
How to set the font size change on WeChat? How to set the font size of WeChat

author:School Encyclopedia

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With the increase of WeChat users, WeChat officials have also been optimizing the user experience, whether it is for teenagers, or middle-aged and elderly people, WeChat has some features to help them use.

Today, Xiaopeng wants to share a problem that a middle-aged and elderly WeChat user will encounter, because it is often encountered by an elder who mentions that when using WeChat, the font in WeChat is relatively small, which looks very inconvenient.

How to set the font size change on WeChat? How to set the font size of WeChat

After registering WeChat, the general default font is relatively small, it is a normal 14-point font, and it does look less if you don't set it, especially for some elderly people, their eyesight is not particularly good.

So, the question is, how to set the font size change on WeChat? Xiaopeng will give you a detailed introduction today, and you can set the corresponding font size according to your preferences, come and take a look.

Methodological steps

1. Open our WeChat, then click [Me] in the bottom navigation, and then click [Settings] in the last item, as shown in the figure below:

How to set the font size change on WeChat? How to set the font size of WeChat

2. After entering the settings, we find and click [General], and then you can see [Font Size] in the general interface, click to enter the settings;

How to set the font size change on WeChat? How to set the font size of WeChat

3. Then we can see that the default font size is "standard", which is a relatively small font, we choose its font size according to our own situation, and click [Done] in the upper right corner after selection, as shown in the following figure:

How to set the font size change on WeChat? How to set the font size of WeChat

4. After the final confirmation, click [OK], click OK to restart WeChat, and after starting, you can see the font size of WeChat to replace the size we just set, as shown in the figure below:

How to set the font size change on WeChat? How to set the font size of WeChat

Xiaopeng has something to say

In fact, in addition to directly setting the WeChat font size, if you want to make the font size larger, we can also set the WeChat mode to "care mode", this mode is new soon, interested friends can try to open it to see if it is more suitable for themselves.