
It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

Have you ever wondered if Huang Shengyi was an ordinary office worker instead of a popular little flower, would we still be so interested in her family's "mansion"? Is it that we magnify and exaggerate everything about the stars so much that we sometimes lose our basic judgment of right and wrong?

Luxury living? No, that's the norm in Shanghai

For many people, the scene of Huang Shengyi's home with a "super large terrace full of melons, fruits and vegetables" is indeed eye-opening and breathtaking. But if you know the city of Shanghai Deeper, you will find that this is not a "luxury house" at all.

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

Shanghai is the economic center of the country, and Xujiahui District is one of the famous old neighborhoods in downtown Shanghai. The vast majority of local residents, especially those who have lived in old houses for decades, grow flowers and vegetables in their yards. Even on both sides of many streets, you can see small makeshift vegetable gardens set up by neighbors.

"In Xujiahui, planting some vegetables on your own terrace is already standard."

Therefore, this kind of "half-farming, half-city" lifestyle is not uncommon in Shanghai as a modern metropolis. On the contrary, it shows a unique humanistic atmosphere and the pursuit of a high quality of life.

Wealthy? In fact, the more traditional is to be diligent and thrifty

At the beginning of the article, it was said that Huang's father's "poor and white" terrace was "worth hundreds of thousands" in area alone. This undoubtedly gives a feeling of extreme wealth. But in fact, having a private space of this size is actually a very common and natural thing for the older generation in Shanghai.

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

A lot of Shanghainese's accumulation in the past comes from investing smart money in real estate. Maybe there wasn't that much cash flow in the past, but the older generation put a lot of emphasis on putting money in the house rather than being wasted on eating, drinking, and having fun. Huang's father's family is a typical representative of intellectuals, so naturally he will not waste money.

"In Shanghai, buying a big house with a spacious yard and terrace is the most decent way to invest."

This kind of traditional virtues of low-key and introverted, diligent and thrifty, and thinking about the sake of children and grandchildren is actually the most precious "family property" of the old Shanghainese. So I think that Huang Shengyi has experienced this simple wisdom of life since she was a child, and perhaps it is this family atmosphere that has created her good character of being elegant and friendly, low-key and humble.

Don't underestimate the meaning behind these "fruits and vegetables".

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

However, judging the Huang family's family background from this "melon, fruit and vegetable plantation" alone is a bit superficial. We have to see that this is actually a deeper embodiment of the concept of life.

First of all, it is a love for nature and a pursuit of green life. This is not only reflected in Huang's father's planting hobby, but also from their family's love of outdoor sports, skiing and other activities.

Secondly, Daddy Huang's small vegetable garden is actually a self-sufficient way of life. Although their family is well-off, they still maintain the good habit of being industrious, simple, and not wasteful. This kind of "semi-self-cultivated farmer" attitude to life makes people feel a strong literati charm.

"Spending money often does not necessarily buy pure taste and feelings, and the Huang family's attitude towards life is the most precious wealth."
It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

Don't look at it as just an ordinary vegetable garden, but it contains profound life philosophies such as "green environmental protection", "self-sufficiency" and "love life". Huang Shengyi can live in such a humanistic and friendly family atmosphere, which is really useful. No wonder she always gives people a good impression of elegance, affinity, and peace.

Netizens are hotly discussed: An extraordinary life in an ordinary family

This incident quickly caused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet:

"Although Huang Shengyi's father's house is ordinary, this modern and idyllic lifestyle is the most attractive place."
It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers
"The cultivation of the Huang family is really admirable, and it can be seen that they love life, which is the true meaning of happiness."
"Quiet and far-reaching, Huang Shengyi's family environment is the best life nourishment."
"The lifestyle of the rich is also quite desirable, looking for a balance between money and the countryside, and living an ideal quality of life."
"Although the environment is important, it is more important to have the right outlook on life and values. The Huang family interprets what a happy life is with their actions. "
It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

It can be seen from the comments of netizens that what everyone pays more attention to and appreciates is actually the Huang family's ordinary spirit and frugal wisdom in their life attitude. A very ordinary family, but it gives people a quiet and far-reaching yearning. This wisdom of life and philosophy of life is an excellent inspiration for each of us.

The essence of life lies in how and how to treat it. For a lucky person like Huang Shengyi, even if his family is well-off, he can receive such elegant humanistic edification since he was a child, which is indeed a great opportunity and celebration.

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

Money is not the most important thing

Although wealth and status are important, what is more important is a person's spiritual home and inner cultivation. Take Huang Shengyi and her family as an example, although they have a good family background, they live a low-key and simple life, which more reflects the noble pursuit of life by intellectuals.

"Home is not just a place, it is a spiritual sustenance."
It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

From Papa Huang's simple vegetable garden, we can see profound philosophies such as environmental protection, self-sufficiency, and love of life. This concept of life, which is both modern and traditional, is the most valuable spiritual wealth of the Huang family.

For them, the pursuit of material wealth is important, but more important is to have a living environment full of sunshine and nature, a home rich in humanistic atmosphere. Only in this way is spiritual abundance the most precious.

Therefore, we should not pay too much attention to the material appearance of Huang Shengyi's "mansion", but should think more about what is the most precious thing in a family and a person's life? Is it money or a nobler idea of life? For many people, the latter is a more meaningful life pursuit.

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

Only when the connotation is rich, life will be abundant

It is not enough to have money and mansions, and the quality of a person's life depends more on how noble the inner spiritual cultivation is.

The reason why Huang Shengyi is so admired is largely because she comes from such an intellectual family. Since childhood, he has been nurtured with thrift, love of nature, and yearning for elegant life.

"There are some things that money can't buy, such as pure taste and sincere feelings."

It is precisely because of such an inner spiritual home that Huang Shengyi's life is extraordinarily high-quality and profound. Not only has he achieved success in his career, but his speech and demeanor also show a rare and elegant temperament.

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

If a family or a person only pursues money and ignores the connotation of a higher level of life, then life will become boring. On the contrary, if we can pursue a nobler concept of life on the material basis like the Huang family, then life will become colorful and full of abundance.

Therefore, it is good to have money, but if you don't even have the most basic life wisdom and humanistic qualities, it is undoubtedly a pity and a deficiency. The reason why Huang Shengyi is so admired is largely due to her noble and intellectual family background.

Life should never be a slave to money

Money is really important because it provides us with better material conditions. However, if we take money too seriously and regard it as the whole of life, we will really become "slaves of money".

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

In contrast, the lifestyle of the Huang family is worthy of our study and reflection. Although his family is well-off, he has never lost the true nature of life. Their love of rural life, thrift, and simplicity are the traditional virtues that are truly valuable.

"Life should be free, healthy and uplifting, not bound by money."

Many people are obsessed with money and material things, but they ignore that the essence of life is freedom and happiness. Look at Papa Huang's simple vegetable garden, there is no more desirable way of life.

At the end of the day, money is just a tool and a means of survival, and it should not be the whole of our lives. Only by getting rid of the attachment to money can we truly live at ease and find inner peace and happiness.

It's too trenched! Huang Shengyi took a photo with his father, his mother's mansion was fully exposed, and the terrace was oversized and full of cauliflowers

The reason why Huang Shengyi's family is so happy is largely due to their simple and noble attitude towards life. This is also a life topic that each of us should learn and think about.

In short, the essence of life is not the amount of money, but how positive our attitude towards life is. Only when the heart is rich, life will be abundant; Only by getting rid of the obsession with money can we be truly free. The Huang family has given us the best demonstration and inspiration with practical actions.

Or is quality of life more important?

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