
"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

Mademoiselle Bovary

2024-06-19 20:45Posted in Shanxi Entertainment Creators

Text: Miss Bovary

When "The Story of Rose" first launched, public opinion was filled with such a voice: "What does the beauty of a beautiful woman love and is invincible, what does it have to do with the ordinary me?" ”

It makes sense, life is already so difficult, why do you have to stand on tiptoe and watch another kind of life, is it possible that you and I are "Jian Qingfen" who ignores Rebecca and can't live a taste?

Especially in the first episode, being given flowers, desserts, and dolls is the daily routine that Huang Yimei (played by Liu Yifei), who has grown up from a small beauty to a big one, is used to boredom, not to mention, on the first day of being an intern in the unit, he activated the dead butterfly in the hearts of 30+ male leaders.

The red face is not a disaster, but I have to say that the big beauty has the ability to "break the boredom and create a commotion" and the privilege of accepting the stars to hold the moon.

No one should be unconvinced, beauty is a scarce resource that can bring good influence. And the beauty of congenital cultivation is always more natural and pleasing to the eye than the acquired efforts, such a genetic lottery, isn't it who is lucky?

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

But at the same time, there is another truth in the world, and that is that to have is to have a burden.

For example, if there is food in the warehouse, you can prevent thieves, you can prevent plagiarism, you have a lot of money to prevent financial fraud, and the author of the self-media writes a 100,000+ porter who does not give a signature...... Etcetera.

When people have nothing, they are troubled by how to "change from 0 to 1", and they need to endure loneliness and fatigue; And when you have a little accumulation and achievement, all kinds of temptations and invisible small actions will come one after another, and then the problems you face will change.

Of course, the same is true for having beauty. Everyone wants good things, so everyone who can't stop the smell of it has it, among them there will be humble gentlemen, but there is no shortage of people who want to steal, rob, occupy, and prostitute in vain.

Everyone covets beautiful women, but not everyone has the consciousness to respect and care for beautiful women.

Therefore, as a beauty holder, it is particularly important to keep your eyes open, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will get an "unequal transaction".

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

So in this way, Huang Yimei's growth line in "The Story of Rose" is smooth and in line with basic logic, and the big beauty still has to fall in love, because she can't avoid the black man, and falling in love will become her main way to explore herself and understand the world.

After lingering and rupture, gentleness and coldness, between ups and downs, the roses will finally understand in their tears that "beloved daughter" is the biggest lie in the world.

Passive roses

Judging from the two emotional relationships that have been fully broadcast, Huang Yimei is the relatively passive side, because her needs are always ignored.

The first Zhuang Guodong, there is no problem with his career brain, and there is no problem with being refined and self-interested, but can he tell the woman about his work plan in advance, and also give her a little initiative to choose? Instead of waving her sleeves and saying leave when the other party's affection is strong, she thinks she doesn't know anything and doesn't understand anything.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

The second Fang Xiewen has always had two demons, one is to compete with the excellent "senior" Zhuang Guodong, and the other is to face the balance of his mother and wife always tilts to the former, in short, he is a combination of inferiority complex + mom treasure. Once, Huang Yimei was the goddess he was pursuing; After marrying into the door, the goddess had to follow Fang's footsteps and revolve around the two demons:

"It's just to change the big house to save face, and Rose can't agree with it."

"It's just to speak in tongues with my mother, and it doesn't matter if Rose doesn't understand it, it's like an outsider."

"It's about being a good man to support your family, and it doesn't help that Rose wants to continue working."

You see, whether you are in love or in marriage, whether you are facing the so-called elite man or the affordable man, the heartfelt voice and appeal of the beautiful woman can only be repeatedly drowned in the arrogance of machismo.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

Standing with Zhuang Guodong, they are talented men and women, and they are incomparable in the eyes of the world, but in fact, only girls enter the play.

She was immersed in the love script, looking forward to the romantic new plot after the affection, but she waited for a frozen and desperate back. You take others as belonging, but they hold their gold-rimmed glasses and stride towards the distant country of France (Four Sounds).

He Fang Xiewen has achieved a positive result, it belongs to the marriage, it stands to reason that he will be blessed, the flower phoenix flew into the homes of ordinary people, so it can't be offered? The fact is that the golden phoenix flew into the homes of ordinary people, and eventually had to be domesticated into an ordinary laying hen and crowing chicken.

After all, the common people have the power system of the common people's families, and the common people's families have the survival rules of the common people's families. You have to become a hard-working wife, a forbearant wife, a speechless wife, and you will end up with those ordinary-looking married women. Only then do you realize that all the courtesies and gentleness before marriage have been secretly marked at a price.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

The lie of "loving daughter".

Therefore, compared with "ordinary girls", beauties will be more likely to feel one thing, that is, the gap.

