
Chen Zhongzhong's short story: How to raise this thing

author:Fool's Tales
Chen Zhongzhong's short story: How to raise this thing

The old man woke up and reached out to the small stool under the kang to touch the clay pot. At this moment, you don't need to look at the clock, it must be midnight. He finished peeing, carefully put the clay basin back on the stool, and slipped into the hot bed. The northwest wind made a chilling hiss on the roof ridges, and the wires whined and whined. The old man became more and more greedy for the hot electric mattress, reached out to the pillow and touched the cigarette pouch, loaded a bag of dry tobacco, struck a match in the dark, and took a beautiful breath, almost feeling that he was a fairy emperor. The son is married, the daughter is married, and the old man no longer has to worry about the big things. With food to eat and money to spend, the old man will no longer be busy for the livelihood of the sun and the moon, but it is not the life of the fairy emperor! After smoking this pot of dry tobacco, you will be addicted to smoking, and you will sleep more comfortably in the second half of the night.

At this moment, the old man seemed to hear a soft knock on the door of the mansion in the front yard, which was the sound of the wooden door being collided. He raised his head and listened closely, and there seemed to be a very light footstep. He dropped his cigarette pouch and listened to it again, as if he heard the sound of a rabbit's hooves and legs trampling indiscriminately. He immediately concluded in his heart that the thief was stealing the rabbit! He kicked over, woke his wife up, and told her in a low voice that there was a thief! He had put on his cotton jacket and cotton pants, slipped off the kang and hooked up the cotton nest, casually picked up the axe from behind the door, pulled the bolt of the door with a "bang", and jumped out of the door.

The old man jumped out of the door with an axe, and immediately heard a flurry of footsteps in the front yard, and he shouted: "What a dog thief baby!" After a shout, the footsteps in the courtyard became more hurried and chaotic, and they began to run, mixed with the sound of bicycle chains, which disappeared outside the gate in an instant.

The wife was also dressed neatly, turned on the light, walked out of the door, stood next to him and asked, "Where is the thief?" ”

The old man replied, "Run the ball!" ”

My wife asked, "You don't chase thieves, what are you doing standing at the door?" ”

Only then did the good old man realize that he had not caught the thief at all, let alone caught the thief. He smiled and said, "I'm so scared that the thief and baby have run away, can I still catch up with an old man?" ”

The wife sneered and said, "You still have an axe in your hand!" ”

After hearing this, the old man threw the axe at the foot of the wall, ignored his wife's ridicule, and went to the front yard, where there were more than 100 rabbits!

The house is open. The old man turned on the electric light, and saw the small wooden doors on the rows of rabbit cages nailed by wooden strips opened, and several long-haired white rabbits bounced in horror on the ground, and two of them were about pinched to death and thrown under the rabbit cages, and there was still heat on their bodies. As soon as the old man counted them, there were twenty-five of them, and he scolded in his heart, the thief baby of the dog day has become a bandit! Stealing money and stealing motors to cut wires, even rabbits are stealing! He cursed, stroked the two dead rabbits, and saw that they could not be salvaged (the heat of the fur was getting less and less), and he lamented and threw them down the steps outside the door. He closed the cages one by one, turned back and came out, locked the door of the house, and heard his wife calling him at the door of the street.

He hurried a few steps to the gate, and his wife pointed to the wooden threshold, where it seemed that there was an ominous dead snake. By the light of the stars, the old man saw that there was a small cloth pocket on the wooden threshold. He picked it up and saw that the two ties of the cloth pocket were broken. He concluded that the thief must have escaped from the door, and the bolt of the gate caught the tie of the cloth pocket, and it broke and fell on the wooden threshold. He grabbed the cloth pocket and returned to the upper room, under the bright electric light, the good old man stuffed his hand into the cloth pocket, took out a stack of hard things, and his eyes widened, God, it turned out to be a thick yuan! My wife counted it, and it was five hundred yuan.

My wife said: "The twenty-three rabbits you lost, and the two that were pinched to death, a total of twenty-five, how much can you sell for?" You can't sell these 500 yuan, right? That's good! God has eyes, gods have eyes, they will never treat good people badly, and they will always not tolerate evil ghosts! ”

The old man smacked his dry tobacco pouch, did not speak, looked at the thick yuan, turned his head, and looked at the wall above the board.

On the wall above the board, there is a statue of the Lord of the Stove. The envoy of the prince of the stove in the world is to supervise the words and deeds of the kang head in front of the pot of the people of Limin, whether it violates the discipline of heaven, and every time the lunar year ends, he returns to the heavenly palace to report. The people of Li are really afraid of the king of the stove, so they put a couplet on both sides of the statue: God says good things, and the earth descends auspicious. The good people and old men believe in the Lord of the Stove, and never say anything greedy and greedy in front of the Lord of the Stove.

