
The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

author:Jojo talks about the game
The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

Since its launch, the TV series "The Story of Rose" has been loved by the audience for its gripping plot and rich character relationships. The story revolves around Huang Yimei, Fang Xiewen, Huang Zhenhua, Su Gengsheng, Bai Xiaohe and others, revealing the complex emotional entanglements in love and marriage.

After Huang Yimei became pregnant, she faced Fang Xiewen's extreme control and surveillance, and her life gradually lost her freedom and dignity. Fang Xiewen not only restricted her activities, but also refused to support her work and reproductive choices, revealing his sick psychology and desire to control Huang Yimei.

In contrast, although the relationship between Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng has also experienced challenges, the trust and support between them has always run through it. Huang Zhenhua's decision to accept the homestay project was fully supported by Su Gengsheng, showing the strong emotional foundation of their mutual reliance in difficult situations.

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

In the eyes of netizens, this situation has sparked a wide range of discussions. Someone commented: "This is simply a prison cage of marriage, how can Huang Yimei endure such constraints?" Another netizen sighed: "Is Fang Xiewen trying to turn Huang Yimei into his shadow?" It's too much! Netizens generally expressed dissatisfaction and concern about Fang Xiewen's behavior, believing that this kind of marriage relationship violates the basic principles of personal freedom and dignity.

The relationship between Mr. Huang and Mr. Su shows a very different pattern. Despite the challenges they faced, their trust and support for each other remained the same. Huang Zhenhua received the full support of Su Gengsheng in the face of the new homestay project. This not only shows the strong emotional foundation on which they rely on each other in difficult situations, but also shows the sincere affection and mutual respect between them.

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

Netizens were amazed by the relationship between Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng. "Look at Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng, this is a marriage of mutual understanding and support." Some netizens commented. Another netizen sighed: "In a relationship, trust and respect are more important than control and restrictions. They believe that the relationship between Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng is a true model of partnership, which is worth learning and learning from.

Su Gengsheng's marriage history and his mother's intervention became a major obstacle to their relationship. She was forced to marry, and after the divorce, she left a shadow psychologically, and she was particularly vulnerable in the face of a new marital crisis, but finally faced it bravely with the support of Huang Zhenhua.

Bai Xiaohe's appearance is not only a variable in Huang Zhenhua's life, but the background of her pregnancy and the influence of her father Bai Erru make the whole story even more complicated. Bai Erru reached out to Huang Zhenhua on the project, but the motive behind it also sparked more controversy and speculation.

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

Netizens expressed deep sympathy and understanding for Su Gengsheng's psychological predicament. "It seems that everyone has the baggage of the past, and this experience is really distressing." A netizen commented. Another sighed: "Her strength and courage are really admirable, and Huang Zhenhua is a good man." These comments reflect the audience's concern and resonance for Su's complex inner world.

The appearance of Bai Xiaohe has brought unexpected variables to Huang Zhenhua's life. The background of her pregnancy and the power of her father, Berjou, make the whole story even more complicated. Bai Erru reached out to Huang Zhenhua on the project, and his motives behind him sparked more controversy and speculation. Some netizens said: "This Bai Erru doesn't look simple, there must be his abacus behind this." Another commented: "The relationship between Bai Xiaohe and Huang Zhenhua does not seem to be simple, and this child will make everything more complicated." ”

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

These episodes demonstrate the complexity of the relationships and the unpredictability of life in The Story of Rose. Su Gengsheng's psychological struggle and Bai Xiaohe's sudden appearance not only affected Huang Zhenhua's personal life choices, but also profoundly affected his relationship with Su Gengsheng. The whole plot gradually unfolds in the interweaving and interaction between these characters, triggering deep thinking and discussion of the audience's love, family and personal choices.

In the whirlpool of emotions, Huang Zhenhua finally won Su Gengsheng's forgiveness and trust through unremitting efforts and sincere emotions. Although the story is full of trials and tribulations, their relationship eventually survives the test, showing the strength and tenacity of love.

Some people are confused and sorry for Huang Yimei's emotional experience. "I really don't understand, how warm the relationship between her and Zhuang Guodong was at the beginning, why did it end so decisively in the end?" A netizen expressed his doubts. Another added: "She later married Fang Xiewen, but she quickly fell into all kinds of control and bondage, which is really embarrassing." ”

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

It is regrettable that Huang Yimei's first relationship ended, and her second marriage was considered to be incorrect. "It's a pity that she and Zhuang Guodong had that relationship, and they could have had a bright future." Some netizens lamented this. Another commented: "The gap between Fang Xiewen and Huang Yimei's original family backgrounds is too big, and this kind of marriage is destined to have many problems." ”

These views reflect the audience's deep concern and empathy for Huang Yimei's complex emotional experience. Her life experiences and emotional choices have sparked deep thinking and discussion about the realities of love and marriage. In "The Story of the Rose", the fate and choices of each character tug at the heartstrings of the audience, showing the real and complex face of human nature in life.

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

Huang Yimei's ups and downs on the emotional road not only reflect personal growth and changes, but also reveal the marital challenges and emotional confusion that are common in real society. Her story is both personal and universal, and the audience hopes to see how she bravely faces and solves her inner entanglements in the development of the plot, and finds a happy home that truly belongs to her.

"The Story of Roses" has sparked widespread discussion and resonance through deeply emotional depictions and character building. The fates of each character are organically intertwined in the play, showing the complexity of human nature and the authenticity of emotions. The audience is looking forward to seeing how these characters grow and change in the waves of the plot, and finally find their own answers to life.

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe

"The Story of Roses" shows the multiple faces of love and marriage in modern society through complex character relationships and vivid plots. Each character plays an integral role in the story, and their destinies are intertwined to present a rich and thought-provoking story thread.

Looking forward to the future plot, especially the marriage prospects of Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng, the audience is looking forward to seeing more twists and developments. Although their love was once shaken, it has become more and more firm and mature after various tests, perhaps this is also their deeper fit and tacit understanding.

The story of roses: It wasn't until Su Gengsheng's marriage history was exposed that I understood why Huang Zhenhua cheated on Bai Xiaohe