When she was in her prime, the gorgeous picture scroll unfolded in front of her eyes, making her think that she could have the whole world with a little effort, only to find out later that what pampering, what promise, just talking, but restrictions exist everywhere, most people only allow her to make a quiet vase, or the kind that no one wipes the dust over time.

From this point of view, beauty seems to be a trap that lures them forward, but it cannot fulfill a cloud peak.

But in fact, the "original sin" is not beauty, but the traditional gender discipline does not allow them to use beauty in the right place.

For example, women are still more likely to find their own value in their relationships, that is, to be proud of "who they are with" rather than "what I have created". Under this underlying mentality, beauty has become a bargaining chip to gain the "favor of high-quality men", rather than a trump card to serve oneself.

Therefore, they are not "selfish" enough, but often unconsciously sacrificed, and they are not used to being "self-centered", but are more content with the role of caregiver and supporter. Don't believe it, look at the entertainment industry, there are a lot of female agents and male stars who have achieved positive results, what about male agents and female stars? Oh, Feng Ke and Zhang Liangying, it's already broken.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

Don't say "how we modern women are" and "we modern women don't"...... Anyone can shout slogans, but if they really change from the roots, it will not happen overnight.

Qiong Yao's novels have been popular for decades, using love as the banner to call for the patriarchal shackles of enslaving women, and instilling in a generation the values of "I'd rather fall in love than be numb and subservient"; And now, young people are gradually disenchanted by love, and many people really feel that love is not a gorgeous myth, let alone a necessity of life, and a careless may make you irreversible, so it doesn't hurt to be single for a lifetime.

There is no absolute right or wrong, it can only be said that only after a long period of continuous "overkill" can we measure the best proportion and position of love in life. But before that it is better to know what is old and what is the direction in which we are likely to go.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

Another common "discipline lie" is that when you are a beautiful woman, you can have a comfortable and carefree life. Common phrases are:

"You are responsible for being beautiful like a flower, and I am responsible for making money to support my family."

"Once you get married, the baby will be good for a lifetime."

"Girls don't have to fight so hard, someone fights what to fight."

Happily sketching a beautiful vision, no matter how it sounds, it sounds like a big fool. In fact, it is indeed fooling people, and if you think about it rationally, you will know that there is no such thing in the world as a one-size-fits-all solution, and shortcuts have always been the most difficult way to go.

It's just that people have inertia, and when they don't fall on their heels, they instinctively lean towards an easy path, unless you see the known results and clear light on the other path.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

But do you know how cunning our traditional discipline is, and before feeding sweet dates, we have already slapped it in advance.

That's right, it's light to tell lies, but it's actually a complete PUA scheme.

I will first share a slap I often received when I was a child: "Women are generally not good at science, even if they have good grades before junior high school, they will not be able to do it in high school." ”

Similarly; "A girl's family, you still want to go to heaven!"

There will be some natural prejudices about beauties: "She looks so good-looking and loves to dress up, she must have no time to read and her head must be empty." ”

The support and encouragement that a woman receives in terms of capacity development and career development is much lower than that of a man, and it is also far lower than the pressure to marry from all directions. There always seems to be an invisible hand in this society, sometimes coercing, sometimes seducing, sometimes intimidating, sometimes coaxing, committed to pushing women into the "glorious" wifehood and "great" motherhood through various means, and gradually deviates from the stage of giving full play to social value and creating economic value.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

So even today, it is still difficult for a woman to succeed, she has to go through the stumble to wake up from the lie, then break the seal of self-deprecation and believe that "I can do it", and finally choose the seemingly difficult but safe path.

I am reminded of Beauvoir's classic quote:

The great fortune of a man is that he has to tread a very difficult path, both in adulthood and in childhood, but it is also the surest path; The woman's misfortune lies in the fact that she is surrounded by almost irresistible temptations, and every thing tempts her to take the easy path, and she is not called to strive to go her own way, but she hears that if she slides down, she can reach the paradise of bliss. By the time she realizes that she has been fooled by a mirage, it is already too late, and her strength has been drained in a failed adventure.

This paragraph is a peerless truth, and it deserves to be recited in full by female compatriots, except that the last sentence is a little too scary......

Although there is not much room for trial and error given to ordinary people at the moment, I believe that "it is not too late to die at the end of the day", wake up early and enter a new era of life early, as long as you wake up, there will always be a chance, even if it is only a small progress in the eyes of others.

At that time, love can still be discussed, but it will no longer be a calamity of sacrificing oneself at every turn; Marriage can be married and children can be born, but it will no longer be a cage to passively enter, but a responsibility to take the initiative.

The moment I woke up from the dream was cold, but fortunately, the road after that would lead to the light.

"The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

Author: Mademoiselle Bovary

Follow me and read people's hearts and understand customs in the entertainment world.

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  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!
  • "The Story of Roses"|Everyone loves big beauties? Fake!

Personal opinion, for reference only

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