He was thinking in his head: What should I do with the five hundred dollars? This was not picked up on the road, it was dropped by the thief, do you dare to take the money that the thief dropped?

When he got up early in the morning, the old man of the good people washed his hands and faces, struck a match, lit three purple incense, and lit a pair of candles, and enshrined them in front of the statue of the king of the stove, bowed and bowed in front of the king of the stove. He raised his head very reverently, stared at the face of the stove king, and muttered in his mouth, saying to the stove king, you can always see the innocence, the wicked man stole my rabbit and left the money pocket in my house. I didn't see the money black, I didn't have the heart of money, I waited for the person who lost the money to come and take it, and the five hundred yuan was neatly placed as it was. You can see the situation clearly, and my wife and I don't have the heart to be greedy for money...... He wants to tell the stove monarch that when you go back to the Heavenly Palace at the end of the year, you can report to me indiscriminately!

People who have not seen the good people and old men worship the stove king with their own eyes must not believe that there are such pedantic people in the world today, but the people of Yaodian Village believe it, because they have seen it.

Yao Shanmin, an old man in Yaodian Village, has believed in God for most of his life. The gods he worships, one is the Lord of the Stove, and the other is the Lord of the Land, all of whom are the last sesame officials in the fantasy world. When he was young, he didn't believe in God, but his father was a loyal believer in all gods, and he knelt down to worship when he entered the temple, and offered incense when he saw God. The old man of the good people was very disgusted with his father's behavior at that time, and often squinted at his father who was kneeling in the stove hall and in front of the land hall with white eyes, and said a string of blasphemous words, hum! was so poor that there was no rice in the pot, but he bought incense wax paper and burned it to these two nests, top fart! Should it have been thrown into the pit a long time ago, and it should be honored every month? His father jumped up, gave him two loud mouths with a flick of his hand, and knelt down again.

Coincidentally, in the autumn of this year, the good people were pulled into the strong, and Yao Xingwa from this village also suffered. The two of them were pulled to Henan at once, pulled into a big mountain with an unknown name, and went to the battlefield. The two of them received only a military uniform, Xingwa wore a shirt, and Shanmin wore trousers, and had just learned to fire a gun, and after a battle, a dead body fell down, as dense as the sheaves of wheat that were laid out in the fields during the summer harvest. The two of them discussed and said that if we fight again, we will become wheat bales, and we have to run! Just in the excellent opportunity for the team to transfer, while it was dark, the two of them ran away. Poor Xingwa was hit in the head by a chasing bullet and turned into a lonely wheat bae, but he escaped, and a bullet knocked off half of his ear, but it did not prevent him from running for his life. After more than a month, the old man begged for food and drink all the way, sometimes stayed and worked for a few days, earned more than a dozen black buns, and then walked on his back, and finally returned to Yaodian Village under the original slope in the eastern part of the Weihe Plain. When he whimpered and cried about Xingwa's experience of turning into a wheat bundle and losing half of his ears, his father couldn't comfort his pain and fatigue, so he immediately lit the incense wax paper and pulled him to worship the stove first, and then the land lord. Teach him and say, "Now believe it." If I hadn't burned incense and worshiped God, your baby would have turned into wheat bundles and placed them in the sandy soil of Henan! You see, the gods bless you, and the gun can only hang on your ears, and your ears are not five feet away from your head! The good people have also obeyed since then, and on the first day of the first month of the month, he knelt down with his father to worship the Lord of the Stove and the Lord of the Land, and was even a little more pious than him.

When the "Cultural Revolution" reached the remote Yaodian Village, the dolls of the rural primary school, under the leadership of Mr., first dug up the land hall of the good people and old men, and left a hole in the wall of the north gable of the Xiawu, leaving a line of black characters on the hole: sweep away all cows, ghosts, snakes and gods. The stove-kun was roasted by the smoke and fire, and his face became black and pale was also torn off and burned.

In the past two years, the policy has been loosened, and many villages have repaired the destroyed temples and small temples, and the good people and old men have repaired the land hall on the north gable wall of the Xiawu, which is built with green bricks and cement, and the pomp and circumstance have been reversed, and an old artist who pinches the dough has made him a land god, and he paid fifty yuan, willingly. I also bought a paper statue of Zao-kun.

Chen Zhongzhong's short story: How to raise this thing

The good people and old men are now living the most nourishing life. The eldest son had already split up and built a new house on the foundation of the new village at the west end of the village, and had already married his grandson's daughter-in-law, and his son and grandson often helped him plow the land and harvest, but he was also filial. The second son returned to Xi'an from the demobilization of the army, and both of them were people who ate public food, and they went back to Yaodian to visit the old man in the next year, and a bag was full of delicious and delicious things. The old man and his wife have nothing to do, and they are too idle to do it, but they are bored, so they raise a group of rabbits, cut rabbit fur and sell them to the purchasing station, which is also a lot of income. In his idle house, there are rows of wooden rabbit cages, mostly long-haired white rabbits, but also red rabbits and blue and purple blue rabbits. In addition to calling him a good old man, Yaodian people also called him a rabbit old man, and there were also good rabbit old men, and the village chief reported to the township government on the registration form, but named him a professional rabbit household.

Whether it is a good old man, a rabbit old man, a professional rabbit household, a good old man regardless of how sincere and a little ridicule these titles contain, it is still a custom to worship the stove and the land lord on the first day of each month. In his opinion, the cloth pocket that the thief threw on the wooden threshold of the street door was actually broken by the land lord.

Who says God doesn't Spirit? God is everywhere at all times! God is always protecting the good people and punishing the wicked and the wicked!

"Look, we're all sleeping soundly, and the land lord is keeping watch for us!" The old man of the good people said proudly, "The land lord watched the thief steal the rabbit and woke me up." When the land lord saw that the thief ran away with the rabbit on his back, he pulled off the money cloth pocket of the dog day...... Do you see the spirit? ”

"Spirit!" The wife said, "The thief stole more than 20 rabbits, and he couldn't sell them for 100 yuan, but lost 500 yuan." Old man, I'm afraid that the thieves will not be reconciled......"

"Whether you are willing or unwilling, we can't take these five hundred yuan. What do you mean? It's not our money! The old man said, "Let's earn one, spend one, earn two, spend two, even if we can't earn a dime, we can't accept ill-gotten gains." ”

"You just said that this is what the land lord took back from the thief baby!" My wife said, "Since it was given by the father......"

"You can't take what the land lord gives. You forgot? Zao Jun sees everything innocently, if it is reported to the Heavenly Palace, what will happen? The old man said, "I think those thieves are probably poor." Look at the Chinese New Year. There is no money for New Year's goods, the monkey is in a hurry, so he wants to steal people, and hunger and cold give birth to thieves! Let's take this cloth pocket with money...... Return it to the Lord's house. ”

"To whom? Who is the main house? Those thieves still dare to come to get the cloth pocket? The wife asked a series of questions.

The old man couldn't answer for a while, he didn't speak, and he was thinking of a perfect solution.

"Otherwise, hand it over to the township government or to the police station." My wife said, "Let the township government or police station ......"

"No, no, no, no." The old man of Shanmin interrupted his wife's words, "The thief hides from the police station, like a mouse hiding from a cat, how dare he go to the township government and the police station to get a cloth pocket?" That's not self-defeating! ”

"That'...... What to do? The wife said, "I can't pay it, I can't put it off, what should I do with the 500 yuan?" ”

"Behold! Since the thief can steal the rabbit, he must be reluctant to drop the ticket, and nine times out of ten he will come to get it. He's here, say a few good words, admit his mistake, let's return the money and cloth pocket to him, won't it's over! ”

My wife nodded.

The good old man went to pet his rabbit as usual. The old couple is very calm and calm, as if nothing has ever happened.

The old man was sleeping soundly and dreaming, when he felt that a man was holding his throat with one hand and a bright knife with the other, and the man's face was all blurred with black ink, and a black cloth covered his nose and cheeks, leaving only a pair of white and black eyes outside. He tried to speak, his throat was pinched, and his tongue couldn't move.

The man shoved a rag into his mouth, let go of his hand, and pulled him out of the bed. When the old man saw it, his wife's mouth was also plugged with a stinky sock, and she was dragged up by another person, who also painted her face all over the place, leaving only two bull's eyes outside. As soon as the old man turned his face again, he saw two similarly dressed people sitting next to the table at his feet, playing with knives in their hands and smacking cigarettes on the corners of their mouths.

"Drag it down!" The man sitting in the middle of the table commanded, presumably the leader of the group, to "drag these two old bears to the ground!" ”

The old man of the good people was dragged off the kang by that kid and almost fell down. He was never used to sleeping in underwear, and he was dragged to his feet naked, and quickly covered his lower body with his hands. When he saw it, his wife was also dragged down naked, standing in a row with him, and his wife was so ashamed that she squatted down and was dragged up again.

