
Why does the lower back always hurt? Experts reveal the truth about low back pain and help you straighten your waist

author:The MD focuses on the gastrointestinal tract

Have you ever suffered from back pain? Do you wake up in the morning feeling your lower back stiff? Low back pain is not just for the elderly, it is increasingly affecting the quality of life of young and middle-aged people. With the increase in work and life pressure, as well as the influence of factors such as sitting for a long time and poor posture, low back pain has become a part of many people's daily life. So, what exactly causes low back pain? How can I effectively relieve and prevent low back pain?

Why does the lower back always hurt? Experts reveal the truth about low back pain and help you straighten your waist

Common causes of low back pain: from lifestyle habits to disease factors

The causes of low back pain are complex and varied, ranging from lifestyle and posture problems to being a sign of certain conditions. Understanding these causes is key to effective prevention and treatment of low back pain.

Bad habits

Sedentary lifestyle: Modern people often need to sit for long periods of time due to the nature of their work and lifestyle habits, which can lead to fatigue of the lower back muscles and increased pressure on the spine, which can lead to low back pain.

Poor posture: Whether sitting, standing or walking, incorrect posture can put an extra strain on the lumbar spine and cause low back pain in the long run.

Being overweight

Obesity: Excess weight will increase the burden on the spine, making the lumbar spine in a state of high pressure for a long time, which is easy to cause and aggravate low back pain.

Muscle and ligament problems

Muscle strain: Strenuous exercise or sudden exertion can cause muscle strains in the lower back that can lead to lower back pain.

Ligament injuries: Ligament injuries in the lower back can also cause pain, especially when performing inappropriate sports or lifting heavy objects.

Bone and joint abnormalities

Herniated disc: A herniated disc can compress nerve roots, causing significant lower back pain and even leg pain.

Scoliosis: Abnormal curvature of the spine can cause structural imbalance in the lumbar spine and cause low back pain.

Chronic illness

Osteoporosis: Decreased bone density makes bones weak and prone to fractures, leading to low back pain.

Arthritis: Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joints, including the lumbar joints.

Psychological factors

Stress and anxiety: Emotional tension and psychological stress can also lead to muscle tension and cramping, which can lead to low back pain.

Different types of low back pain and their characteristics

Depending on the nature and duration of the pain, low back pain can be divided into two categories: acute and chronic, each with its own specific characteristics and causes.

Acute low back pain

Features: Acute low back pain is usually sudden onset and intense, but short-lived, usually relieved within a few days to weeks.

Common causes: Acute low back pain is mostly caused by trauma or emergencies such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, and intervertebral disc herniations.

Chronic low back pain

Features: Chronic low back pain lasts for a long time, usually more than three months. The pain is not as severe as acute low back pain, but it often recurs and interferes with daily life.

Common causes: Chronic low back pain is mostly caused by long-term poor posture, chronic diseases (such as arthritis, osteoporosis), psychological factors, etc.

Why does the lower back always hurt? Experts reveal the truth about low back pain and help you straighten your waist

Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain: The scientific method can help you stay away from pain

To effectively alleviate and cure low back pain, it is first necessary to correctly diagnose its cause, and then take targeted treatment measures.

Diagnostic methods

History and physical examination: The doctor will ask the patient a detailed medical history, including the nature, location, and duration of the pain, and conduct a physical examination to determine the specific cause of the low back pain.

Imaging tests: If necessary, your doctor may order tests such as X-rays, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography) to further confirm the diagnosis.


Medications: For most acute low back pain, anti-inflammatory pain relievers (eg, ibuprofen, acetaminophen) and muscle relaxants are commonly used.

Physical therapy: including hot compresses, cold compresses, massage, traction, etc., can relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Exercise therapy: Appropriate rehabilitation exercises, such as intensive training and stretching exercises for the lower back muscles, can help improve lower back function and prevent recurrence of pain.

Surgical treatment: For severe disc herniation, scoliosis, and other conditions, surgical treatment may be required to relieve nerve compression and correct structural abnormalities.

Why does the lower back always hurt? Experts reveal the truth about low back pain and help you straighten your waist

Daily tips to prevent low back pain: Protect your lumbar spine, starting with a drip

To prevent low back pain, we need to start with the details of daily life and develop good habits to protect the health of the lumbar spine.

Maintain proper posture

Sitting: Keep your spine naturally bent while sitting, keep your feet flat on the floor, and avoid leaning forward or backward for long periods of time.

Standing posture: When standing, the abdomen should be tucked and the buttocks should be raised, and the posture can be changed appropriately.

Walking posture: When walking, you should keep your head and chest high, maintain balance, and avoid hunchbacking.

Exercise reasonably

Exercise regularly: Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling.

Low back muscle training: Strengthen the strength and flexibility of the lower back muscles, such as yoga, Pilates and other exercises.

Control your weight

Healthy diet: Eat a balanced diet, avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the burden on the lumbar spine.

Pay attention to the combination of work and rest

Avoid overwork: Pay attention to the combination of work and rest in work and study, avoid maintaining a posture for a long time, and move your waist regularly.

Use a suitable mattress and pillow

Mattress selection: Choose a medium-firmness mattress that supports your body without being too stiff.

Pillow selection: The pillow height is moderate to maintain the natural curve of the cervical spine.