
The soaring gold suddenly became unpopular, and some people lost tens of thousands of dollars a month, what happened to gold?

author:Jiang Han

Since the beginning of this year, the price of gold can be described as rising, and the rising gold price has promoted the madness of the entire market price, and it has become a trend to rush to buy gold for a while, but just recently gold seems to have suddenly turned off, and even some people have to lose tens of thousands of dollars every month, what is wrong with gold?

The soaring gold suddenly became unpopular, and some people lost tens of thousands of dollars a month, what happened to gold?

1. The soaring gold is suddenly not popular?

According to the 21st Century Business Herald, gold prices have recently fallen into consolidation after hitting record highs several times. A few days ago, #金价创2021年8月以来最大跌幅#一度登上热搜. In the fluctuation of high gold prices, gold stores not only did not "win hemp", but faced a lot of challenges.

According to Chao News, He Wei (pseudonym), the owner of a jewelry franchise store in Zhejiang, said that gold sales in the past two months have not been satisfactory, and the salesperson has lost performance and spirit. More than 100 square meters of gold shop, there were originally five or six salesmen, now there are only two, this month just left a salesman said to He Wei: "The income is too low, just go out to work have this money." ”

He Wei's salary to the salesman is 3,500 yuan basic salary plus sales commission. "In the early two years, in peak seasons such as the Spring Festival, it was relatively easy for them to get a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, but now it is indeed only about five or six thousand yuan."

He Wei said that this year is a very stressful year for opening a store. "I have also been in the jewelry industry for more than 20 years. During this year's Spring Festival, we did more than 1 million yuan of business, which was too far from the 5 million in the early years. ”

"First, the international gold price has caused us a lot of pressure, and at the same time, consumers' concepts have changed now, and buying gold bars instead of jewelry and diamonds is also an important reason for losses." Li Feng (pseudonym), a staff member of the Zhejiang office of a leading domestic jewelry company, revealed that since the gold price soared in March this year, the lively May Day, Mother's Day, 520 and other holiday promotions in previous years have not worked.

The soaring gold suddenly became unpopular, and some people lost tens of thousands of dollars a month, what happened to gold?

Second, what's wrong with gold?

In the financial market, gold has always been regarded as a traditional safe-haven asset, and its price fluctuations are often closely related to the global economic situation, currency value, market sentiment and other factors. Since the beginning of this year, the price of gold has experienced several significant fluctuations, especially in the context of heightened global economic uncertainty, gold once became the object of investors' pursuit, and the price rose rapidly. However, with the change of the market environment, this "gold fever" seems to be gradually cooling down, especially the gold stores are more obvious, how should we look at this matter?

First, the rapid rise in the price of gold is usually based on several factors: slowing global economic growth, geopolitical tensions, expectations of currency depreciation, and increased market demand for safe assets. However, it is impossible for the price of any asset to rise endlessly, and gold is no exception. According to the theory of business cycles and the law of supply and demand in the market, when the price rises to a certain level, it will attract more sellers to sell to lock in profits, while reducing buyer interest, resulting in a price correction. In addition, as the global economy gradually recovers and risk appetite picks up, investors may turn to risky assets such as equities and reduce their investment in gold, further contributing to the return of gold prices to rational levels. Therefore, the correction of gold prices is a natural result of market self-regulation and a reflection of the cyclical laws of the investment market.

The soaring gold suddenly became unpopular, and some people lost tens of thousands of dollars a month, what happened to gold?

Second, in the age of the Internet, information is disseminated at an unprecedented rate, making it easier for consumers and investors to access detailed information about the composition of the gold price, transaction costs, and investment strategies. This change has made the public realize that as a consumer product, the price of gold jewelry includes a large amount of non-precious metal value such as design, processing, brand premium, etc., compared to pure investment products such as gold bars, which are more cost-effective. Therefore, even during the period of high enthusiasm for gold investment, more and more rational investors tend to choose gold bars rather than gold jewellery as an investment tool, which to a certain extent inhibits the prosperity of the gold jewellery market and reflects the increased maturity of the market.

Third, the rapid rise in gold prices is often accompanied by an overheating of the market, which is followed by a period of cooling-off period. On the one hand, the rapid appreciation in the early stage has allowed some investors to leave the market with profits, leaving new entrants who have a wait-and-see attitude towards the follow-up trend. On the other hand, the increase in investment thresholds brought about by high prices and concerns about the risk of a correction have made potential investors take a more cautious approach and choose to wait for a better time to enter the market. This general wait-and-see sentiment has reduced market liquidity, further dampening the upside in gold prices.

The soaring gold suddenly became unpopular, and some people lost tens of thousands of dollars a month, what happened to gold?

Fourth, the heat of the gold market does not equate to a boom in gold-related business. With the increasing competition in the market, especially the rapid development of online channels, traditional gold jewellery retailers are facing significant challenges. On the one hand, online platforms provide more transparent price comparisons and a more convenient purchase experience, squeezing the market share of physical stores. On the other hand, consumers' increasing demand for the design and personalization of gold jewelry has forced enterprises to increase R&D investment and increase the added value of products, thereby compressing profit margins. In addition, high store rents, labor costs and other operating expenses, in the context of the correction of gold prices, have exacerbated the difficulty of operating the gold business. #记录我的2024#

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