
After sleeping for so long, why do you still feel tired, is it because of snoring?

author:Said healthy Dr. Shee
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In modern society, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of work pressure, many people are facing sleep problems.

Many people are so busy every day that they can finally rest at night, only to find that even after sleeping for a long time, they still feel tired when they wake up.

Why is that? Is it because of the snoring?

Whether snoring means sleeping deeply

Many people mistakenly think that snoring means sleeping soundly and deeply, but this is actually a big misunderstanding. Snoring is actually a sound caused by the narrowing of the airways, causing the uvula to vibrate.

After sleeping for so long, why do you still feel tired, is it because of snoring?

This phenomenon does not represent good sleep quality, but may be a manifestation of sleep apnea syndrome.

When snoring, the airway is not smooth, so that oxygen cannot enter the lungs smoothly, resulting in a decrease in the oxygen content of the blood, and brain tissue and other organs will be in a state of relative hypoxia.

When people experience this lack of oxygen during sleep, the brain frequently wakes itself up in an attempt to resume normal breathing, which disrupts the normal sleep cycle.

Although it seems that I have slept for a long time on the surface, it is actually interrupted by countless brief awakenings, which are not only not deep, but also extremely unstable.

As a result, despite sleeping for a long time, I wake up feeling tired and even more tired.

Factors influencing sleep quality

There are many factors that affect sleep quality, and it goes far beyond sleep duration and snoring.

The quality of sleep is closely related to the sleep cycle, and a complete sleep cycle includes three stages: light sleep, rapid eye movement sleep and deep sleep.

Each cycle lasts about 90 to 100 minutes, and a full night's sleep is made up of multiple of these cycles.

If the sleep cycle is disrupted, especially if the deep sleep phase is insufficient, it can affect the overall sleep quality.

The impact of lifestyle habits on sleep quality should not be overlooked, for example, although drinking alcohol can make people fall asleep quickly, alcohol can interfere with deep sleep, making sleep light and intermittent.

Many people like to look at their phones, computers, or TV before bed, and the blue light emitted by these electronic devices inhibits the secretion of melatonin, an important hormone that regulates sleep, and a lack of melatonin can lead to difficulty falling asleep and light sleep.

After sleeping for so long, why do you still feel tired, is it because of snoring?

Lack of exercise is also an important factor in sleep quality, and proper exercise can promote the accumulation of adenosine in the body, a chemical that can trigger drowsiness.

Insufficient adenosine accumulation can lead to difficulty falling asleep and light sleep. In addition, eating before bed also increases the burden on the digestive system, keeping the brain active and affecting the time of deep sleep.

Environmental factors are equally important, the temperature, light and noise in the bedroom will directly affect the quality of sleep, and the ideal sleeping environment should be clean, quiet, dark and at the right temperature.

Temperatures that are too high or too low, too much light, and noise can all interfere with sleep, causing light sleep.

Individual differences and sleep needs

Everyone's sleep needs are different, so don't assume that everyone needs to get a full 8 hours of sleep. In fact, 8 hours is just an average and is suitable for most people, but it is not the best sleep time for everyone.

Some people only need 6 hours to refresh, while others need more than 9 hours to regain their strength.

Individual differences are not only reflected in sleep duration, but also in sleep quality and sleep rhythms.

Some people are night owls, who are in good spirits at night and have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. While some people are early risers, they have more energy in the morning and go to bed early in the evening.

To find the sleep pattern that works best for you, you can make adjustments by recording and analyzing your sleep habits.

For example, you can use a sleep tracker or mobile phone app to record your daily sleep time, sleep quality and other data, and find the best sleep pattern through a period of observation.

How to achieve high-quality sleep

In order to get high-quality sleep, it is necessary not only to get the right amount of sleep, but also to ensure a good sleeping environment and living habits.

Improving the sleeping environment is a very important step, the bedroom should be kept tidy and avoid excessive clutter accumulation, the temperature should be kept between 22 and 26 degrees, the light should be soft, it is best to use blackout curtains, noise should also be minimized, you can consider using a white noise machine to block out the outside noise.

There are also many things to pay attention to in terms of living habits. For example, avoid using electronic devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by these devices can inhibit the secretion of melatonin, which can interfere with falling asleep.

After sleeping for so long, why do you still feel tired, is it because of snoring?

Arrange your exercise time reasonably and avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime, but proper exercise, such as walking, yoga, etc., can help improve sleep quality.

In terms of diet, dinner should be as light as possible, avoid too greasy and spicy food, and do not eat within 1 hour before bedtime to reduce the burden on the digestive system.

Mental health is also an important factor affecting sleep quality, and a high-pressure work and living environment can easily lead to anxiety and stress, which can affect sleep.

You can relax your mind and relieve stress by meditating, taking deep breaths, listening to soft music, etc. If these methods still don't improve sleep, you can seek help from a professional psychologist.

Conclusions and Recommendations

There are many factors that affect sleep quality, and snoring is not a sign of deep sleep, but it may affect sleep quality.

Improving sleep quality requires a number of aspects, including adjusting sleep time, improving the sleep environment, optimizing lifestyle habits, and paying attention to mental health.

In order to achieve high-quality sleep, you must first understand your sleep needs and do not have to stick to the standard of 8 hours.

Improve the bedroom environment by maintaining the right temperature and light to reduce noise disturbances. Develop good living habits, avoid using electronic devices before bedtime, and arrange exercise and diet reasonably. Focus on your mental health, learn to relax and reduce stress.

If sleep quality does not improve after these adjustments, it is advisable to consult a doctor promptly to rule out potential health problems.

After sleeping for so long, why do you still feel tired, is it because of snoring?

After all, a good night's sleep is the foundation of good health, and only with high-quality sleep can you have enough energy to cope with daily life and work.

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