
In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!


Huangtianhou soil, is the world where we don't see when we look up and look down? It is also the world we live in, how is the soil formed? Recently, a problem that has not been solved by mankind has been raised, which is to turn the sand in the desert into dirt......

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!
In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

But now the Taklamakan Desert has been included in the planning scope and has been surrounded by green! And the Taklamakan Desert has discovered particularly amazing oil and gas reserves!

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

The soil was changed by Pangu's body after Pangu opened the world? No, I remember that Pangu didn't say it in the mythical story of opening the world! Huahua first takes you to see how the soil is formed!

Soil, this seemingly ordinary existence, actually carries the reproduction and evolution of countless life on the earth. Its formation process is the result of a complex and lengthy series of physical, chemical and biological processes in nature. Today, we're exploring the mystery of soil formation and uncovering the science behind this natural wonder.

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

The formation of soil begins with the weathering of rocks. Over the long history of the Earth, rocks have undergone numerous wind and rain erosions, temperature changes, and biological activities. These external factors gradually destroy the original structure of the rock, causing it to break down into fine particles. Among them, physical weathering, such as freezing and thawing, salt crystallization, etc., causes the rock to be mechanically broken; Chemical weathering, on the other hand, changes the composition of rocks through the reaction of chemicals such as water and oxygen to form new minerals.

With the deepening of weathering, the originally hard rock gradually transforms into a loose weathered crust. In this process, the role of living things cannot be ignored. The roots of plants penetrate into the crevices of rocks, and the organic acids secreted can accelerate the chemical decomposition of rocks; At the same time, plant residues and microbial humus also provide rich organic matter to the soil. These organic matter not only increase the fertility of the soil, but also improve the structure of the soil, making it more suitable for plant growth.

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

In addition to weathering and biological processes, soil formation is also influenced by topography and climate. Different topographic conditions determine the drainage capacity of the soil and the degree of nutrient loss. Climatic conditions affect the type and distribution of vegetation, which in turn affects the organic matter content of the soil and the activity of microorganisms. For example, tropical rainforest areas have high levels of organic matter in the soil due to abundant precipitation and dense vegetation. In desert areas, due to drought and lack of rainfall and sparse vegetation, the content of organic matter in the soil is relatively low.

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

In the process of soil formation, there is another factor that cannot be ignored - time. The formation of soil does not happen overnight, it takes a long time. With the passage of time, weathering deepens and biological activities accumulate, and the soil layer gradually thickens and differentiates into different layers. The top-layer soil is rich in organic matter and nutrients, which is suitable for plant growth; The lower soil contains more minerals and clay particles, and has better water retention and stability.

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

The formation of soil is a process of dynamic equilibrium. On the one hand, weathering and biological processes are constantly providing new substances to the soil; On the other hand, external forces such as water flow and wind will take away some soil particles. As a result, the thickness and quality of the soil will vary in different regions and under different environmental conditions.

Soil formation is the result of a combination of factors. It not only records the history of changes on the earth's surface, but also witnesses the miracle of the evolution of life. In the years to come, soils will continue to play an important role in supporting life and providing the foundation for everything on Earth.

In the Taklamakan Desert, sand turns to soil, and the formation process of soil is incredible!

Do you think the day when Taklamakan will become an oasis is far away from us?