
In order to save her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law replaced her death, and the villagers dreamed: she became a fairy


Daughter-in-law turns into an immortal

In ancient times, there was a mountain village shrouded in clouds and mist, called Qingxia Village. The mountains and rivers here are intertwined, and the scenery is picturesque, but the most praised is the respected feng shui gentleman in the village - Mr. Li.

Mr. Li has done good deeds all his life, is proficient in the art of feng shui, solves problems for the villagers, and is deeply respected by everyone. However, the years were unforgiving, and Mr. Li finally came to the end of his life. As he lay dying, he summoned his three sons and said to them, "I am about to leave, but I am not relieved of one thing." I look at the celestial phenomena, there will be a disaster in the near future, although I can calculate the solution, but I am afraid that I will not be able to do it. The three of you need to work together to keep my Qingxia Village safe. ”

With that, Mr. Li took out a yellowed ancient book from his bosom, handed it to his eldest son, and instructed: "This is the essence of what I have learned all my life, and you must study it carefully in order to cope with the coming calamity." Then, he said to his second son: "You are thoughtful, you need to pay attention to the movements in the village, and if there is any abnormality, notify everyone immediately." Finally, he looked at his youngest son, his eyes full of love: "Your daughter-in-law, Xiu'e, is a good-hearted woman, and her fate will be closely linked to this catastrophe." You have to treat her well and protect her. ”

Soon after, Mr. Li drove west, leaving behind his three sons and the entire Qingxia Village, facing the impending unknown calamity.

Sure enough, one day not long after, the sky suddenly became cloudy, thunder rolled, and an unprecedented storm swept through the entire mountain village. The villagers panicked and ran to the Li family's ancestral hall to take refuge. At this time, Xiu'e suddenly found her mother-in-law fainting in the crowd, unconscious. She was so anxious that she hurriedly stepped forward to check. I saw that my mother-in-law was pale and her breath was weak, obviously greatly frightened.

Xiu'e's heart moved, remembering her father-in-law's deathbed entrustment. She knew that this catastrophe was not trivial, and if she wanted her mother-in-law to survive safely, she would have to make sacrifices. So, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and prayed silently. When she opened her eyes again, they were full of determination and determination.

She walked up to her mother-in-law and whispered, "Mother, don't be afraid, I will protect you." After saying that, she actually blocked her body on her mother-in-law's body, as if she wanted to bear all the upcoming disasters for her mother-in-law.

In order to save her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law replaced her death, and the villagers dreamed: she became a fairy

At this moment, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky and hit the ancestral hall. The villagers screamed and took refuge. However, the unbelievable happened—the lightning dissipated the moment it touched Xiu'e's body. And Xiu'e herself seemed to turn into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared into the air.

The villagers were stunned, and they began to talk. Some people say that Xiu'e is a god who descended to earth to save them from danger; Some people say that Xiu'e has received the true inheritance of her father-in-law and learned magical spells. In any case, they are full of gratitude and respect for Xiu'e.

And Xiu'e's husband was even more grief-stricken. He couldn't accept that his wife left him like this, and he couldn't believe that his wife had sacrificed herself to save her mother. However, when he saw that his mother was safe and sound, his heart was full of gratitude and happiness. He knew that his wife had bought it all with her own life.

Since then, there has been no disaster in Qingxia Village. In the dead of night, the villagers would see a cloud of green smoke wafting through the village, and it was Xiu'e's soul that guarded them. And Xiu'e's story has also spread throughout the mountain village and has become a legendary figure in people's mouths.

However, what is even more surprising is that whenever someone dreams of Xiu'e, she will tell them that she has become a god and is guarding everyone in the sky. Those who have been helped by her have received her guidance and shelter in their dreams. Gradually, the legend of Xiu'e turning into an immortal spread in Qingxia Village and became the belief and reliance of the villagers.

The legend of Xiu'e turning into an immortal spread in Qingxia Village, and the villagers were full of respect and gratitude for this daughter-in-law who sacrificed her life to save her mother. When night falls, the children of the village gather in front of the ancestral hall to listen to the stories of Xiu'e told by the elders, their eyes shining with admiration and curiosity for this legendary woman.

However, Xiu'e's husband Li Sanlang has always been immersed in grief. He couldn't accept the reality of his wife's death, and he couldn't forget the sacrifice Xiu'e made to save her mother. He often came to Xiu'e's grave alone and poured out his thoughts and pains.

In order to save her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law replaced her death, and the villagers dreamed: she became a fairy

One night, Li Sanlang came to Xiu'e's grave again. He sat on the edge of the grave, looking at the stars in the night sky, and his heart was filled with endless thoughts. At this moment, he suddenly felt a warm force enveloping him, as if someone was gently stroking his hair.

He looked up and was surprised to find Xiu'e standing in front of him. She was dressed in white, like a fairy descending to earth, with a gentle and kind smile on her face. Li Sanlang stood up excitedly, held Xiu'e's hand tightly, and tears came out of his eyes.

"San Lang, don't be too upset." Xiu'e said softly, "I have become an immortal, guarding everyone in the sky. I will always pay attention to you and my mother, so that you can live a happy life. ”

Li Sanlang's heart was moved after hearing this, and he hugged Xiu'e tightly, as if he wanted to keep her by his side forever. However, Xiu'e gently pushed him away and said with a smile: "San Lang, you have to be strong, for the sake of your mother and the entire Qingxia Village, you have to live well." ”

After speaking, Xiu'e's figure gradually became blurred, and finally turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated into the night sky. Li Sanlang stood in place in a daze, looking at the direction where Xiu'e disappeared, his heart was full of endless thoughts and feelings.

