
Tietou went to Japan to invite the "incarnation of justice", and was ready to "coerce the Son of Heaven to order the princes"!

author:Xiaohui said things

Iron-headed "rights protection" note: Patriotism is not a "shield", and hype will not last long after all

Today, let's talk about the recent iron-headed "rights protection" incident. I have to say that this Internet celebrity brother is really unsettled, wave after wave, dazzling and enjoyable! But we also have to analyze rationally what is going on.

Tietou went to Japan to invite the "incarnation of justice", and was ready to "coerce the Son of Heaven to order the princes"!

At the beginning, Tietou was banned from the whole network because of some remarks, which was a fatal blow to an Internet celebrity who relied on the Internet to eat. I thought he would be depressed, but I didn't expect him to go to the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan to make a big move and broadcast his performance art live. This detonated the Internet and made everyone talk about it.

To be honest, my first reaction was: This guy is really a "werewolf"! Going to the Yasukuni Shrine to broadcast live, isn't this obviously looking for excitement? But if you think about it, this may be a big drama that he has carefully planned for his comeback. After all, in the Internet celebrity circle, there is no traffic without topics, and there is no income without traffic. Therefore, although the move of the iron head is risky, it can be regarded as a sword that goes sideways, and it successfully attracts everyone's attention.

Tietou went to Japan to invite the "incarnation of justice", and was ready to "coerce the Son of Heaven to order the princes"!

Sure enough, after returning from Japan, Tietou began his road of "rights protection". He went to Sina's headquarters to demand that the account be unblocked, a move that was undoubtedly putting pressure on the platform. I can only say that this guy is really a "drama spirit"! He knows that now he is wearing a "patriotic" halo and is the focus wherever he goes. So, he used this to try to restore his status as an influencer.

But ah, patriotism is not a tool for hype! Although the iron head has attracted a lot of attention in a short period of time, this practice of relying on hype to attract attention will not last long after all. Moreover, I noticed a detail: Tietou actually wore a Honda dress when defending his rights! This is simply a large-scale "social death" scene! While shouting patriotism, while wearing Japanese brand clothes, what kind of patriotism is this?

Tietou went to Japan to invite the "incarnation of justice", and was ready to "coerce the Son of Heaven to order the princes"!

Regarding the iron head's "rights protection" action, netizens also exploded. Some people support him, feeling that he is defending his own rights and interests; Some people dissed him, thinking that he was using patriotic sentiments to hype. But I think that the platform has to stick to its principles, and it can't be easily compromised because of the pressure of public opinion!

In general, Tietou's "rights protection" turmoil this time is really uproaring. But we have to look at this matter rationally, patriotism is not a tool for some people to hype! We should keep our eyes peeled and not be blinded by some people's hype! At the same time, I also hope that the platform can stick to its principles, oh, don't be swayed by public opinion!

Oh, speaking of which, I suddenly thought of a sentence: "Patriotism is not to make the country worse, but to make the country better." I hope everyone can truly understand the meaning of this sentence, and don't let patriotism become a cover for some people's hype!

Finally, the editor would like to say: The behavior of the iron head may be interpreted from different angles. But in any case, we should be wary of the possibility of abuse of patriotic feelings. Patriotism is not an emotion that can be squandered at will, let alone a tool that can be used for hype. We should look at this incident with a more rational and prudent attitude, not be confused by superficial hype, and still less should we fall victim to patriotic feelings for entertainment.

There may not be an absolute answer to this question. But we should be clear that there is an essential difference between patriotism and hype. We must not allow patriotic feelings to be eroded by commercialization and entertainment, let alone allow hype to become synonymous with patriotism. Only in this way can we truly understand the connotation of patriotism and truly defend the dignity and interests of the country.

We need to keep our eyes peeled and not be fooled by the hype. Patriotism is a good thing, but it must be sincere and cannot be used as a tool for hype. I hope these Internet celebrities can be more sincere and less routine, and don't let us people who eat melons see jokes

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