
The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

author:Caring for Wu said health

Ms. Li, 33, had a sore throat for a week in April this year, with a severe cough, yellow phlegm and a low-grade fever. Ms. Li went to the outpatient clinic of the hospital for a blood routine examination and found that the white blood cells were elevated, indicating a bacterial and viral co-infection. The outpatient doctor prescribed Ms. Li anti-inflammatory drugs, and Ms. Li thought that she should be fine if she took the medicine.

As a result, Ms. Li took amoxicillin and cephalosporin but it was useless, and it was useless to change a round of Chinese patent medicine, her throat was still sore, her cough did not improve, and her phlegm was increasing. So, Ms. Li went to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital for treatment, and the doctor at the traditional Chinese medicine hospital asked Ms. Li to take a CT scan to check her lungs.

The CT report showed that Ms. Li had two nodules in the anterior inner basal segment of the left lower lobe, one was a ground-glass nodule with a size of 8 mm × 6 mm, and the other was a solid nodule with a size of 4 mm × 3 mm.

The doctor at the TCM Hospital watched the film and directly asked Ms. Li to transfer to the hospital, saying that Ms. Li must have something wrong with the nodule and did not prescribe any medicine. Ms. Li was transferred to the emergency department, and after being transferred to the hospital to see the doctor, the doctor looked at the film taken by Ms. Li in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and said that she should prescribe a booster version of antibiotics first, take it for a week, and make an appointment with enhanced CT after a week, and then make an appointment with the thoracic surgeon after the results come out, if the image is still the same, it should be surgical.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

The doctor told Ms. Li that even the surgery should be early, and there should be no need for radiotherapy and chemotherapy after the operation, Ms. Li took the medicine home with confidence, hoping that the inflammatory nodules in the lungs could be eliminated by taking the medicine without surgery. However, half a month after anti-inflammatory, Ms. Li had a follow-up CT with contrast and found that the nodule still did not disappear.

Ms. Li went to two doctors to watch the film, and both doctors said that Ms. Li's ground-glass nodule was most likely slightly infiltrated and recommended surgery. After listening to the advice of the two doctors, Ms. Li was already inclined to have surgery, but there were still many things that bothered her, and Ms. Li had to weigh them.

Among other things, one of the realities that Ms. Li had to face was that her child was still very young and often sick, and Ms. Li was afraid that she would not be able to take care of the child for a long time after the operation. Ms. Li felt that she was not qualified to be hospitalized for surgery and that her child could not be taken care of by her, so Ms. Li consulted with several doctors, thinking about whether the operation could be delayed and wait for a few years before having surgery.

But what Ms. Li didn't expect was that some doctors would say that it was so serious, and a thoracic surgeon said that Ms. Li should be glad that it was found early, and it might be late in another 4 or 5 years, and then it would be troublesome, and there was no need for follow-up, so she directly issued a hospitalization order to Ms. Li and asked Ms. Li to do preoperative examination and hospitalization surgery.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

Ms. Li was undecided, but a doctor who had always been conservative also advised Ms. Li to deal with it aggressively. The doctor said that Ms. Li's nodule may be carcinoma in situ or minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, the nodule is close to the pleura with pleural depression, and elective surgery can be considered, which can be cured by resection, and the operation is relatively simple, wedge resection is OK, the scope of resection is relatively small, and the damage will be small.

The doctor said that the treatment of nodules close to the pleura will be relatively positive, because Ms. Li is still very young, and the future time is very long, and the development time left for the nodules will be very long.

Even the usually conservative doctor recommended surgery, and Ms. Li felt that she would not be able to do it without surgery, so she told her parents and husband that she would have surgery. In the end, Ms. Li's family made the decision to let Ms. Li's husband take care of the children first, and Ms. Li's parents would take care of Ms. Li, so that Ms. Li could have surgery with peace of mind.

With the support of her family, Ms. Li finally went to the hospital. The doctor prescribed preoperative examinations, including pulmonary function tests, adrenal ultrasound, hepatobiliary, pancreatic and spleen ultrasound, cardiac ultrasound, cranial MRI, blood and urine tests. Ms. Li thought that these tests could be done in one go, but she didn't expect to have to make several more trips.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

The preoperative examination revealed that Ms. Li had some problems with her liver, and the diagnosis report allowed further examination to rule out hemangioma. Ms. Li was not at ease, so she made an appointment with the doctor for a liver MRI, which was very expensive, and a shot to strengthen Pumeixian would cost 1,100 yuan at her own expense, and the MRI would cost more than 900 yuan.

After the liver MRI report came out, it still said that there was a possibility of hemangioma, and Ms. Li was stunned, not knowing whether it was a hemangioma. The report also said that there was a small cyst, a small hamartoma was possible, and Ms. Li couldn't understand it, but when she asked the doctor and said it was okay, Ms. Li didn't think much about it, and the operation was more important, as long as she met the conditions for surgery.

After some twists and turns, Ms. Li was finally admitted to the ward. Before the operation, Ms. Li listened to the nurse talk about the precautions of the operation, and the nurse said that she should prepare two white bath towels to make the bed and also need a urinal, because she could not get out of bed for about a day after the operation. Before surgery, you should also trim your nails, remove ornaments, and clean up nail polish if you apply nail polish to avoid affecting the monitoring of blood oxygen saturation after surgery.

