
The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books

author:Sunset Shimmer
The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books

Recently, I've been obsessed with abandonment.,Always want to clean up the things around you.。 Every time you clean up something useless and throw them in the trash, there is really a sense of relaxation.

People really shouldn't hold on to some useless things, they can only fill their limited space.

Therefore, we must give up our obsession with items, do not drag mud and water, and break when we break it.

Today I threw out some things, without them, life would not be affected at all, so why bother guarding them and letting them hurry into the next cycle.

This should be the case for things outside the body, and the same should be true for oneself, abandon obsessions, go with the flow, let go of oneself, and the most important concept is to allow oneself to be oneself.

The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books

[Today's excerpt]

Some people will compare the unsatisfactory side of their life with the most glamorous side of other people's lives, compare the results, compare the material... Compared with each other, it was chaotic and lost self-confidence.

In fact, there is no unified standard answer to the road of life, what suits you is the best, and the suggestions of others can be reasonably listened to and properly integrated. Someone else's path is his footsteps, not your destination, some things can be imitated, and some things cannot be copied.

Truly intelligent people are more willing to compare themselves with their past selves, eliminate external interference, spend their time on things that are really worthwhile, not in the opinions of others, suffer from gains and losses, and focus on constantly improving themselves.

The road under your feet, every step counts, allow yourself to be yourself, follow the goals you believe in, and may you and I be able to do what we love in the future, live the life we want, and become a better version of ourselves.

The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books

【Today's Impressions】

"What suits you is the best", do what you like and live the life you want, this is what life should be, not compare with others.

There are mountains outside the mountains, there are people outside the people, and there is never an end compared with others.

Everything can't be kept, only cherish every moment, set the right mentality, go with the flow, focus on improving yourself, and live every today.

The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books

【Today's Stick Figures】

Insist on a daily drawing, today's stick figure is a "fart tree", simple and good-looking, and the charm of stick figure can be seen.

Friends who like to draw, let's work together!

The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books

[Today's Broken Thoughts]

In the blink of an eye, it has been 160 days since I copied the book in Toutiao, and I am getting closer and closer to the goal of copying books for 365 days. 365 days may sound like a long time, but it goes by so fast.

Sometimes I am still confused, I feel that I am making slow progress, and sometimes I am very calm and can accept everything I have.

The days are like this, day by day, time flies like electricity, and the most urgent time is always the most beautiful time.

The 160th day of copying: Stick to the end, and get closer and closer to the goal of 365 days of copying books