
The Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting

author:Chengdu Jingxin was released
The Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting

On June 18, the Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting to carry out warning education for the leaders of the bureau and the heads of the departments and affiliated institutions. Zhao Chungan, Secretary of the Party Group of the Bureau, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, conscientiously implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the provincial and municipal party committees, and take warning education as an important measure to carry out party discipline learning and education.

The Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting

At the meeting, convey and study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, inform and analyze the city's new system of party members and cadres of violations of discipline and law and the discipline review of the bureau and committee, and the participants focused on watching the warning education film and the confession record of individual municipal management cadres who violated discipline and law.

The Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting

The meeting noted:

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the work of warning education, issued a series of important speeches, made a series of important instructions, and put forward clear requirements for promoting reform through cases. The majority of party members and cadres should further improve their political position, constantly deepen their understanding and grasp of the importance of warning education, and earnestly learn discipline, know discipline, abide by discipline, and earnestly be loyal, clean and responsible.

Meeting Requirements:


◆ It is necessary to take the in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction as an important political task, and accurately grasp the scientific connotation and practical requirements.

◆ It is necessary to closely link the actual implementation of the city's economic and new work and its own ideological work, and promote the implementation of major decisions and deployments of the municipal party committee and municipal government in the city's economic and new system.

◆ It is necessary to refer to the specific items of the "six disciplines", put oneself in, put one's responsibilities in, and put one's work in, truly clean up the source in thought, consolidate the foundation, and practice the government orders and prohibitions in action, and earnestly know and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line.


Examine and reflect against political discipline. We should further build a solid foundation of faith, replenish the spiritual calcium, stabilize the rudder of thought, always put political discipline and political rules in the forefront, and be an honest and understanding person in politics. Review and reflect against organizational discipline. Conscientiously implement the party's organizational line in the new era, continue to strengthen the organizational concept, and resolutely achieve the "four obedience". Review and reflect against the integrity discipline. Conscientiously learn and make good use of integrity and discipline, pay close attention to key areas such as policy implementation, use of funds, and administrative examination and approval, strengthen supervision and inspection, and persist in grasping small problems as early as possible and preventing problems before they occur. Examine and reflect on the discipline of the masses. Always keep in mind the fundamental purpose of the party, consciously follow the party's mass line in the new era, vigorously promote the implementation of the policy of benefiting enterprises, effectively solve the problems of the masses, and insist that power is used by the people and benefits are sought by the people. Review and reflect against work discipline. Take the lead in implementing the party's work discipline, earnestly fulfill their duties, work hard, and do good deeds, closely focus on promoting new industrialization and building a strong manufacturing city, and constantly create new achievements and open up a new situation in overcoming difficulties. Examine and reflect against the discipline of life. Strict life discipline to demand and discipline themselves, consciously purify the social circle, life circle, circle of friends, and always be enlightened, abide by public morality, strict private morality, be an upright person, and do things cleanly.


◆ It is necessary to integrate discipline education with party spirit education and integrity culture education, so that party members and cadres can regard party rules and party discipline as a high-voltage line and a warning line from the bottom of their hearts, and constantly enhance their political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption.

◆ In view of the "weak points" in management and supervision and the "risk points" exposed by cases of violations of discipline and law, it is necessary to improve the "risk map" around key areas such as ideology, personnel management, and production safety, and effectively improve the ability and level of risk prevention and control.

◆ It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots units", carry out in-depth large-scale visits and research activities, continue to carry out the 12345 "Rong Yi Jian" series of activities to build a circle and strengthen the chain, and strive to coordinate and solve the difficulties and pain points faced by enterprises, and effectively transform the results of party discipline learning and education into actual results in promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

The Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting
The Party Group of the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal New Economic Committee held a warning education meeting

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