
Top 10 most important plants for humans


Plants play an indispensable role in human food sources, environmental regulation, air quality maintenance, and mental health, and are important guarantees for human survival and health.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

Plants provide humans with the nutrients they need to survive. Through photosynthesis, they synthesize inorganic matter into organic matter, which is not only the food necessary for human survival, but also the basis of food for other animals. In addition, photosynthesis in plants is fundamental to the existence of all animal life, including humans.

Historically, there have been many plants that have made great contributions to human beings, and the following ten species are representative of them.

10. Tea

Tea leaves, commonly known as tea, generally include the leaves and buds of the tea tree. Tea originated in China, and the tea drink made of tea is one of the three major beverages in the world, and can also be used as a vegetable and medicine, which is of great significance to the development of human beings.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

9. Oil greens

Originating from the continent and India, oilseed rape is today one of the four major oil crops. The importance of rapeseed to human beings is not only reflected in its role as an oil crop, but also in its rich nutritional value and medicinal value, as well as its application in industrial production, which makes an important contribution to human health and food safety.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

8. Sweet ginseng

Sugarcane is the main sugar crop, accounting for more than 70% of the world's sugar crops. Sugarcane is not only a sweet food, but it also has a variety of medicinal properties, providing a variety of essential nutrients and health benefits to the human body.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

7. Sorghum

Sorghum, known as Shu millet in ancient times, has been cultivated in the Yellow River Basin and other places as early as 3,000 years ago, and is one of the four major cereal crops in the world. Sorghum not only provides people with a source of food, but also makes an indelible contribution to the people in times of material scarcity.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

6. Soybeans

Also known as soybeans. Originating from the continent, today the United States is the world's largest producer of soybeans. Soy and its products are not only nutritious, but also offer a variety of health benefits, making them an indispensable and important food source in the daily diet.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

5. Potatoes

Originating in South America, the potato is a nutritious and widely cultivated food crop that has a significant impact on human life and health. In the world's food crop production, potatoes are second only to wheat, rice, corn and barley, ranking fifth in terms of planting area and total output.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

4, Barley

Wild barley originates in North Africa, the Middle East, the Caucasus, and the mainland in Qinghai, Tibet, and western Sichuan. Its cultivated area and total output rank fourth among crops after wheat, rice and corn. Barley is not only an important food source, but also has a wide range of medicinal and beauty benefits, and has an important impact on human health.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

3. Corn

Corn is native to Mexico, second only to wheat and rice in acreage, and second only to wheat in yield. Corn is not only a nutritious food, but also has a multifaceted positive impact on human health, is an indispensable part of the daily diet, and plays an important role in world food security.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

2. Rice

The edible part of rice, commonly known as rice, is currently the world's second largest food crop in hydroponic area after wheat, and its output ranks third in the world after wheat and corn. Rice's importance to humanity is mainly reflected in its ability to provide a major source of food for the global population, as well as a cultural symbol and economic pillar.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

1. Wheat

Wheat originated in western Asia and is the world's main food crop, with more than one-third of the world's population relying on wheat as their main food. Wheat's importance to humans is reflected in its rich nutritional value, multiple health benefits, and contribution to human dietary culture, and it is one of the most important plants to ensure human food security.

Top 10 most important plants for humans

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