
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

author:Popular science of all things

"Is it the backlash of releasing nuclear wastewater?"

During this time, a rare disease spread in Japan at an unprecedented rate. It is said that many people who are so infected with this infectious disease that their limbs are so susceptible to necrosis that they have to be amputated to save their lives.

According to public data from the Japan Research Center for Related Infectious Diseases on June 18, as of June 9, 1,019 people infected with "man-eating bacteria" had been found ten days ago, that is, on June 9.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

As soon as I heard the name of this bacterium, it made people feel creepy, and some netizens said that this is retribution, and that the Japanese channel should be "closed for at least half a year to see the after-effects".

What's going on?

What exactly is a "man-eating fungus"?

According to relevant studies, this disease is called streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, which is caused by streptococcal bacteria.

If you get it, you have a high chance of death. The fatality rate is probably between 30% and 70%.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

At first, the symptoms are similar to those of a cold, but from the early symptoms, it is usually difficult to tell that it is caused by "man-eating bacteria".

However, the disease can progress quickly, and the bacteria enter the body tissues at a lightning speed, at which time the patient will experience a series of symptoms such as organ failure, difficulty breathing, and rapid heartbeat.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

If you are sent to the hospital for treatment at this time, there is a high probability that you will not be able to recover.

The time between the development of the disease and death is also extremely frightening, usually only 24-48 hours before the patient dies.

It is worth mentioning that during the illness, the patient's hands and feet are more common, and in order to save their lives, they can only be amputated.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

According to relevant reports in the Japanese media, someone suffered from the disease after eight surgeries, was in a coma for three weeks, and finally had his leg amputated before surviving.

In addition, in many cases, it has been mentioned that many infected people are initially infected due to small cuts in the skin such as accidental abrasions on the hands or feet.

Is the "man-eating fungus" highly contagious?

Up to now, the number of patients infected with "man-eating bacteria" in Japan is still increasing.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

According to information released by the Tokyo Infectious Disease Information Center, such a condition existed last year, but this year the number of patients has surged, and in half a year it has exceeded the total number of patients in the past year. At the same time, it is also the peak since the beginning of statistics in 99.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

Japanese media reported that "man-eating bacteria" are mainly infected by droplets or physical contact between people. And there is a certain amount of drug resistance.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

"Man-eating fungus" sounds a little scary, but in fact, it is not particularly rare in our clinical practice. Because "streptococcus" is a relatively common type of bacteria.

However, there are some special types of group A streptococcus that can cause a very serious disease called necrotizing fasciitis. Imagine that the fascial tissue in your body may be "eaten" by this bacterium in a short period of time, which is terrifying.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

Although the fatality rate of disease caused by this bacterium is high, in fact, among all streptococcal infections, there are very few cases that actually progress to severe disease.

So it's not that as long as you are infected with this streptococcus, it will be fatal, and everyone should not panic too much.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

Is there any related case in our country? But prevention is always right, everyone usually pays more attention to personal hygiene, strengthens exercise, improves immunity, reduces risks, and improves the body's ability to prevent diseases.

Hot comments from netizens

I heard that such a thing happened in Japan, a "friendly neighbor", and netizens left messages one after another.

Some people ridiculed that it was "the backlash of nuclear sewage discharge", and some people said that it was the retribution of the small day.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

Many netizens expressed concern about this infectious disease, saying that it must be prevented as soon as possible, and called for some medical examination measures for tourists returning from Japan.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

Some netizens were noncommittal about this infectious disease, saying that those who should come will always come.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

Focus on prevention

When the disease comes, no one is safe, and everyone should take precautions and be vigilant.

In particular, older people, when the body is damaged, must not be ignored, pay attention to the disinfection. Pay attention to personal hygiene.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

For those who plan to travel abroad, it is recommended that you can change your itinerary and there is no need to take the risk of going out.

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island

On the basis of raising health awareness, everyone should also pay attention to hygiene, strengthen personal protection, do more physical exercise, and improve physical fitness. Then go about your normal life and don't panic.

Reference Sources:

[1] Xiaoxiang Morning News, the official media "There is a risk of entering the country! Nearly 1,000 cases of "man-eating fungus" infection in Japan, which can be fatal in 48 hours" 2024.06.18

[2] Official media Daily Economic News "Necrosis of hands and feet, amputation saves life!" "Man-eating bacteria" is spreading in Japan, and the number of reported cases is record-breaking, how to prevent it? 》2024.06.17

However, in order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read it sensibly and it is for reference only

Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
Cases of "man-eating fungus" in Japan have surged, thousands of people have been infected, netizens: Don't go out of the island
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