
It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

author:Happy Wheat said

"Fuck off"

"Do you know what an embassy car is?"

"Do you know what diplomatic immunity is?"

I can't believe that these words came from the mouth of a senior cadre who was the deputy director of the International Cooperation Department of the China National Space Administration and is now the secretary general of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization.

At this time, the party Yu Qi can be regarded as "exposed" and famous.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

If you break the stop, make a mistake, and remind you, you will change it, which should be a truth that elementary school students understand.


It's just that an adult, a cadre of a high-level organization, didn't turn a corner for a while.

I really don't know if it's a long-term habit, or if it's been so arrogant all along.

To put it another way,

This kind of tough work attitude and way of working is necessary from the perspective of serving the work of the state.

After all, in the process of foreign exchange and cooperation,

At the right time, the "hawks" and "hardliners" really should, otherwise others mistakenly think that we are soft persimmons and easy to be handled.

However, this kind of tough choice is not for you to scare your own people, but also for your own fault first.

What's even more puzzling is that

The parties also have the behavior of raising dogs in violation of regulations, which is a violation of the law.

As a leading cadre, he should set an example, and Yu's reverse operation will only deepen the public's misunderstanding of the transformation of public power into privilege.


Looking at the size of the dog, it should have been raised for a while, but it was not reported or discovered before it was exposed.

To say that he got along happily with his neighbors and was not reported, from the perspective of Yu's attitude and style of doing things, it seems to be a bit unreasonable.

In other words, others have some kind of worries and taboos, so they have never dared to say it, don't want to say it, and don't want to say it.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege
It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege


Yu was forced by public opinion to apologize, but netizens did not buy it.

Judging from the apology video, it seems that I was looking at the teleprompter in front of me intentionally or unintentionally throughout the whole process, the sincerity is doubtful, and the reason for the apology is even more questionable.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

Looking at the attitude of netizens, it seems to have insight into everything.

It's a long-term habit, not a spur of the moment.

Don't take the good as small, don't take the evil as small, get used to it, think about it carefully, it's really good.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

is so arrogant, a matter of nature, this kind of person in such an important position, I know the basic order, and she doesn't understand it.

It's not that I don't understand, maybe I'm used to it, or it's a problem that I'm used to.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

Arrogant is not like acting, and apologetics is not like acting.

This comment has a "hit the nail on the head" flavor.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

I'm so disappointed, I'm sorry, I still like your invincible appearance in the world.

How arrogant you are when you are willful, and how embarrassed you are when you apologize. This is the same truth!

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

Her willfulness yesterday and her fear today are rooted in absolute power!

What she didn't expect the most was that maybe the people around her were used to her, but the majority of netizens and friends didn't eat this set.

It's cool! The female driver who violated the stop and shouted apologized, and sooner or later something will happen when public power becomes privilege

It's come to this, what else can I do, admit it! Introspect!
