
Today (June 18, 2024)

author:Colorful Jiangan
Today (June 18, 2024)

June 18, 2024

Today (June 18, 2024)

Rumor Many people died due to the storm in Sunshine County, Xinyangshan County, Henan?

Today (June 18, 2024)

Truth: Recently, some netizens spread the news that "the violent storm in Guangshan County, Xinyang City caused many deaths". After verification by the Guangshan County Emergency Management Bureau, no one was injured or injured due to the disaster, and the relevant information is all rumors. Netizens are requested not to be gullible or arbitrarily forward unconfirmed information from unknown sources, and jointly create a clear online environment. (Source: Henan Provincial Internet Rumor Refutation Platform)

Rumor A village in Meizhou, Guangdong Province needs to be evacuated urgently due to the collapse of a power station?

Today (June 18, 2024)

Truth: In the past few days, Jiaoling County, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province and many other places have suffered flooding due to continuous heavy rainfall. A screenshot of what appears to be a local WeChat group circulated on the Internet, saying that "I just received a notice from the village committee that Fujian water is coming and told us to run ......." In this regard, cadres from Jiaotan Town, Jiaoling County, said that Changtan Village had not received relevant notices. The city and county water affairs departments also said that they had not issued the news. The villagers of Changtan Village, mentioned in the online news, have long been moved to the forest farm heights in the village. (Source: Guangdong Provincial Internet Reporting Center)

Today (June 18, 2024)

Myth On a hot day, the less you wear, the cooler it is?

Truth: Many people think that the less you wear in the summer, the cooler you are, but that's not the case. The skin that covers the surface of the human body has a variety of functions such as regulating body temperature and metabolism. There are millions of pores on the skin, and about 1,000 millilitres of sweat are perspirated every day, and evaporating sweat can take away heat. When the skin temperature is higher than the air temperature, exposing the limbs and back can help dissipate heat; When the ambient temperature is close to or above 37°C, the heat of the body is almost entirely dissipated by sweating. At this point, instead of dissipating heat, the skin absorbs heat from the outside environment. Therefore, the less you wear, the larger the area that absorbs heat from the outside world, which in turn makes you feel hotter. Wearing less clothing also exposes the skin to UV rays, increasing the likelihood of burns. When the temperature is high and the sun is more toxic, it is recommended to wear loose long clothes and trousers to reduce the damage of UV rays to the skin. In addition, in order to facilitate the evaporation of sweat, you should wear clothes with good moisture absorption and breathability in summer, and try to use natural fiber products such as linen, silk and cotton fabrics. (Source: Life Times)

Today (June 18, 2024)

Reminder "618" Don't just buy and buy, but also guard against fraud traps!

Details: The "618" preferential activities are overwhelming, and scammers are also ready to take advantage of the "fire" to rob. Consumers should pay attention to vigilance, please put away this anti-fraud strategy:

1. Prevent shopping "pre-sale" scams. Be cautious of any link that contains coupons or red envelopes in SMS, because the link is likely to contain Trojan viruses, which can steal customer information and account funds in "seconds".

2. Anti-counterfeiting charging provider customer service fraud. As long as there is a "customer service" that allows you to operate lending products such as "transfer" or "borrow", don't pay attention to them. Verification codes and passwords should be kept with care.

3. Anti-rebate fraud. Online swiping is a scam, and all part-time job information is involved, requiring you to download an app for likes and swiping is a scam.

4. Prevent fake shopping scams. Online shopping must be carried out on a regular e-commerce platform, and do not bypass the supervision of third-party platforms for transfer transactions!

5. Prevent the "free order for winning" scam. After receiving this kind of information, consumers should carefully screen, understand the rules of the activity, verify with regular customer service, and do not easily remit money or transfer. Please be cautious when encountering situations such as "abnormal account" and "deposit payment", and be careful of being deceived.

6. Prevent loan fraud. If a cardholder receives a call or text message requesting private information such as card information, personal identity information, and verification code, he or she can call back the bank's customer service number on the back of the credit card for verification. (Source: "People's Daily Science Popularization" WeChat public account)

Source: China Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform