
"6 wives" live in the same house, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per capita per month, and marry a loving wife in the 7th room at the age of 71

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world

Meditations after the prosperity has fallen

Life is like a play, drama is like life, this sentence is used in the old drama bone Lei Hong, it seems to be particularly appropriate, his life, experienced poverty and hardship, and also reached the peak of fame and fortune, but in the end, under the trick of fate, he tasted the warmth and coldness of human feelings, Lei Hong's story is not just entertainment gossip, but more like a mirror, reflecting the ups and downs of life, as well as the complexity and fragility of human nature in Vanity Fair

"6 wives" live in the same house, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per capita per month, and marry a loving wife in the 7th room at the age of 71

A gift of fate

Lei Hong's childhood, was spent in the shadow of war and poverty, in order to survive, he dropped out of school early, worked everywhere, tasted the hardships of life, by chance, he came into contact with theatrical performances, since then opened an indissoluble bond with the stage, with the love and talent of performance, Lei Hong started from a small role in the trick, step by step to a bigger stage, he studied acting skills hard, carefully figured out each role, and finally won the recognition of the audience with superb acting skills and unique personal charm, became a household name acting superstar

"6 wives" live in the same house, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per capita per month, and marry a loving wife in the 7th room at the age of 71

Lei Hong's success was not achieved overnight, but stemmed from his persistent pursuit of dreams and unremitting efforts, he turned the hardships of life into a driving force to move forward, and finally stood at the peak of his acting career, and also changed his destiny

Lost in Vanity Fair

As his fame grew, so did his wealth, and his once poor life faded away, replaced by luxury cars and an enviable life of luxury, perhaps to make up for his shortcomings, or perhaps to get lost in the drunken money of Vanity Fair, Lei Hong made a shocking decision: he married six wives at the same time and provided them with a good life

"6 wives" live in the same house, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per capita per month, and marry a loving wife in the 7th room at the age of 71

In the eyes of others, this seems to be the ultimate embodiment of "life winners", behind this seemingly happy life, but there is a huge crisis, surrounded by money and comfort, the wives gradually lose their goals and motivation in life, do nothing all day, indulge in pleasure, and Lei Hong has to work harder in order to maintain this huge "family", running between work and family, physically and mentally exhausted

The impermanence of fate

The turning point of fate appeared in one of Lei Hong's most beloved wives, this wife lacked a rational understanding of money, blindly invested in the stock market without experience, and finally owed a huge amount of debt, in the face of sudden changes, Lei Hong chose to bear it alone, he sold all his family property, and even took on heavy debts, just to save his wife

"6 wives" live in the same house, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per capita per month, and marry a loving wife in the 7th room at the age of 71

What's even more chilling is that the wives who were once by his side and enjoyed his efforts chose to leave when he needed support the most, and the laughter and laughter of the past are now only left with endless loneliness and loneliness, Lei Hong's story allows us to see the impermanence of fate, and also see the fragility and vulnerability of human nature in the face of money and interests

The true meaning of life

Lei Hong's story is a story of success, loss, betrayal and redemption, his life is full of ups and downs, full of drama and thought-provoking, after experiencing the ups and downs of life, Lei Hong finally found his own peace and happiness, his story tells us that the true meaning of life is not how much wealth and fame you have, but in the peace of mind and the company of true love

"6 wives" live in the same house, with an average of 70,000 pocket money per capita per month, and marry a loving wife in the 7th room at the age of 71

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