
Please give grassroots civil servants a higher salary! The monthly income is five or six thousand, and there is not much to take out of the brother

author:Chen Chuer

As an ordinary person, I often see grassroots civil servants busy in the streets and alleys, who pay silently for our happy life, but few people pay attention to the hardships behind them. Recently, I saw an article on the Internet that "grassroots civil servants earn five or six thousand a month, and there are not many takeaway brothers", which made me feel the hardships of grassroots civil servants.

Today, I would like to take this opportunity to speak up for them, hoping to give them more protection in their treatment.

Please give grassroots civil servants a higher salary! The monthly income is five or six thousand, and there is not much to take out of the brother

I have a friend who is a grassroots civil servant.

Every morning, he has to arrive at work on time to start the day's work. Whether it is wind and rain or the scorching sun, he must stick to his post. He once told me that his monthly salary was only five or six thousand, which was not even as good as the income of some delivery boys. I was amazed to hear this number, so hard work, and so little income.

This monthly salary, in a medium-sized city, can barely sustain a person's life. However, the responsibilities of grassroots civil servants are far greater than we think. They are responsible for implementing policies, serving the people, resolving all kinds of conflicts and disputes, and facing countless assessments and pressures. Their income, compared to other industries, is really a bit shabby.

Please give grassroots civil servants a higher salary! The monthly income is five or six thousand, and there is not much to take out of the brother

I've seen him at work firsthand.

That day, he received a complaint call, quickly put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hand, and rode to the scene. At the scene, he patiently listened to the demands of both sides, persuaded both sides of the conflict, and finally successfully resolved the dispute. Looking at his sweaty appearance, I couldn't help but ask him, "Why didn't you quit after working so hard?" He replied with a smile: "This is my responsibility, and it is also a perseverance." ”

This kind of perseverance reminds me of those takeaway brothers.

They come and go in the wind and rain, running around the streets of the city in order to make a living. Their income may be higher than that of grassroots civil servants, but the hardship and dedication are also worthy of our respect. However, in comparison, the efforts of grassroots civil servants seem to be more obscure.

Please give grassroots civil servants a higher salary! The monthly income is five or six thousand, and there is not much to take out of the brother

The mainland has always attached importance to the building of the contingent of civil servants and has constantly improved the management system for civil servants, but I believe that more attention should indeed be paid to grassroots civil servants on the issue of salaries and benefits. They are an important cornerstone of the mainland's political power, and their dedication and efforts have a bearing on the country's stability and development. Their income is not only for their own lives, but also for that heavy responsibility.

Giving grassroots civil servants a little more salary is not a kind of charity, but a kind of respect.

When they are given what they deserve, they will be more determined to fulfill their duties and serve the people. At the same time, it is also an incentive for more people to be willing to join the grassroots civil service and contribute to the prosperity of the country.

As an ordinary citizen, I also hope that the relevant departments will pay attention to the treatment of grassroots civil servants, so that they can be respected and recognized as they deserve. At the same time, I also hope that the general public can understand and support their work and work together to build a better homeland.

Please give grassroots civil servants a higher salary! The monthly income is five or six thousand, and there is not much to take out of the brother

Let us work together to praise those grassroots civil servants who have paid silently, and pay tribute to their perseverance and dedication!

Finally, I would like to say to all the grassroots civil servants: "You have worked hard! "May your efforts be rewarded, and may your hard work be exchanged for a happy life for the people.

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