
The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

author:Jax's hand

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

The night is like ink, the Milky Way pours down, and the moonlight shines on the sparkling river, as if paving a silver road. In the quiet of the night, a man rows a small boat and fishes alone on the river. His name was Amin, and he was a fisherman in the village, who was industrious and simple, and lived a simple life.

Amin held a fishing net in his hand, his eyes staring intently at the surface of the river. He has been fishing in these waters for many years and knows the rules of fish movements. However, tonight seems a little unusual. There was a strange aura on the surface of the river, which made him vigilant.

Just as Amin was about to cast his net, he suddenly heard a faint cry. He followed the sound and saw a girl in white crying on the water not far away. Her figure loomed in the moonlight, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Ah Ming was shocked, thinking that in the middle of the night, how could a girl cry here alone? Filled with curiosity and concern, he decided to take a closer look.

He paddled lightly, cautiously approaching the girl. As the distance shortened, he felt that something was wrong. The girl's cry grew louder and more poignant, and it made people feel pity. However, when Ah Ming approached, she suddenly disappeared, leaving only a circle of ripples on the river.

Amin was stunned, and an inexplicable fear swelled up in his heart. He looked around, but could no longer find the girl. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the turmoil inside. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that something seemed to be squirming at the bottom of the boat.

He looked down and saw a huge black fish figure swimming at the bottom of the boat. The fish's eyes shimmered with a cold glow, as if staring at him. Ah Ming's heart tightened, thinking that this could be the legendary monster?

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

He quietly picked up the oars, ready for possible danger. However, at this moment, the girl in white appeared in his sight again. She stood on the surface of the river, looking at Armin with teary eyes, as if she had something to say.

Amin was puzzled, but more curious. He lowered his oars and asked tentatively, "Who are you, girl?" Why are you crying here? ”

When the girl heard this, the tears in her eyes were even more turbulent. She choked up and said, "Childe, I was originally a fish in this river, and because of my cultivation, I turned into a human form. However, recently, there have been evil demons who want to rob me of my cultivation. I had nowhere to run but to cry for help. ”

When Armin heard this, he was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect such a miraculous thing to happen in this river. He looked at the girl, and a sense of sympathy and justice welled up in his heart. He took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, girl, I will help you drive away the evil demon." ”

When the girl heard this, a grateful look flashed in her eyes. She bowed deeply to Amin, and then vanished into a white light. Amin looked at the direction in which she had disappeared, his heart full of determination and courage.

He knew he was about to face an unknown challenge. But he also believed that as long as there is justice in his heart, he will be able to defeat evil. He gripped his oars and prepared for the adventure that was to come.

The night is getting darker, and the river wind is howling. Amin rowed a small boat through the darkness. He was always on his toes, for fear of missing a clue. Finally, after some searching, he discovers a suspicious place - a cave hidden by the river.

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

Amin docked the boat and cautiously approached the cave. He held his breath and pricked up his ears to listen to the cavern. Suddenly, an eerie laugh came from the depths of the cavern, and his heart tightened.

He gripped the oars and mustered up the courage to go into the cave. The cavern was dimly lit, and there was a suffocating aura in the air. He walked cautiously forward, for fear of alarming the demons in the cave.

Suddenly, a dark shadow burst out from the depths of the cave and headed straight for Amin. He quickly swung his oars and engaged the shadows in a fierce battle. After a fierce struggle, Amin finally pushed the shadow back. He gasped and wiped the sweat from his forehead, glad he had escaped.

However, he knew this was just the beginning. The demon will not rest on his laurels, and he must be well prepared. He looked around and saw that something seemed to flicker in the depths of the cavern. When he got closer, he saw a crystal clear gem set in the cave wall.

Ah Ming's heart moved, and he secretly thought that this could be a legendary spiritual treasure? He carefully removed the gem and felt a powerful surge of energy gushing out of it. He knew that with this gem, he would have the strength to fight the demons.

He gripped the gem and took a deep breath, ready for the next challenge. He knows that this adventure is full of unknowns and dangers, but he also believes that as long as he has faith and courage in his heart, he will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Amin walked out of the cave and returned to the ship. He looked at the river under the starry sky, and his heart was full of determination and determination. He knew that his mission was to protect the peace and harmony of the waters. He gripped the oars, rowed the boat, and headed for the unknown.

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

In the night, Amin's figure gradually disappeared on the surface of the river. However, his determination and courage are like the brightest stars in the night sky, forever shining on this mysterious water.

The next morning, a faint mist rose on the surface of the river, and the sun shone through the clouds on the water, reflecting a golden halo. Amin stood at the bow of the boat, holding the crystal clear gem in his hand, his eyes shining with determination.

