
Traditional Immortal Classics: "Yin Fu Jing"

author:Fa Yi said

"Yin Fu Jing" is a classic that is not complicated, philosophical speculation, the secrets of soldiers and the wisdom of life. This classic work, the first, second, and second parts, elaborates on the mysteries of the universe, nature, and life, and how to seek inner peace and wisdom in a complex world.

1. The way of observing the sky, the journey of holding the sky

Traditional Immortal Classics: "Yin Fu Jing"

The way to observe the sky, the trip to the sky, all the way. Therefore, there are five thieves in the sky, and those who see them are prosperous. The five thieves are in the heart, and they are carried out in the sky. The universe cares about the hand, and all incarnations are born in the body. Nature, people too; People's hearts, machines. The way of establishing heaven is to determine people. The sky kills, the dragon and the snake rise; People kill machines, and heaven and earth repeat; Heaven and man are combined, and everything is fixed. Sex is clumsy and can be hidden. The evil of the nine tricks, caring about the three things, can move. Fire is born of wood, and disaster will be overcome; Traitors are born in the country, and they will collapse when the times move; The cultivation of knowledge is called a saint.

At the beginning of the "Yin Fu Sutra", the core concept of "the way to view the sky, the line of the sky" is proposed. This means having insight into the laws of the universe and acting in accordance with them. There are five thieves in the sky, that is, the power of the five elements to restrain each other, which are not only the basic composition of the universe, but also the driving force for the change of all things. Seeing it means that only those who truly understand and use the power of these five thieves can be invincible in the complex world.

"The universe cares about the hand, and all the incarnations are born in the body." Everyone is a part of the universe and has the power to create and change the world.

"Nature, man; People's hearts, machines. "We need to adapt to our nature and use our inner wisdom and creativity to deal with life's challenges.

"The way of heaven is to determine people." While pursuing personal development, we must not forget to follow the way of heaven and use the way of heaven to guide and regulate our own behavior. In this way, we can find a stable direction in an unpredictable world.

2. The thieves and people of all things in heaven and earth

Traditional Immortal Classics: "Yin Fu Jing"

Born to kill, the principle of the Tao is also. Heaven and earth, the thief of all things; All things, thieves of man; Man, the thief of all things. Three thieves are suitable, and three talents are safe. Therefore, it is said: when you eat it, you will be reasonable; Move the opportunity, Wan Hua'an. People know their gods and gods, but they don't know why they are gods. The sun and the moon are numbered, the size is fixed, the holy merit is born, and the gods are out. Its theft is also something that the world can't see, and nothing can know. The gentleman gets a solid bow, and the villain gets a light life.

Entering the middle part, the Yin Fu Jing further elaborates on the relationship between heaven and earth, all things and man.

"Heaven and earth, the thief of all things; All things, thieves of man; Man, the thief of all things. "The nature of the interdependence and mutual influence of all things in the universe. Heaven and earth nourish all things, and all things provide human beings with the needs of survival. However, overexploitation and waste can upset this balance, leading to ecological imbalance and social upheaval.

Therefore, the "Yin Fu Jing" puts forward the concept of "three thieves are appropriate, and three talents are safe". Only when the heavens, the earth, all things, and people achieve a state of harmonious coexistence will the whole world be peaceful and stable. While pursuing personal interests, we can take into account the interests of others and nature, and achieve win-win sharing.

In addition, the Yin Fu Sutra also emphasizes the importance of time. "When you eat it, you will be reasonable; Move the opportunity, Wan Hua'an. "Only by seizing the moment and adapting to the situation can we make the right decisions and actions. At the same time, we should be good at hiding our edge and wisdom, and "we can hide our clumsiness" to avoid unnecessary trouble.

3. The unity of mind and matter and the way of nature

The blind are good at hearing, and the deaf are good at seeing. One source of absolute profit, ten times the teacher; Three anti-day and night, with 10,000 times. The heart is born in things, dies in things, and the opportunity lies in the eye. Heaven is blessed without grace and great grace. Thunder and gale are stupid. To be happy, to be quiet. Heaven is the most private, and the use is the most public. The system of poultry is in Qi. The root of death of the living, the root of life of the dead. Kindness is born of harm, and harm is born of grace. The fool is holy with heaven and earth, and I am philosophical with time and things. People are holy with foolishness, and I am not holy with foolishness; People are holy with strange periods, and I am holy with strange periods. Therefore, it is said: sink into the fire and bring about your own destruction. The way of nature is quiet, so all things in heaven and earth are born. The way of heaven and earth is immersed, so yin and yang win. Yin and yang push each other, and the change goes smoothly. Therefore, the sage knew that the way of nature could not be violated, so he made it. The way to tranquility cannot be commensurate with the law; There are strange weapons, and they are all kinds of things; gossip Jiazi, the magic ghost hides; The art of yin and yang winning is obvious.

Traditional Immortal Classics: "Yin Fu Jing"

In the second part, the Yin Fu Jing delves into the relationship between mind and matter and the way of nature. "The heart is born of things, dies of things, and the machine lies in the eyes." Our thoughts and emotions are influenced by external events, and our actions and decisions in turn change the external environment. Therefore, to achieve inner peace and wisdom, one must learn to control one's thoughts and emotions.

At the same time, the Yin Fu Jing emphasizes the importance of the way of nature. "The way of nature is quiet, so all things in heaven and earth are born." The way of nature is the purest and most tranquil force in the universe. Only by following the path of nature can we achieve inner peace and harmony. This requires us to let go of utilitarianism and attachment, and face the gains and losses in life with a normal heart.

The Yin Fu Jing also puts forward a number of philosophical points. "Heaven is blessed without grace" means that the true gift does not come from the outside world, but from the awakening and growth of the heart. "Sink into the fire and bring about your own destruction" warns us to stay away from extreme and extreme behaviors and maintain a peaceful mind.

Fourth, summary

As an ancient philosophical classic, the Yin Fu Jing is of great significance to our lives today with its ideas and wisdom. Through the way of observing the heavens and the journey of holding the heavens, we can better understand ourselves and the world; By understanding the relationship between the thieves of heaven and earth and man, we can achieve a harmonious coexistence with nature; By cultivating our hearts and following the path of nature, we can achieve inner peace and wisdom.

The way to view the sky, the trip to the sky, all the way; The thieves of heaven and earth coexist in harmony with people; The unity of mind and matter, the way of nature, is the true meaning of life. May everyone be able to draw wisdom and strength from the Yin Fu Sutra to achieve inner peace and harmony.