"Listen: whoever dares to take something out of his mouth will be stabbed!" The man threw up the knife in his hand, and the cold light gleamed under the electric lamp, and when it fell and took it in his hand, he commanded, "You two old bears, listen: learn to jump on a rabbit!" Make your buddies happy, aren't you an old rabbit? Let's learn to jump as a rabbit! ”

The guy who had been guarding him threw him to the ground and kicked him in the ass, forcing him to learn how to jump as a rabbit......

The old man of the good people was so cold that he shivered like chaff, and he couldn't support it. My wife had fallen to the ground and couldn't get up. When he crawled back and forth on the ground under his feet, he had already guessed that these four guys must be evil ghosts who stole rabbits and lost their money pockets, and the "second return to Chang'an" came.

"Do you old bear understand what's going on?" The head asked, "Say, do you understand?" ”

The good people and old men have long been miserable, and in fact they can't speak, and their mouths are gagged. He scolded in his heart, I had already put the money in my pocket as it was, just waiting for you to come and get it, I knew that this was the case, it should have been handed over to the police station, or stuffed into the stove and burned. He really couldn't have imagined that these thieves would use such means to beg for money, and they were really stealing and plundering like bandits. He nodded his head, indicating that he understood their intentions.

"Got it!" The leader said, "Now that you understand what the brothers are doing tonight, you can take it out yourself and let the brothers rummage through the cabinets." Let him stand up. ”

The old man stood up and pulled out the cloth pocket from the wooden box on the kang. As soon as the head stretched out his hand, he grabbed it, took out the thick ticket, and said to himself, "I didn't move!" ”

The old man of the good people said disdainfully in his heart, I don't eat my heart.

The head pointed at the other three masked men, Nunu, and one of them pulled out his knife, forcing the old man and his wife to squat on the ground, and the tip of the knife was against the back of his heart. The other two guys had already jumped on the kang, and the passbook of 1,000 yuan and more than 300 yuan in cash were naturally not spared. The old man didn't dare to move, for fear that the tip of the knife would pierce into the flesh. Although it is a pity to have more than a thousand yuan, and the lives of him and his wife cannot be lost under this gang of robbers. He quietly pinched his wife's wrist, afraid that she would not be able to hold her breath for a while and jump up to protect the money, and things would be completely bad.

The other three masked men started to tie up the hands and feet of the old man and his wife, threw them on the kang, covered them with quilts, and left.

"Bye-bye!" One said.

The footsteps sounded in the front yard and disappeared.

The old man rubbed his mouth on the edge of the kang, finally got rid of the towel, tore the rope on his wrist with his teeth, untied the rope on his ankle, turned on the electric light, pulled out the rotten cloth socks in his wife's mouth, untied his hands and feet, and his wife was almost tossed half to death.

He hugged his wife and cried "woo".

The cry in the middle of the night alarmed the neighbors, and the men and women of the neighbors rushed to hear the sound and listened in horror to the narration of the good people and the old man. Yao Tianxi, the nephew of his clan, turned pale with anger, and complained that Uncle Tang was too confused, why didn't you say a word all day yesterday? Someone stole the rabbit the night before and lost the money, so you were kind enough to wait for someone to pick it up! How can there be such an ignorant and good person in the world! If you had had been exposed to a little wind yesterday, a few of us boys would have been on guard against smashing the dog to pieces...... After complaining, he got on the car and went out of the door, and went to the police station to report the case.

When the nephew arrived with the two young police officers from the police station, it was already dawning. The two police officers inquired in detail, took photos, picked up a few cigarettes thrown by the masked man on the ground, and took away the plastic paper rope that bound the old man and his wife, and said goodbye.

Before leaving, a police officer said, "Uncle, you are really a ...... Incredible! The thief stole your rabbit, and instead you wait for the thief to come and take the money they dropped! I was afraid that the thief would not dare to go to the police station, so I would not hand it over to us. It's incredible! A good man like you...... I haven't seen it yet! ”

Another officer stood next to him and shook his head and smiled.

The second son received a call from his younger brother Tianxi in the clan, and hurried back to the countryside from the city at breakfast time, asked about the theft, and counted his parents: "It's too confused!" It's so confusing that people can't understand! It's a fantasy! Now what kind of society has developed so far, you still say, 'The human heart is made of flesh!' Now you see, is the human heart flesh long? Not necessarily! You do good, but he does evil...... It's so confusing! ”

He was waiting, waiting for the police officer from the police station to come and report to him, and the thief was caught! But after waiting for five days, there was no news. The more the old man waited, the more annoyed he became, he couldn't wait, and he couldn't lie down, he got up with a bone, tore the statue of the stove king, stuffed it into the stove hall, and ran out of the back room, scooped up the double-thorned head, and dug out the sitting statue of the land lord with a head. He was muttering, "You shit! The wicked people spoiled my old man's time, you went to make a ball! I've burned incense for you for the rest of your life, you're ......"