He knew that the demons would not let him go, nor would they let go of the creatures of this water. He must find the demon's hiding place as soon as possible and eradicate it once and for all. He took a deep breath, paddled the oars, and headed towards the center of the river.

After some searching, Armin finally found the traces of the evil demon. It was a huge black monster with a huge body, bared fangs, and a fierce glint in its eyes. It is wreaking havoc in the middle of the river, devouring passing ships and creatures.

Seeing this, a wave of anger swelled in Amin's heart. He gripped the gem and leaped onto the monster's back. He wields his oars and engages in a thrilling battle with the water monster.

The water monster is immensely powerful, but Amin is not afraid. With the power of the gem and his own courage and wisdom, he fought the water monster inextricably. After a fierce battle, Amin finally found the flaw in the water monster and hit it with a paddle.

The water monster let out a terrible scream, and its huge body rolled on the surface of the river. Eventually, it turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared into the river. Amin stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the direction in which the water monster had disappeared, his heart full of the joy of victory.

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

He knew that he had finally fulfilled his mission to protect the peace and harmony of the waters. He put away the gem, rowed the boat, and prepared to return to the village.

However, when he returned to the village, he found that the villagers were worried about his disappearance. They were overjoyed to see Amin return safely. Amin told them about his adventure, and the villagers were amazed.

Since then, Amin has become a hero in the village, and his deeds have been told. And there was no trace of evil demons in that water, and the peace and beauty of the past were restored.

Amin still rows a small boat on the river every day to fish, but his heart has become more determined and brave. He knows that as long as he has faith and courage in his heart, he will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

And the girl in white never appeared again, but Amin believed that she must be silently guarding their beautiful home somewhere. Whenever night fell, he would look up at the starry sky, and his heart would be filled with gratitude and respect.

Time flies, and Amin has become an old fisherman in the village, with gray hair, but his eyes still shine with the light of his youth. He often sits by the river, looking at the sparkling river, recalling that thrilling past.

Despite the passage of time, the faith and courage in Amin's heart have never waned. He still insists on rowing and fishing every day, guarding the peace of the waters with his own hands.

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

One day, there was a sudden strong wind on the river, and dark clouds were thick. Ah Ming knew that this was a precursor to a storm. He hurriedly packed up his fishing gear and prepared to return home. However, at this moment, he heard a rush for help.

He followed the prestige, and saw a small boat not far away, crumbling in the wind and waves. The fishermen on the boat were terrified and paddled desperately with their oars trying to escape.

Seeing this, Amin felt a strong sense of responsibility in his heart. He knew he couldn't sit idly by and had to save the fishermen as soon as possible. He quickly rowed his boat and sailed towards the boat against the wind and waves.

After some effort, Amin finally approached the boat. He stretched out his oars and pulled the fishermen into his boat one by one. Then, with his experience and skill, he steered the boat through the wind and waves, and finally succeeded in bringing the fishermen back to shore.

The fishermen were grateful and thanked Ah Ming one after another. They knew that if it weren't for Amin's timely rescue, they would have been buried at the bottom of the river. Amin smiled and waved his hand and said, "This is what I should do, I just did my part." ”

However, the storm brought unprecedented damage to the river. Many boats were overturned, and trees along the river were uprooted. Amin knew that it would take a long time for the waters to be restored to their former tranquility and beauty.

So, he called on the villagers to take action together to clean up the debris on the river and repair the broken boats. He also personally instructed the fishermen on how to prepare for storms and fish safely. Under Amin's leadership, the villagers are united to protect this water.

The man was fishing late at night, and when he saw the girl crying strangely, he quietly picked up the oars

After a period of hard work, the river area has finally regained its former tranquility and beauty. The villagers also learned the importance of solidarity and cooperation. They are grateful for Amin's dedication and dedication, and see him as a role model and hero in the village.

Ah Ming smiled and looked at this familiar river, his heart full of satisfaction and pride. He knows that he has spent his life guarding the waters and the safety and happiness of the villagers. And this faith and courage will be passed on forever and become a valuable asset for generations in the village.

As the years passed, Amin's story still lives on in the village. Whenever his name is mentioned, there is a sense of respect and gratitude. And that mysterious and beautiful river will always remember Amin's brave and fearless figure and that firm belief and courage.

In this way, Amin's story has become an eternal legend that has inspired generations of people in the village to forge ahead and protect their homeland. And that river basin will always shine with the light of Amin's spirit, witnessing the glorious journey of the villagers uniting as one to create a better life together.

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