
The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

author:Yellow chicks

From May to September every year, snakes are the most active season, and sometimes snakes will run into the house for no reason, which is a really frightening sight.

Wow! How did the snake get into the house, it scared me! Scares me! What should I do at this point, should I hide or do I want to get the snake out? The horror I felt when I saw the snake was probably like this.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

Run under the table

A man saw a snake in his home, and the man did something special

The man's name is Xiao Zhang, after eating at noon, he has nothing to do, so he is ready to sleep in bed, and he can't sleep after sleeping for a while, so he picked up his mobile phone and swiped the video.

When watching the video, Xiao Zhang heard the sound in the video, and there was also a rustling sound in the room.

The more Xiao Zhang listened, the more wrong he became, why was this rustling sound so strange, so he turned off the sound of the video on his mobile phone, and then got up to check how the rustling sound came from.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but it really startles Xiao Zhang: I saw a snake lying in the same posture as myself under the cabinet opposite the bed, and I saw Xiao Zhang staring at it, and it stuck out its tongue at Xiao Zhang from time to time.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

Into the snake

Although Xiao Zhang is a man, he usually sees very few snakes, and now it is the first time he has seen a snake in the house. The snake looked apparently quite large, weighing about a pound.

Nervous is nervous, now that things are in front of him, even if he is nervous, it is useless, and if he does not deal with it, it will cause harm, at this time, Xiao Zhang pretended to be calm and tried to find a way to fight wits and courage with this snake.

In the first round of the battle, the snake won

Xiao Zhang saw a snake coming into the house, and after a daze, Xiao Zhang jumped out of bed and walked out of the room.

I thought that Xiao Zhang was scared by the snake and ran away, but I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, he came in with a stick that usually dried clothes.

Xiao Zhang took a long stick and played with the snake to fight wits and courage, but after a meal, Xiao Zhang was completely defeated.

Xiao Zhang's method is to use this long stick to slowly drive away the snake, so that the snake can drive it out in the direction he pulls.

As everyone knows, the snake saw that Xiao Zhang took a stick as a weapon, and his expression became even more nervous, and he ran around the room without following Xiao Zhang's intentions at all. And in a hurry, he ran to another room.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

I took a stick and drove away, and ran to another room

In the second round, it was the snake who won

There are only three rooms on the first floor of the house, and the snake is now running from this room to another room, so it is not a way to go on like this, because this long stick is not a way at all, and it can't be driven away, so you should think of other ways.

So Xiao Zhang walked out of the room again, turned around and brought a tongs for burning the fire, the tongs are in the form of clamps, Xiao Zhang only needs to clamp the snake with this tongs, and then clip the snake outside.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

Clamp with fire tongs

Xiao Zhang brought the tongs to find the snake in the room again, because Xiao Zhang is a master who does building brick cutting, his eye is very accurate, and he just clamped the middle waist of the snake when he clamped it, and half of the snake was not much or less, just like it was more accurate than measuring it with a ruler.

When the snake was caught by the fire tongs, Xiao Zhang had a snickering joy in his heart, he was really different, so he subdued it.

Unexpectedly, after the snake was clamped by Xiao Zhang with fire tongs, the snake's head shook everywhere, looking very fierce and opening its big mouth, and finally directly attacked Xiao Zhang's hand with fire tongs, Xiao Zhang quickly threw away the fire tongs when he saw this.

Xiao Zhang said: At that time, I was glad that I threw away the tongs in time, and threw it one second slower, this snake bit me every minute, and I am afraid that the whole village will come to his house for dinner tomorrow. The tongs were too short, and it was too dangerous to hold half of the snake, and the upper part of the snake was still free, and it turned around and bit itself in minutes.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

The snake continued to run around

In the third round, Xiao Zhang won

It's not a way to go on like this, you have to get it out quickly, otherwise when the next family comes back, you may have to bite someone.

At this time, Xiao Zhang thought of the ultimate killer plan, holding the fire tongs in one hand and the long stick in the other, and cooperated with each other to get the snake out.

Xiao Zhang first used a long stick to drive the snake to a corner, and then used the stick and fire tongs to cooperate with each other to remove the snake's moving figure, and then looked at the snake's head again, and finally clamped it down with fire tongs.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house


Clamped a point under the snake's head, so that although the snake was constantly rolling and curling, it would not bite Xiao Zhang's end, and Xiao Zhang finally gave himself a breath of relief.

In the last round, Xiao Zhang caught the snake outside the house and released it

When Xiao Zhang caught the snake and went outside to release it, Xiao Zhang also deliberately observed the snake carefully.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

Go outside the house and throw it away

This snake looks very dark in color and is very ferocious, judging by the ferocity of this snake should be a venomous snake. It's really too dangerous to run into the house like this, Xiao Zhang is glad again, this sleep is not so heavy, if he really sleeps, then it is very likely that he will not be able to get up.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

Released, free

After Xiao Zhang released the snake, he guessed in his heart that the snake should have crawled in from the back mountain of his house along the back door of his house to steal food or take a cool break. So Xiao Zhang also put the snake into the nature not far from the back door of his house, and ran back to where it came from.


When the snake arrives in this season, it is the period of laying eggs and breeding, so the snake is very hungry at this time and needs a lot of food to replenish its physical strength, so it looks for food everywhere and moves everywhere.

However, it is too hot now, and it is normal for the snake to run into the house at noon in order to take a break from the coolness.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals and look very scary, so in order to prevent snakes from entering the house, we need to take some measures and precautions.

The snake is in the house! The man was lying on the bed when he heard a strange noise, and he saw that a snake had run into the house

For example, clean up the weeds around the house and prevent some weeds and large trees from growing together, so as to avoid snakes from approaching the house. In addition, if there are conditions at home, you can raise a few geese to prevent the infestation of snakes, geese have defensive warnings against snakes, and snakes can not see where geese are there, such as the cry of the goose Guga, Guga, that frequency makes the snake run away and dare not approach the house when it hears it, and the goose's feces can also make the snake frightened.

In addition, snakes are protected animals and cannot harm them, and harming them will be punished by law. Therefore, Xiao Zhang also tried every means to go through a lot of hardships to get the snake outside and release it, instead of directly shooting it to death.

Finally, if there is a snake in the house, the best way is to call the firefighters or ask professionals to come to deal with it, and you can't do it yourself without protection like Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang is so clumsy, safety is not guaranteed, in case of being bitten, the consequences are unimaginable.

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