
Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

author:Wisdom Peacock 54
Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

There are strange things every year, and this year is especially numerous. Recently, a very ironic thing happened in a barber shop in Jiangsu. A young mother, who was crying because her child's hair was cut too short, launched a fierce pursuit of the child for 20 minutes in anger. What's even more excessive is that after that, he actually shouted for the store to compensate the child for the money he was beaten. It's a ridiculous joke!

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

"Barbershop Storm"

The story takes place on an afternoon on June 18, when the sun shines through the glass windows of the barbershop and shines on the neat floor and orderly barbering tools. A mother walks into the barbershop with her young son to get her baby a haircut. However, this seemingly ordinary haircut experience turned into a jaw-dropping farce because of the mother's excessive demands and the child's crying.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

From the store's surveillance footage, we can see that the mother has been pointing and asking the barber to cut her hair shorter while the barber is cutting her child's hair. The barber seemed a little helpless, but still tried to do what she asked. However, when the barber finished the haircut, the child started crying because his hair was cut too short.

At this time, an unexpected scene happened. The mother suddenly lost control of her emotions and began punching and kicking her child in the store. The child's cries and the mother's scolding mingled and the entire barbershop was thrown into chaos. After beating the child, the mother seemed to be still angry, and picked up a broom and a data cable to chase the child outside the store, and chased the child for 20 minutes. The child's cry echoed in the streets, attracting many onlookers and discussions.


But that's nothing, and the woman's strange operation next shocked everyone. I saw that the mother returned to the barber shop and pointed the finger at the innocent barber. She loudly questioned why the barber had cut the child's hair so short, and even forced the barber to retreat into a corner and demand a refund.

The barber was obviously frightened by the mother's actions, after all, she repeatedly asked for her child to be cut short, and when the child was not satisfied, she began to bite indiscriminately. In the end, the barbershop owner was forced to have no choice but to return the money according to her request. However, the mother was not satisfied with this, and she continued to shout loudly, as if she wanted more.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

It turned out that the mother had also opened a card in the boss's store before, and now that such a thing has happened, it is estimated that she has no face to go again, so she wants to return the money in the card, but what is even more excessive is that she also asks for a full refund, which is a big joke. What's even more outrageous is that after the barbershop owner refused her excessive request, she actually called the police.

"Follow-up Development"

However, when the police arrived at the scene. The woman is ashamed to ask the store to compensate her for beating the child, which is simply unreasonable. After the police learned what happened, they told their mother: "It's your business to beat the child!" This sentence made my mother speechless for a moment.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

The news quickly spread online. People have expressed dissatisfaction and condemnation of the mother's behavior. Some netizens said: "I don't know what she thinks, beat the child by herself, and then find the store for reimbursement?" Some netizens said: "This child is really unlucky, this mother is on the stall." ”

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

"I really don't dare to let her come to consume anymore, it's inexplicably too unreasonable, in fact, I pity this child the most, and I have to continue to suffer such grievances"

"I'm really speechless, this mother has a problem, her hair is cut short and beats the child, what does it have to do with the child? Don't you want to tell the barber what you wanted? ”

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

"At first glance, it's a boy, there's nothing wrong with cutting it short in summer, you have to take care of everything, this woman is not tired, I can't wait to cut their heads"

"Mom guesses there's something wrong with her heart, watching the video looks like a boy! What does it matter if your hair is cut shorter? ”

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

Many people expressed anger and incomprehension at the mother's actions, believing that her actions not only harmed the child, but also harmed public morality and order. At the same time, some people expressed sympathy and support for the barber, believing that it was not easy for her to remain calm and rational in the face of such vexatious trouble.

Actually, each of us has our own aesthetics and preferences. For things like haircuts, sometimes the results may not be as good as we want. But that doesn't mean we can blame others for being unreasonable. We should learn to understand and tolerate, and face the unsatisfactory in life with a peaceful mind.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

This incident is also a wake-up call for us: as parents, we should educate our children in the right way, rather than using violence to solve problems. We should teach our children how to deal with setbacks and unsatisfactory situations, so that they can learn to be strong and courageous. Only in this way can we raise healthy, happy and quality children.

"Provoke Deep Thought"

This incident makes us wonder, why is this happening? What caused this mother's runaway behavior? Perhaps, we can look for the answer in many ways.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

First of all, as a parent, the mother is clearly not dealing with her child's emotional problems correctly. When the child cries because her hair is cut short, she does not choose to comfort and guide the child, but chooses to use violence to solve the problem. This approach not only does not solve the problem, but will cause more psychological damage to the child.

Secondly, the mother's actions also reflect her disregard for public morality and order. In public places, we should respect the rights and feelings of others, and should not affect the normal life of others because of our own private affairs. However, the mother completely disregarded the feelings of others, made a lot of noise in the barbershop, and even chased and beat the child, seriously disturbing public order.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

Finally, we also have to think about the influence of society on parent-child relationships and family education. In today's society, many families are facing a variety of pressures and challenges, resulting in a lack of patience and methods for some parents when educating their children. If society could provide more support and guidance on parent-child relationships and family education, perhaps there would be fewer such incidents.

Wonderful Parents Bear Kids! The child was too short to cry after the haircut, and the mother turned back on the store after beating the child

In short, although this incident in a barber shop in Suzhou is only a small matter, it has provoked us to think deeply about issues such as parent-child relationship, public morality and family education. We should draw lessons from this and strive to create a more harmonious and civilized social environment. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the importance of family education to help parents better educate their children, so that they can grow up healthily and live happily. #头条创作挑战赛 ##妙笔生花创作挑战#

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