Since then, Lee has become stronger. He kept Xiu'e's entrustment in mind and worked hard to take care of his mother and the entire Qingxia Village. He inherited his father's feng shui skills, solved problems for the villagers, and became a new generation of feng shui gentlemen in Qingxia Village.

Under his leadership, Qingxia Village gradually became prosperous. The villagers lived a happy life, and they were grateful for Xiu'e's blessing and Li Sanlang's dedication. Whenever someone mentions the legend of Xiu'e's transformation into an immortal, everyone will be full of emotion, full of respect and gratitude for this legendary woman.

In order to save her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law replaced her death, and the villagers dreamed: she became a fairy

And Li Sanlang often comes to Xiu'e's grave to pour out his joys and troubles to her. He believes that Xiu'e has always watched over him from heaven, giving him strength and support. This belief made him more determined to walk on the road of seeking well-being for Qingxia Village.

As the years go by, Qingxia Village has become more and more prosperous under the leadership of Li Sanlang, and the villagers live and work in peace and contentment, and live a happy life. And the legend of Xiu'e turning into an immortal has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the passage of time, and has become a spiritual symbol of Qingxia Village.

During the Qingming Festival, the villagers will spontaneously organize themselves and go to Xiu'e's cemetery to pay respects. They brought flowers, fruits, and wine to thank Xiu'e for her protection and sacrifice. On the cemetery, flowers are in full bloom and fragrant, as if Xiu'e's soul is really quietly guarding this land.

In Qingxia Village, Li Sanlang is not only a respected feng shui gentleman, but also a filial son. He is well aware of his mother's nurturing grace and always puts his mother in the most important position in his heart. He would come to his mother's room every morning and evening, ask about his mother's physical condition, and chat with his mother to relieve her boredom.

The mother was very relieved to see her son so filial. She often said to people: "The greatest blessing in my life is to have such a good son as San Lang." And whenever he hears these words, Li Saburo will feel extremely happy and satisfied.

However, Li Sanlang was not satisfied with his achievements. He knows that the reason why he can achieve today's achievements is inseparable from Xiu'e's blessing and the support of his fellow villagers. Therefore, he has always maintained a modest and cautious attitude and served the villagers with all his heart.

One night, Li Saburo had a dream. He dreamed that he had come to a beautiful fairyland, where the clouds were shrouded in mist and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. He looked around and suddenly saw Xiu'e's figure. Xiu'e was dressed in white, elegant as a fairy, and was smiling towards him.

In order to save her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law replaced her death, and the villagers dreamed: she became a fairy

"Saburo, you're doing a great job." Xiu'e said softly, "I have seen the prosperity of Qingxia Village and the happiness of the villagers. It's all your credit. ”

Li Sanlang's heart was excited after hearing this, he held Xiu'e's hand tightly, and said, "Xiu'e, all this is because of your blessing and support. I will continue to work hard to make Qingxia Village a better place. ”

Xiu'e smiled and nodded, and said, "I'm sure you can do it." But remember, no matter how much you achieve, don't forget your original intention and the support of your fellow villagers. ”

After speaking, Xiu'e's figure gradually became blurred, and finally turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated into the night sky. Li Saburo woke up from his dream, and his heart was full of thoughts and gratitude for Xiu'e.

Since then, Li Sanlang has worked even harder, not only bringing more prosperity and happiness to Qingxia Village, but also actively spreading the legend of Xiu'e's transformation into an immortal, so that more people can understand the story of this legendary woman.

Time flies, and under the leadership of Li Sanlang, Qingxia Village is not only becoming more and more materially rich, but also culturally prosperous. The villagers began to focus on education and built schools so that future generations could receive a good education. The children in the village all understand that their happy life is not easy to come by, and it is the sacrifice of Xiu'e and the hard work of Li Sanlang.

While inheriting his father's feng shui skills, Li Saburo also actively absorbs new knowledge and strives to combine tradition and modernity. He not only provided advice to the villagers on the layout of feng shui, but also gave guidance on agricultural planting and handicraft production, so that the industry of Qingxia Village developed more comprehensively.

In order to save her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law replaced her death, and the villagers dreamed: she became a fairy

As Qingxia Village has become famous, more and more foreign tourists have been attracted here. They were not only amazed by the beautiful natural scenery of the village, but also moved by the simple folk customs and profound cultural heritage here. The arrival of tourists has brought new development opportunities to Qingxia Village, and also made the villagers cherish their homes more.

However, with the change of the times, Qingxia Village is also facing some new challenges. Some young people are beginning to yearn for urban life and want to leave the land to pursue a wider world. Li Saburo knows that young people are the future and hope of the village, and their departure will have a huge impact on the development of the village.

So, Li Sanlang set out to solve this problem. On the one hand, he encouraged young people to stay in the village and provide them with more employment opportunities and development space. On the other hand, he also actively contacts with the outside world to introduce more resources and projects to inject new vitality into the development of the village.

With Li Sanlang's efforts, more and more young people have begun to realize that staying in Qingxia Village can also have a bright future. They began to actively participate in the construction of the village and contributed to the development of the village with their wisdom and strength.

In this process, the legend of Xiu'e turning into an immortal also played an important role. It is not only a spiritual symbol of Qingxia Village, but also a driving force that inspires the villagers to keep moving forward. Whenever the villagers encounter difficulties and setbacks, they will think of Xiu'e's story and draw courage and strength from it.

The years are like a song, and Qingxia Village has become more and more beautiful with the joint efforts of Li Sanlang and the villagers. And the legend of Xiu'e will always be passed on in this land, becoming the eternal memory and pride of Qingxia Village.