
Insomnia is also graded, see which level you are

author:Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical

Do you know? Insomnia is graded, if you also have insomnia, come and take a look!

01. Classification criteria for insomnia

1. Mild: can fall asleep but often wake up or sleep unsteadily, wake up too early in the morning, do not affect the next day's work.

2. Moderate: sleep less than 4 hours, can still insist on working the next day.

3. Severe: sleepless all night, difficult to work the next day.

Insomnia is also graded, see which level you are

02. Classification of insomnia

Depending on the duration of the disease, insomnia can be broadly divided into two categories, i.e., transient insomnia (< 1 week) and chronic insomnia (> 1 month). In general, insomnia for more than 1 week in a row tends to become chronic.

1. Transient insomnia: If it is not caused by jet lag or shift work, it is regulated insomnia. This insomnia has a clear precipitating factor, which is caused by a sudden increase in arousal state induced by acute stress factors. Common stress factors include: stressful life emergencies, such as the loss of a loved one, divorce, unemployment, hospitalization, etc.; It also includes changes in the sleep environment, such as sleeping in an unfamiliar environment.

2. Chronic insomnia: About 10% of adults suffer from chronic insomnia. Typical patients with chronic insomnia start with occasional insomnia, which then become frequent insomnia, and finally daily insomnia. The sleep duration on the day of insomnia is also gradually shortened. Some patients with chronic insomnia also have cyclical symptoms. Although these patients can have primary insomnia, most of them are secondary to or associated with other causes. According to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2) developed by the American Sleep Research Association, primary insomnia includes:

(1) Psychophysiological insomnia.

(2) Subjective sensory insomnia.

(3) Idiopathic insomnia.

03. Diagnostic criteria for primary insomnia

1. Sleep electroencephalogram: The instrument observation shows the patient's sleep situation, and sometimes it is found that the patient's insomnia complaint is contrary to the sleep effect.

2. Mood changes: Some patients have insomnia and anxiety and depression, but most of them are secondary to insomnia symptoms, and the severity is not enough to diagnose anxiety or depression.

3. Sleep status: I feel that the insomnia is caused by excessive fatigue or nervousness, but when these corresponding stimuli are improved, my sleep situation still does not improve.

04. Clinical features of insomnia

1. Difficulty falling asleep, or difficulty maintaining sleep, or poor sleep quality.

2. Sleep disturbances occur at least three times a week and persist for more than one month.

3. Focus on insomnia at night and worry too much about the consequences of insomnia.

4. Unsatisfactory sleep quality or quantity, causing significant distress or affecting social activities.

Insomnia is also graded, see which level you are

05. The diagnosis of insomnia must meet the following conditions

1. Presence of one of the following symptoms: difficulty falling asleep, sleep maintenance disorder, early awakening, decreased sleep quality, or no sense of recovery after waking up in the morning from daily sleep.

2. The above symptoms still occur when there is a condition for sleep and the environment is suitable for sleep.

3. At least one of the following sleep-related impairments of daytime function:

(1) fatigue or general malaise;

(2) loss of attention or memory;

(3) Decline in study, work, and social skills;

(4) Mood swings, irritability, irritability;

(5) daytime sleepiness;

(6) Loss of interest and energy;

(7) Increased tendency to make mistakes during work or driving;

(8) nervousness, headache, dizziness, or other physical symptoms related to sleep loss;

(9) Excessive focus on sleep.

06. Methods for relieving and treating insomnia

1. Adjust your lifestyle

(1) Find out the tension or stress factors that exist in yourself, reasonably relieve the pressure, and relax the mood.

(2) Try to find ways to help you fall asleep, such as taking a hot bath, listening to soothing music, reading a book, etc.

(3) Go to bed regularly, get up regularly, and maintain a regular schedule.

(4) Avoid strenuous exercise and over-excitement before going to bed, and avoid overthinking.

(5) Don't eat too much at night, don't drink caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, and try to avoid smoking and drinking.

(6) Arrange a suitable sleeping environment, such as a suitable temperature, lighting and a quiet environment.

Insomnia is also graded, see which level you are

2. Seek medical treatment

When insomnia symptoms cannot be alleviated through the above lifestyle adjustments, or insomnia has seriously affected normal work and study, it is recommended to go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and the reasonable and regular use of drugs such as Zhenyuan tablets can improve the insomnia symptoms.