
What are the anxieties of the education and training industry?

author:Uprooted Pekingese
What are the anxieties of the education and training industry?

Before saying the text

Given a scene, you can choose and try

See what you'll choose.

One day, your parents are seventy or eighty years old and get sick and go to the hospital

The doctor gives you two options:

1. Spend hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ICU and surgery costs in a short period of time, as well as the cost of some other drugs, there is a 20% probability that you can continue to live, but you are basically vegetative or cerebral palsy when you live.

2. Choose to let go

What would you choose?

What do you think most people would choose?

Choosing the first option, you will spend a lot of money or even borrow money to treat, even if you end up alive, you will need to be taken care of by your family for a long time, someone in the family needs to give up your job, and the family will definitely have a big blow financially, for ordinary families, it is understandably devastating, if the children in the family are still at the age of need to be taken care of by parents, it will be even more terrible.

Choose the second option, can you bear it? That's your parents, it's your family, it's your dearest, think about your parents' hard work for you when you were a child, shouldn't you be filial? Do you just give up the life of your loved one?

It's a pity

You have to make a choice

It doesn't even give you enough time to discuss

At this time, what should you do?

How do you choose?

Isn't it a little out of breath?

I can tell you that there is no right or wrong choice, just look at the pros and cons.

This sentence sounds, you think it is cold

It's cold, but the fact that it's hard for you to make a choice is even colder.

But most people's choices are colder than the truth.

I'm telling you, a lot of people choose the latter.

If you choose the former, then it is very likely that you and your family's livelihood will be basically cut off.

I also told you that most people die because of illness because they don't have money, as long as you have money, there are ways to give you life.

Next, talk about teaching and training

If you are doing the track of education and training, then let you make a choice

1, rushing to recruit and retain, online live short videos are also done, offline publicity and promotion are also done, and they are continuing to study hard, continue to barely support, and they are also confused about the future, and they can do it if they want to hold on, but this effort is likely to maintain the status quo in the future, even if the industry recovers in the future, there will be more people coming in, and the competition will increase.

2. Let go, but the pressure of prepaid debt, these hard-working teachers will be unemployed, and the students who are still studying will have to give up, and the refund is a zero egg, and even upside down, how many years of hard work have been in vain, and after letting go, even if it ends smoothly, what can I do to maintain my survival?

What do you think? Are you going to be out of breath again?

Unfortunately, you also have to make a choice.

It's just that you have plenty of time to think about this choice.

The vast majority chose the former.

I can tell you, choose the former.

It is a choice that has to be made

Because choosing the latter is likely to cut off the life of yourself and your family.

Let me tell you again, there is no right or wrong choice, only pros and cons.

But this time, don't you feel a little less cold?

The pros and cons are based on their own pros and cons.

Do you know how many non-academic institutions there are in the country?

Including non-registered institutions and studios, there are about 1.4 million in total.

How is this calculated, you may ask?

Of course I can tell you

Except for sparsely populated and remote areas, the proportion of people who have obtained a permit and those who have not obtained a permit is about 7%.

You might say, no, in our place, 30 out of 100 have a school license.

Of course, I believe that some cities do have a high percentage, but don't forget that these cities are only a minority or even a very small minority, so they will be averaged by the majority, because there are many places where only 2-3 out of 100 have formal qualifications.


7% is the average percentage

For example, if there are 100 institutions in a certain area, then 7 are on the white list, that is, they have the funds to supervise and obtain permission to run schools, and the other 93 are none.

There are a total of 100,000 non-disciplinary filing licenses in the country, so there are about 1.4 million non-disciplinary institutions including individual studios in the country.

To be more objective, this is a real and common phenomenon in at least a dozen provinces.

1.4 million non-disciplinary institutions, note that this is only non-discipline

Elementary, junior and senior high school subjects have not been counted, early education has not been counted, vocational education has not been counted, art examinations and so on

It is conservatively estimated that the national light 0-18 is in the comprehensive track of education and training

There are 3.5 million.

How can you say so much?

Of course, because the disciplines now almost exist in the form of individual studios, in many places, there are more than a dozen or even dozens of them in a building. Only a very small number of places can obtain qualifications and exist formally in offline disciplines, and there are about 10,000 offline discipline institutions in the country.

You may not know that there is a high probability that the number of individual studios in disciplines is about twice as high as the total number of non-disciplines.

K12 disciplines are the largest track in the main track of education and training.

Although the surface is pressed, the market is actually broken into zero.

The difficulty of the specification has risen from 2 to 10.

Imagine that you could have seen rabbits all over the mountains, but when you hit a gong to catch them, you couldn't see any of them in an instant.

That's how it feels.

What education and training practitioners are anxious about is the future.

Not now

Early education, really don't enter again, early education can only be done in first-tier and new first-tier cities, and the customer base is too fixed and too few.

Private kindergartens, can do well after the continuation of life is only about one percent, you just need to think about whether you are the one percent, if your kindergarten students have been declining, you must not be the one percent.

Non-disciplines, sooner or later, the market will also be reduced to zero. Continue to remain the same for a short time, and then will continue to exist with the rise of the community economy, want to become bigger? Try not to think about it, and make a living and say it's okay.

Disciplines, as long as the school and social environment remain unchanged, there is no problem in continuing to survive for a few years, but personal studios are the best choice, if it is an institution, then the life span will not be very long, because in the next 5-10 years, with the replacement of AI, the rise in labor costs will force the widespread popularization of automation, resulting in increased difficulty in employment, coupled with the continuous depreciation of academic qualifications, and then with the improvement of the awareness of new parents, the birth rate will continue to decline, and there will only be more and more people lying flat and following the trend, and the base of the total market will continue to shrink.

It is impossible to find opportunities in the track of teaching and training.

As I said before, peer competition is at most a game, and no one can die

The products that make you die will not be born on your track.

In layman's terms,

Sheep and cattle are dividing the grassland and the river, but the sheep and cattle will not die because they compete for the grass of the grassland and the water of the river.

It is the beasts that let them die.

No matter what industry you are, what beats you is more affordable, more convenient, and more efficient.

What produces convenience, affordability, and efficiency is the beast, the beast, the beast, will not compete with you for turf and rivers, what they want to do, is to rule.

E-commerce and entities are both product porters, without the Internet, there will be no e-commerce, and the entity will be comfortable, just like there is no beast, cattle and sheep will be comfortable.

E-commerce creates efficiency, convenience and affordability, food delivery creates convenience and affordability, and AI and automation create convenience and affordability.

There are fewer and fewer TVs and computers, and mobile phones and mobile Internet are becoming more and more developed.

What you are most afraid of should be elimination, and the second is not competition.

What you do, will you be eliminated, what will be eliminated, what will eliminate you, how long will it appear, and whether it is enough space and time for you to survive.

If the logic is not right, there will be decision-making mistakes, and decision-making mistakes are what we often call self-inflicted.

To do shared charging treasure, customer demand is charging efficiency, the logic of charging efficiency, is a short time, but the logic of your profit is also time, but a long time. Conflict.

How do you make decisions?

Where do expiring beers and even expired food end up?

Where do people drink alcohol and snack without looking at the expiration date? Supermarket? Restaurant? ktv?

You are running a dance agency, do you want to do Douyin online to detonate the same city plan?

You do education and training, and the institutions of the same category around you are doing low-cost drainage, and the price is super cheap, should I do the same?

More things about education and training and the troubles you need to solve will be told to you in my live broadcast room and short video.

抖音直播间 Ace198044

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