Then there is the doctor's preoperative conversation, the doctor said that the positioning should be done before the operation, and a wedge cut will be taken during the operation, and the intraoperative pathology will be sent for detection immediately after the resection, if the pathology is carcinoma in situ or micro-invasion, the scope of resection will not be expanded, if it is invasive adenocarcinoma, the doctor will take the surgical method of segment or lobe incision according to the situation, and Ms. Li should be psychologically prepared.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

After Ms. Li signed the paper, she did a preoperative positioning at 7 a.m. the next morning, and Ms. Li thought she would be able to perform the operation in the morning, but she was not pushed into the operating room until more than 1 p.m. After entering the operating room, Ms. Li was a little nervous at first, but then she slowly became less nervous when she saw that the doctors came in one after another and a bunch of people were busy getting things.

Ms. Li didn't know when she was anesthetized and fell asleep, and when she woke up, she was already pushed out in a daze. After returning to the ward, Ms. Li heard that the intraoperative doctor would take out the cut things and show them to the family, and that Ms. Li's intraoperative frozen pathology was adherent carcinoma in situ, which was at most slightly invasive, and it would take 7 to 14 days to come out.

After learning about the intraoperative pathology, Ms. Li was very relieved, but she couldn't get out of bed on the day of surgery, and she couldn't eat or drink. In addition, fortunately, Ms. Li went to the toilet several times before the operation, and she didn't need to go to the toilet on the day after the operation, so she didn't need to use the bedpan so embarrassingly.

After 6 hours after the operation, Ms. Li was able to drink some electrolyte water, and the doctor prescribed a bottle for Ms. Li, the price was more than 70, and the doctor also prescribed a marine fish skin polypeptide powder, which was also very expensive, 490 a box, and Ms. Li was very distressed when she ate it. The main thing is that I feel distressed, but my body is not very painful, because there is anesthetic and analgesic pump on the day after surgery.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

On the first day after the operation, Ms. Li was able to eat and drink normally, and then the doctor came to the ward early in the morning to make rounds, told Ms. Li to pull out the monitoring, let Ms. Li get out of bed and walk, practice breathing, and said that after the operation, you should move your hands and feet, and do not move still, it is easy to produce blood clots, which will be very dangerous.

In the afternoon, Ms. Li felt pain in her wounds and lungs, especially when she coughed, the pain was unspeakable. And when eating, I felt that my breathing was also very painful, and Ms. Li stopped the analgesic pump, because after turning on the analgesic pump, she would react when walking, and she would be dizzy, nauseous and want to vomit, so although it hurt, Ms. Li could only carry it and take painkillers to relieve it.

The day after the operation, the doctor came to the ward again and told Ms. Li that she could remove the drain, and then the doctor asked the nurse to bring a balloon for Ms. Li to blow. Ms. Li couldn't blow up a balloon and felt very short of breath. In the afternoon, Ms. Li took a chest X-ray, and the doctor confirmed that there was no problem and removed Ms. Li's tube. After the extubation, Ms. Li was able to slowly turn over on her own while lying on the bed, although she still felt very painful when she turned over.

On the third day after the operation, the doctor told Ms. Li that she could go home after the intravenous drip and the medicine. Ms. Li was very happy, and then the doctor also sent Ms. Li some postoperative precautions for Ms. Li to pay more attention to.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

Precautions include, firstly, the wound should be kept dry, the dressing should be changed every 4 to 5 days, if there is exudate, change on the same day, the dressing can be changed in the local hospital or clinic, and the sutures should be removed 2 weeks after surgery. The wound and the area around the wound may be painful, you can use painkiller patches to relieve the pain, you can take painkillers when the pain is severe, and pay attention to the wound not touching the water.

Secondly, you should not lie down and sit for a long time, you should do appropriate activities, and the activities should be limited to make yourself not feel tired, and you should insist on breathing training. Then you may have symptoms of cough at home, usually don't be in a hurry to talk, don't laugh and cry, reduce exposure to cold air, oil smoke and second-hand smoke, if the cough is severe, you can take cough medicine.

After returning home, Ms. Li still felt pain, but it got better day by day. On the seventh day after surgery, Ms. Li's major pathology came out, and the result was only adenocarcinoma in situ. Ms. Li was very happy and thought that it was God's mercy that gave her such good news, which was much better than she expected, and she was cured after the excision, and there was no need to worry about recurrence after surgery.

The experience of lung nodule surgery at the age of 33 years old, there is a throbbing sensation when taking deep breaths after surgery, and everything else is fine

After the pathology came out, the doctor informed Ms. Li to go to the hospital to settle the expenses, Ms. Li went to the hospital in good spirits, and found that the total cost of the operation was more than 30,000 yuan, and after reimbursement, Ms. Li only paid more than 9,000 yuan, less than 10,000 yuan.

Now Ms. Li has been doing surgery for almost a month, and the wound is still a little itchy, and there is a little throbbing pain when she takes a deep breath, and she can't fully take a deep breath, and everything else feels fine.

In the end, Ms. Li felt that the reason why she had pulmonary nodules was mainly related to her experience in the past 3 or 4 years. In the last 3 or 4 years, Ms. Li got married and had children, and Ms. Li couldn't be happy when the child got sick, and she was always very anxious and negative, and over time there may be nodules in her body, if it wasn't discovered in time, Ms. Li felt that it would really develop into early cancer.

I hope you must pay attention to your emotions, don't have too much pressure in your heart, and love yourself well.

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