
Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

author:Yicheng Management
对比salesforce,其他10款优秀CRM:纷享销客CRM、Zoho CRM、腾讯企点、销售易、企业微信 (WeCom)、Odoo CR、OroCRM、金蝶、用友CRM、EspoCRM

Although Salesforce has gained many customers overseas with its comprehensive features and strong market presence, Salesforce's acceptance in the domestic market is limited by its price and data policy compliance issues, and its practical extent is not very widespread. So, for domestic enterprises, in addition to Salesforce, what other good CRM customer relationship management systems can you choose? In this article, we will compare the 10 mainstream models.

1. Enjoy the CRM of sales

Fanxiang is a connected CRM system designed for medium and large enterprises, with its market share and growth rate for many years, it has firmly ranked in the leading position in the domestic CRM market. As one of the oldest CRM management systems in China, Fanxiang provides mature product functions such as customer management, visit management, business opportunity management, contract management, data analysis and open ocean pool, which can meet almost all the CRM management needs of large and medium-sized enterprises. Many well-known companies, such as Yuanqi Forest, Digital China and Queungs, etc., have customized development based on Fanxiang Sales.

The price of Fanxiang is very cost-effective in the domestic market, supporting a variety of purchase solutions such as private deployment, customized development and SaaS, and providing free use for a certain number of people. The advantage lies in its comprehensive functionality and high degree of customizability, with few significant drawbacks. [Official website:]

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

2. Zoho CRM

Known for its powerful automation and customization capabilities, Zoho CRM is particularly suitable for mid-to-large businesses that need complex workflow automation and customer journey management. In 2023, Zoho CRM was named a Gartner Magic Quadrant Visionary for Sales Automation and was named one of the Forbes Cloud 100. This may be the most suitable CRM for foreign trade enterprises in China.

More than 250,000 businesses, including NetEase, Amazon, Foxconn, Tujia, and Kuaishou, use Zoho CRM. Zoho CRM is available in Free, Standard, Premium, Ultimate, and Ultra editions to suit businesses of all sizes.

Its capabilities include identifying and tracking leads, building customer relationships, improving sales and service efficiency, and providing rich reporting and analytics to help businesses make better business decisions. The pros are feature-rich and highly customizable, but some advanced features may require a long learning curve. 【Official address:】

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

3. Tencent Qidian

As an important product of Tencent, Qidian CRM deeply integrates social platforms such as QQ and WeChat to provide powerful customer data management and interaction functions. It's especially suitable for businesses that need to effectively manage customer relationships on social media. Qidian not only supports the centralized management of data, but also directly interacts with consumers through WeChat mini programs and other methods to collect feedback, so as to help enterprises better understand and serve customers. For more information, please visit

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

4. Easy to sell

SalesEasy is a highly personalized CRM software designed to provide comprehensive mobile and online customer relationship management solutions for technology and high-tech enterprises. Not only is the software powerful, but it also has a user-friendly interface, allowing businesses to access data in real-time and enhance customer interactions. The use of Ease of Sales helps businesses improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. Please see for details.

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

5. WeCom

WeCom is a CRM tool designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that seamlessly integrates with the WeChat ecosystem to facilitate the management of customer information and business operations. It provides a range of tools to support communication and data management between businesses and customers, especially for companies that need to use WeChat frequently. For more information, please visit

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

6.Odoo CRM

Odoo is a very flexible, open-source CRM that's ideal for retail and F&B businesses that need to integrate multiple functions such as sales, inventory management, and email marketing. Odoo is characterized by its modular system, where users can add different functional modules as needed. This CRM helps businesses manage customer relationships effectively with its detailed customer behavior records and customized assignment rules. While Odoo has a steep learning curve, its strong customization capabilities and open community support make it an option worth considering. Official website:

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.


OroCRM is a CRM designed for e-commerce and multi-channel selling, providing in-depth customer segmentation and profiling capabilities, especially for B2B businesses with complex customer management needs. Its 360-degree view of the customer capability provides businesses with unprecedented insights into customer interactions, helping to develop more effective sales strategies. Although OroCRM offers powerful customization options, it may require setup and maintenance by a developer. Official website:

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

8. Golden Butterfly

Kingdee is a leading CRM and ERP solution provider in China, with extensive industry experience and a broad customer base. The software offers comprehensive enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management capabilities for businesses of all sizes, especially medium to large enterprises. Kingdee emphasizes the comprehensiveness and in-depth customization of the system to meet the specific needs of different enterprises. More information can be found in

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

9. Companion CRM

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a well-known software company in China, providing a variety of enterprise management software, including CRM. Yonyou CRM is known for its comprehensive functional features, covering customer management, sales management, marketing management and service management, etc., which is suitable for large and medium-sized enterprises. Its CRM solutions are designed to help businesses improve sales performance and customer satisfaction through powerful data processing capabilities and optimized user experience design. The challenge of yonyou CRM is the high learning threshold and customization cost. Official website:

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.


EspoCRM is favored for its lightweight and powerful features, making it ideal for businesses that need to manage the sales lifecycle at a granular level. This CRM offers extreme flexibility through an entity manager that allows users to create and customize entities and relationships without coding. EspoCRM supports a wide range of sales automation and behavior tracking features to help businesses optimize customer interactions and sales processes. However, its scalability may be slightly insufficient for large enterprises. Official website:

Time and time to see what you are seeing, it's a good time to be a good example of what you'like.

When a business is considering adopting or replacing a CRM system, it's crucial to understand the capabilities and positioning of the various tools. CRM tools on the market tend to focus on meeting the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises, from startups to established enterprises, each with its own unique features.

Choose the CRM tool that's right for you

When choosing a CRM system, businesses need to consider several factors, such as price, features, customizability, user interface, and technical support. Understanding the features of different CRM tools can help businesses find the best solution for their needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the common features of CRM tools?

A: CRM systems typically include customer data management, interaction tracking, sales management, marketing automation, and customer service functions.

Q: Why do small and medium-sized businesses need CRM tools too?

A: CRM tools can help SMEs manage customer information more effectively, improve the efficiency of sales and marketing, and thus promote business growth.

Q: What factors should I look for when choosing a CRM tool?

A: When choosing a CRM tool, you should consider whether it can meet the specific needs of your company, including comprehensive functionality, scalability of the system, user-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness.