
What's it like to travel with your unhappy parents?

author:Leisurely lemon tells stories
What's it like to travel with your unhappy parents?
Have you ever taken your parents on a trip? What is it like to have a disappointing parent to travel with?

The whole day is full of negative emotions

When I go out on a trip with my mom, she will only complain all day long, complaining that the weather is too hot, too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Complain that the hotel is too expensive, the tickets are too expensive, and the meals are too expensive!

Did I travel to hear her complain?

What's it like to travel with your unhappy parents?

Any form of spending money is to be criticized

The filial piety of parents is reflected in all aspects, for example, if you think about Father's Day, you want to buy some good electrical appliances at home, and you want to take your parents out for a trip, and in the end you will be said: "Why do you spend money indiscriminately?" "Is the money blowing in the wind?"

What's it like to travel with your unhappy parents?

Eating out is always disgusting

When I took my mom and dad to dinner, my dad restrained a little and said, "This is not delicious, I won't eat here next time." ”

My mom exaggerated, shopping until noon, I said let's have steak at noon today, right? My mother said, "You two go in and eat, I'll wait for you outside!" ”

How do you think I'm going to go in and eat and leave her alone to wait outside? In the end, the whole family went to eat the noodles!

Don't value the child's heart

This year's Mother's Day, I said to my parents that the family would go out to have a meal together to celebrate.

It turned out that it was almost lunch. My mom actually told me that she was going out to play mahjong, so let us order takeout and eat by ourselves!

I don't want to spend Mother's Day on my mom again next year!

Never give your child an affirmation

I thought about giving my mom a break and I'll cook! My mom pointed out on the sidelines, "I don't put enough oil, I don't put enough salt, can this be delicious?" ”

Me: You're going to do it? My mother: "I'm tired of cooking alone for the New Year, what's the use of having a daughter." ”

Co-authoring, I'm not doing it, and I'm not doing it!

What's it like to travel with your unhappy parents?

Do not approve of the child's mind

I'm from the mountains, and my parents haven't seen much of the sea, so I want to take my parents to the beach to play.

Booking a sea view room, hotel, restaurant strategy is laborious.

As a result, when I got over there, my mother wilted: "What's the point of this?" If you don't have to bring me, I won't come!" ”

Does the mother really think that the child will not be sad?

What other misdeeds do people from their parents' generation have?
What's it like to travel with your unhappy parents?

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