suddenly gone, which can cause them great psychological trauma. Before deciding to get a cat, we should think carefully, once we have it, we should be responsible for them to the end, and don't give up on them easily.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

In order to avoid the misunderstanding of abandonment of cats, we can work hard from the following aspects.

First of all, establish a regular daily routine, including regular feeding, playing, resting, etc., so that the cat feels that there is a regular life to follow. Among them, especially diet, the most critical, cats have a great demand for food, after all, they are full, the sense of security is sufficient, we can choose a cat with high meat content, balanced nutrition cat food according to the needs of cats on weekdays, to meet the cat's appetite.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Second, provide cats with enough space and toys to explore and play freely; If your cat exhibits abnormal behavior or mood changes, it is important to pay attention to them and take measures to help them relieve stress and anxiety. In addition, often have intimate contact with cats, such as hugging, kissing, etc., so that they can feel your love.

These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

Conclusion: Have you ever done any of these things to your cat?

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These behaviors will make the cat misunderstand that it is "abandoned", don't do it again!

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