
What is the month, day and time of the summer solstice in 2024? On June 21, the summer solstice will do 3 things to avoid the summer

author:Little Red looks at the world

The summer solstice is the 10th of the 24 solar terms, and whenever the summer solstice comes, it means that the 24 solar terms are about to pass halfway. After the summer solstice, after the fourteen solar terms, the beginning of spring will come. Although the beginning of summer is the first solar term of summer, people's attention is not very high, but whenever the summer solstice comes, there are related traditional activities among the people, which are relatively important.

What is the month, day and time of the summer solstice in 2024? On June 21, the summer solstice will do 3 things to avoid the summer

As soon as the summer solstice arrives, it means that the hot and hot weather of the year is about to begin, because the dog days are calculated according to the third dry day after the summer solstice, which is often referred to as the ambush. However, it should be noted that the summer solstice is not an ambush, and it has not yet officially entered the dog days. At this time, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan and other places are still in the rainy season.

Dog days usually begin around mid-July, with 30 days in some years and 40 days in some years. This year, there are 40 dog days, and they won't come out until late August. However, now does not mean that it is not hot, and there will be hot weather in some areas after the volt.

The summer solstice weather is characterized by high temperatures, high humidity, and occasional thundershowers. What is the month, day, and hour of the summer solstice in 2024?

The summer solstice in 2024 is 4:50:46 on June 21 (Friday), and the lunar calendar time is May 16 in the year of Jiachen. Judging from the time of the summer solstice this year, it is in the morning.

What is the month, day and time of the summer solstice in 2024? On June 21, the summer solstice will do 3 things to avoid the summer

According to the folk saying, "the early summer solstice is dry, and the late summer solstice is flooded". From the literal meaning of this sentence, if the summer solstice occurs in the morning, it means that the rain will not be very good this summer, and there will be a drought. If the summer solstice occurs at night, it means that the rain is better this summer. If the summer rains are good, the crops will not wither due to drought, resulting in reduced yields. However, the floods will also have an impact on crops, and hopefully this summer will be fine.

After all, in June, floods occurred in many places in the south of the mainland, and drought weather occurred in many places in the north.

On June 21 this year, do 3 things on the summer solstice to avoid summer and avoid ambushes!

First things first: worship the gods and ancestors

The summer solstice is one of the "four seasons and eight festivals", and since ancient times, people have celebrated a good harvest and sacrificed to their ancestors on this day to pray for a good year. It should be noted that the customs vary from region to region. However, not every region worships the gods and ancestors on the day of the summer solstice, but some regions still preserve a custom.

What is the month, day and time of the summer solstice in 2024? On June 21, the summer solstice will do 3 things to avoid the summer

The second thing: the north and the south have to eat noodles

We all know that dumplings are eaten on the winter solstice, and noodles are eaten on the summer solstice. In addition, before the summer solstice, many areas in the north have harvested new wheat, so eating noodles on the summer solstice also has the meaning of tasting new.

What is the month, day and time of the summer solstice in 2024? On June 21, the summer solstice will do 3 things to avoid the summer

The third thing: eat a light diet

As soon as the summer solstice arrives, the temperature gradually rises across the country, and the diet on hot weather should also be light. In addition to eating some fruits such as apples, grapes, papaya, and loquats, you should also eat more vegetables such as bitter gourd, coriander, and loofah.

To sum up, this year's summer solstice time is 4:50:46 on June 21, remember to do the above three things on the day of the summer solstice, you can avoid the summer!
