
Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

author:Straightforward and honest go to the world

The halo has faded, where will the king of comedy on the way go?

Once, he was the pioneer who led the trend of domestic comedy, and a series of "embarrassing" movies made him synonymous with the box office, and also allowed him to stand at the pinnacle of his career

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

started with the online release of "Embarrassing Mother".

In 2020, the sudden epidemic brought a huge impact to the world, and the film and television industry was not spared, in the face of difficulties, most filmmakers chose to overcome the difficulties together, postponing the release or withdrawing the file, but Xu Zheng made a shocking decision - sold the new work "Embarrassing Mother" to a video website for 630 million yuan

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

This move, like a bombshell, has stirred up a thousand waves in the industry, the theater party has accused Xu Zheng of being unreasonable, and fellow directors have also expressed strong dissatisfaction, thinking that he has broken the rules of the industry, and Director Bi Zhifei directly shouted to him to "get out of the film circle"

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

Xu Zheng's "shrewd" move made him get rich returns in the short term, but it also made him the target of public criticism, losing the trust and support of the industry, the theater is no longer willing to cheer for him, and the audience is also disappointed in his behavior

and Wang Baoqiang gradually drifted away

The success of Xu Zheng's "Embarrassment" series of movies is not only due to his own talent, but also inseparable from Wang Baoqiang's wonderful interpretation, which was once a good brother, but gradually drifted apart because of the distribution of interests

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

From "People in Embarrassment" to "Thai Embarrassment", Wang Baoqiang has always been Xu Zheng's best partner, with the increase of Wang Baoqiang's worth, Xu Zheng still regards him as a "cheap labor" and is unwilling to give him his due return

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

The preparation of "Hong Kong Embarrassment" became a turning point in the relationship between the two, Wang Baoqiang offered to star with zero pay, and invested 10 million, just in exchange for a 10% share, but was ruthlessly rejected by Xu Zheng, and in the end, Wang Baoqiang chose to quit, and Xu Zheng also found a new partner - Bao Bell

The box office and reputation of "Hong Kong Embarrassment" are far inferior to the first two works, losing Wang Baoqiang's "Embarrassment" series and losing the glory of the past, while Wang Baoqiang, with the "Detective Chinatown" series, has successfully transformed into a powerful actor, and the cooperation with Chen Sicheng has become more and more tacit

Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang's parting of ways is not only a difference in the distribution of interests, but also a mistake in human feelings, he ignored brotherhood, and underestimated the value of Wang Baoqiang, and finally ended up with a "loss of wife and soldiers".

From "drunken beating" to "TST turmoil"

In addition to career setbacks, Xu Zheng's private life has also been controversial, and in 2017, he was thrust into the forefront of public opinion for drunken assault on a female journalist, and although he later publicly apologized and compensated for medical expenses, the incident still had a huge negative impact on his public image

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

In addition, Xu Zheng's married life has also been repeatedly questioned, although his wife Tao Hong expressed understanding of some of his behaviors, but this "open marriage" relationship still caused a lot of speculation from the outside world

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

If "drunken beating" and "marital dispute" are just problems with Xu Zheng's personal morality, then the "TST turmoil" pushed him to the abyss, as the backbone members of TST, Xu Zheng and his wife not only participated in this pyramid scheme scam, but also used their fame to endorse their platform and deceive countless consumers

In the end, TST was investigated and punished, Zhang Ting and his wife were fined 11.3 billion yuan, and Xu Zheng and his wife were also punished accordingly

Can you regain your original intention?

From the former king of comedy to today's "bad artist", Xu Zheng's experience is embarrassing, his success is inseparable from his talent and hard work, and his failure stems from his greed and short-sightedness

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

Now, Xu Zheng's career has fallen to the bottom, but his life is not over yet, if he can face up to his mistakes and reflect deeply, he may have the opportunity to start again

Proven by reality! Xu Zheng, who is in the middle of the day, only committed three taboos, and has no chance to turn the tables again

Do you think Xu Zheng still has a chance to turn over? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your views

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