The good old man stared at his bloodshot eyes, picked up his head, shook off his wife's hand, smashed the mud body of the land lord who fell to the ground, and scolded in his mouth: "I can't do good!" Good people suffer for good deeds! I'm doing evil too! I'm like a crooked person, too! Even if you die and go to hell, you will suffer evil again if you live! ”

The old man smashed the land lord to pieces, threw the pickaxe, ran into the mansion again, grabbed two long-haired white rabbits from the rabbit cage, walked into the courtyard, and slammed twice on the masonry steps.

My wife shouted in panic: "Are you crazy? ”

The old man replied forcefully: "I'm not crazy! ”

"Eat rabbit meat at noon tonight!" The old man of the good people peeled the skin with his hands, and his hands were dyed with blood, "We can't be rabbits, when rabbits are too soft, I want to eat rabbits, wolves eat rabbits." Everyone is afraid of wolves, and I learn from wolves! ”

"Crazy, crazy!" My wife was angry and anxious, "I think you're crazy!" ”

A jeep stopped at the door, and a police officer walked into the house and said with a smile: "Uncle Yao, I heard that you don't eat rabbits and don't kill rabbits, so today you are killing people!" ”

The old man shook his head: "I'll learn how to do it!" ”

The police officer told him to get in the car and go to the police station, but he didn't say what to do. The good old man washed his hands, got in the car and left.

Walking into a house, the police officer gestured to him not to speak, to smoke cigarettes, or to drink tea, but not to speak, saying that he was told to wait, and the director was going to talk to him in a while, but now he had to wait.

The old man took the teacup, took a sip, took out the cigarette pouch, and looked at the house while smoking. The house was small, separated in half by a yellow cloth, and the reed roof of the other half could be seen. After sitting for a while, he saw someone talking in the house over there, and he listened very clearly.

"Say it again, you two old bears learn to jump rabbits! Make the buddies happy! ”

"You two old bears learn to jump rabbits! Let the buddies ......"

Before the old man could finish listening, his head "buzzed", he jumped up, held a cigarette pouch in his hand, and scolded: "What a dog's day!" So he pulled open the yellow cloth tent and ran to the side of the house.

An officer sat in a chair and a guy stood in the middle of the house. The old man walked up to the guy and stared at the kid's eyes, there are many white benevolents and few black benevolents, he is the guy who gave orders for him to learn to jump rabbits with his bare ass! He slapped him, and the boy staggered and stood up straight again. The officer hurriedly grabbed his arm and asked, "Uncle, do you hear the accent correctly?" ”

"Got it!"

"Can you recognize the appearance?"

"I can make out his eyes! There are more white kernels and fewer black kernels, and the vicious bad seeds are all this number one eye! ”

The old man tried his best to break free from the officer's hand, but he couldn't break free, he was so anxious that he was out of breath and his feet bounced...... The police officer advised: "Uncle Yao, as long as you identify the person and there is a law to clean him up, you can't beat him!" So saying, he pulled him out of the door, put him in the jeep, and drove him home. He asked the officer, "Where is this thief?" Who raised such an evil seed? The police officer said that the thief was from Han Zhai in the west of Yaodian Village, and his father's name was Han Tofu, and he had been grinding tofu all his life. The old man of the good people opened his mouth wide, "oh oh" for a long time, and was surprised: "Ahhh Han Tofu is the same as me, he is also a common man, and he is as good as a Bodhisattva, how can he raise this thing? The officer smiled and said, "Just because his father is kind doesn't mean that his sons are kind, is this a problem...... It's complicated! ”

He asked the officer again, had the other three thieves been caught?

The police officer told him that there were eight thieves in the gang, and this time all of them were arrested, and only one had escaped and was being pursued.

The old man sighed: "That thing is also well dressed, and its face is red, it doesn't look like he has no money to spend and no food to eat!" ”

The officer said, "Not at all! ”

The old man of the good people stopped talking, smoked dry cigarettes, and wondered in his heart, how can he still be a thief and rob people if he eats well and dresses widely? It's not hunger and cold that give birth to thieves, and it's not because you have food and clothing to be able to cultivate etiquette, right?

Jeep racing through the autumn field......

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