
I don't dare to say it too clearly, I'm afraid that everyone will not dare to exercise

author:Ze Bing of the latte
I don't dare to say it too clearly, I'm afraid that everyone will not dare to exercise

Today, I took the students to train and took three classes, and my definition for myself is that I can't have more than three classes a day, and I keep the rest of the time to enrich myself. They all signed up for long-term training and guidance, and they have been with me for more than a year, and they have more class notes than me.

There are a few knowledge points during the period, and I'm worried that the remaining time points are not enough to post an article, so I'll share it with you purely as a note-

(1) Many people don't pay attention to warm-ups, they just start training, thinking that saving time, which is counterproductive, a proper and accurate warm-up is to refuel your training, and you will be very silky and even push harder.

(2) How do you warm up? I've seen a lot of people either holding dumbbells for external rotation or dumbbells for a beckoning cat style warm-up, completely ignoring the ropes of the gantry or the tension of the gantry, such as: D horizontal shoulder external rotation.

The function of the tension device is that you can use it at any angle, it has resistance, at each point, you can give the muscles the most full exercise, while the dumbbell is a little more free, gravity and resistance are different in different movements.

(3) Especially for the construction of the chest, you may think that the chest training is only done by pushing, but the activation of your rotator cuff muscles can make the strength and dimension of the pectoralis major muscle quietly improve, and maintain a sustainable and healthy state of the body.

I don't dare to say it too clearly, I'm afraid that everyone will not dare to exercise

(4) Many people's bench press starts with the plank bench press and then switches to the incline barbell bench press, or puts the center of gravity entirely on the pectoralis major muscle. If you're just starting out in training, or have been training for years...

I recommend that you pay attention to the upper barbell bench press, the upper chest development is more difficult, but it is very important when you compete, especially when doing side extensions, because the upper chest is connected to the deltoid muscle, and if the upper chest is full enough, the overall three-dimensional effect is very explosive.

(5) When doing the inclined barbell bench press, many people raise their buttocks very high in order to put more weight, that is, the waist bridge, that kind of bench press, there will be more people who play powerlifting, but for fitness enthusiasts...

You honestly put your waist close to the bench, put your upper back completely on the bench, press the bench with your shoulder blades and upper back, and then pull the shoulder blades back, sink the shoulders, and then put the barbell out of the bar, try to choose the full grip.

(6) Many people are thinking: when I do dumbbell bench press, what angle should I screen to stimulate the upper chest? When you say that, I know that the connection between your nervous sensations and your movements is not going on.

When there is a connection between your nerve sensations and your movements, your contractions feel good, you naturally know which angle is right for you, and for this type of person who doesn't feel it, you can choose to train at 30% of your usual dumbbell bench press weight.

Until you find the feeling of force in the upper chest, and then slowly increase it, see which angle suits you, don't want to go to the sky all of a sudden, one step at a time, steady and steady is more important than anything else. This is all fitness truth, straight to the heart.

I don't dare to say it too clearly, I'm afraid that everyone will not dare to exercise

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