
The United Nations General Assembly punched the United States twice in a row, and China's statement this time is very unusual


The United Nations General Assembly directly punched the United States twice, and China's statement this time is very unusual! Recently, China and the United States staged a wonderful confrontation at the United Nations General Assembly, and the United States is still the same old-fashioned, but China's style of play has obviously changed, and it has directly punched the United States twice.

The United Nations General Assembly punched the United States twice in a row, and China's statement this time is very unusual

In the first blow, in response to the US representative's remarks on the Korean Peninsula issue, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, made a strong response. Geng Shuang said that the US representative has declared on numerous occasions that the US Government is willing to hold dialogue with the DPRK side unconditionally, promote a political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue, and maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. However, in fact, the United States has simultaneously exerted pressure on the DPRK in the political, military, and economic fields, constantly aggravating tensions on the peninsula. China hopes that the United States will stop its hypocritical behavior of saying one thing and doing another, take concrete actions to demonstrate its political will, and make concrete efforts to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

The United Nations General Assembly punched the United States twice in a row, and China's statement this time is very unusual

In the second blow, when talking about the topic of "unilateral coercive measures", Geng Shuang directly pointed out that the United States and a few other countries are abusing their own strength to weaponize and instrumentalize unilateral sanctions, and in order to maintain its hegemonic monopoly position and the unjust and unreasonable international order, the United States does not hesitate to bully the small with the big, bully the weak with the strong, and suppress the poor with the rich. China calls on the United States and other Western countries to heed the just call of the international community and immediately and completely abolish unilateral coercive measures.

The United Nations General Assembly punched the United States twice in a row, and China's statement this time is very unusual

It is enough to see from the two punches that China threw at the United States at the United Nations General Assembly that the United States is still the same old thing, always trying to force other countries to submit to hegemony through a diplomatic strategy of "carrots and sticks". This kind of behavior will undoubtedly make more and more countries feel tired and disgusted, and at the same time, it will also expose the arrogance and prejudice that are deeply embedded in the heart of the United States. But what worries the United States is that China is no longer as talkative as it once was. Now, in the face of oppression by the United States, China's style of play has obviously changed. In the past, the mainland may have shown some affection to the United States, and when criticizing hegemonic acts, it always referred to "a certain country" and "a certain institution." However, this time, the Chinese side directly criticized the United States by name, and it also named the United States twice in a row.

The United Nations General Assembly punched the United States twice in a row, and China's statement this time is very unusual

Another detail that needs to be noted is that in the past, the Chinese side used to "strongly protest" and "solemnly make representations", but now it has become "demand for cancellation". This shows that China's stance has become more and more hardline, and it is no longer possible for the United States to hold dialogues with China from a position of strength. In my opinion, China's statement this time is very unusual, and it not only reflects a general trend, that is, China is gradually adapting to the rhythm of the great power game and will no longer save face for some countries. At the same time, it also shows that China has become more and more assertive in the international arena and has been able to take the initiative in the face of hegemonism. In addition to making military preparations, China is also striving to move forward in the international public opinion war, and use concrete actions to expose the hypocrisy of US imperialism. Just as this time, China directly threw two punches at the UN General Assembly, which is to tell the United States that we will resolutely not bear it, and we will make public the dirty things that the United States has done so that the people of the world can see that the United States, which has always prided itself as the world's policeman, is the outright troublemaker.

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