
The embassy-licensed bus was parked indiscriminately and pulled dogs, and the officials resisted with diplomatic immunity, bowing and apologizing with tears

author:Sanjin window

On June 16, in the scorching sun, a car with a black embassy license plate stalled in the middle of the road on Guangxin Street in Beijing, the capital, and the driver of the vehicle behind was so anxious that he came forward to negotiate because of the blockage on the road. At this time, a woman walked out of the embassy license plate car, asked the driver to take out a big dog from the back seat, and urged people to leave the scene. In the face of the crowd's questioning, why do you park and block the road? The woman shouted at the driver of the rear car to "get out", reprimanded her for not even knowing the embassy vehicle, and loudly told her that she "enjoys diplomatic immunity" and that she had no problem with her car.

The embassy-licensed bus was parked indiscriminately and pulled dogs, and the officials resisted with diplomatic immunity, bowing and apologizing with tears

Everyone speculated that since it was a car with an embassy license, the people using the car were foreigners, and they should not block the road so unreasonably. Unexpectedly, this car is not a foreign embassy in China, but the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, which is led by the mainland, belongs to an international organization, and the woman named "diplomatic immunity" is not a foreigner, but a dignified Chinese, who once served as the deputy director of the China National Space Administration and is now the secretary general of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization. This incident has triggered a public understanding of diplomatic immunity and the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, and many lawyers have stepped forward to play the role of popularizing the law in society.

On Chinese soil, the Chinese are not proud of abiding by the laws of their own country, and in the face of harming the interests of the public, they even use diplomatic immunity as a shield in an attempt to escape responsibility and evade the punishment of Chinese law. This is not the national character of a public food official. Looking at the woman who spoke the Beijing dialect, and the aunt who was noisy on the bus before, some people speculated that she was flying and domineering, did she have the bloodline of Zhenghuangqi? Is there a deep "king" tattoo on the head and face? Shows that the status is extraordinary.

The embassy-licensed bus was parked indiscriminately and pulled dogs, and the officials resisted with diplomatic immunity, bowing and apologizing with tears

Police officers arrived at the scene and punished the vehicles involved for parking indiscriminately, and the police station followed up to investigate and deal with a series of public security violations, ranging from unlicensed dog breeding to swearing and other public security disputes. In addition, the Commission for Discipline Inspection also wanted to investigate why the public car was used for private purposes, and the leaders of the unit knew that the back seat of the public car had carried a dog, and it was even more psychologically difficult for a colleague to accept that he wanted to sit with the dog when he took a ride. On June 19, the woman involved felt strong pressure from public opinion and publicly apologized to the public for her inappropriate words and deeds: "I am deeply remorseful for realizing that my actions have had a negative impact on the international organization I work for." Sincerely accept criticism from all parties and accept the handling of relevant departments. ”

An ordinary traffic violation has been elevated to an official behavior that damages the country's image, playing prestige and showing privileges in front of the public, ignoring party discipline and state law and the interests of the masses, and rectifying the unhealthy tendencies around the masses has a long way to go.

The fuse of this incident was illegal and indiscriminate parking, but because officials played privileges in front of the masses, took embassy license plates and diplomatic immunity, and used their own illegal acts as shields, it aroused more public disgust, caused the problem and contradictions to escalate, and the public opinion incident spread rapidly, and damaged the image of state civil servants and China's international organizations because of the special status of the person involved.

The embassy-licensed bus was parked indiscriminately and pulled dogs, and the officials resisted with diplomatic immunity, bowing and apologizing with tears

Parking in public, raising dogs without a license, pulling pet dogs in public vehicles, abusing diplomatic immunity, making inappropriate remarks in public, and insulting the masses for suspected of seeking mercy and causing trouble, are all strictly prohibited behaviors as state officials, as a senior official at the deputy department level openly touches the red line with lawlessness, it is a typical unhealthy trend around the masses, and the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the public security department intervened in the investigation as soon as possible, reflecting the upholding of social fairness and justice, and should be severely punished in accordance with laws and regulations, so that the perpetrators should pay the due price, and explain the progress of the disposal to the society. Recovering the bad influence and reshaping the image.

Officials who do not speak or do anything wrong are illiterate to the law, put on a show in the course of study and education, and formalism and bureaucracy prevail in popularizing the law.

As a high-ranking official holding a leading position in a Chinese international organization, he openly used diplomatic immunity to avoid his own traffic violations, showing his ignorance and weakness of the law, and his formality in daily law popularization is ineffective, and he does not have the minimum legal quality to serve as a leader. Many lawyers have explained on the Internet that the vehicle personnel of the embassies of international organizations enjoy diplomatic immunity, which is usually applicable to the field of criminal law control, but not to traffic violations.

The process of coping with the parties is embodied in the motivation principle of being a person, and the attitude of public verbal communication is arrogant and domineering, and they do everything possible to borrow power as a blessing, detach themselves from the people, do not repent in learning and education, and cannot stand the test in social practice.

The embassy-licensed bus was parked indiscriminately and pulled dogs, and the officials resisted with diplomatic immunity, bowing and apologizing with tears

It is necessary to establish and improve channels for social reporting and complaints, closed-loop handling to avoid the disclosure of negative public opinion, and maintain the image of the party and the government.

In line with the information dissemination mechanism in the all-media era, frequent incidents of officials violating laws and disciplines have been discovered, and the masses have relied on the Internet to publicly report and complain, which has become a new way to generate public opinion, and after the relevant departments have accepted the complaints, investigated and disposed of, they have also brought negative impacts to the society and damaged the prestige of the party and the government among the people.

To this end, it is necessary to establish and improve complaint channels for the whole society, guide the masses to first report the problem internally, bring the black sheep to justice, deal with feedback through non-public closed-loop channels, and solve the contradictions within the people first, reduce the openness of negative public opinion, and increase the worries of the public. In view of the fact that there is no such effective complaint channel, the public has been publicly reported online, causing netizens to watch and trigger information explosions.

At the same time, it is also necessary to intensify public reporting on the handling of public opinion, arouse the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in supervision, and ensure that corruption, lawlessness, and discipline are always under the supervision of the masses of the people, and that they dare not be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt.

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