
Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

author:The wind bends to the waist
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In California in 1957, the night was like ink, and a shocking murder shocked the whole United States. Although the police did their best at that time and mobilized tens of thousands of police forces, due to the limitations of detection technology, the case was finally sealed for nearly half a century. It wasn't until 2002 that a mysterious phone call made this murder case that had been in the dust for many years resurfaced. Today, let's review this case and explore the shocking secret that has been hidden for 45 years.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

Case reenacted: Midnight Terror in 1957

On the evening of May 22, 1957, 17-year-old Bob Dewar, his young girlfriend, and another couple drove their car to a place in Los Angeles called "Lovers' Street" for a date. This street is secluded and less crowded, and it is frequented by local lovers.

On this quiet night, the four of them were playing around in the car and feeling a little stuffy, and Bob decided to roll down the window to get some air. The moment the window rolled down, the muzzle of a black hole was suddenly pointed at his head. Outside the car stood a man dressed in black with a blank face, like a demon in the middle of the night.

The gunman demanded that the four get out of the car and ordered them to strip naked and tie their hands behind their backs. He then escorted three of them to the back seat of the car, blindfolded them with duct tape, and raped the remaining girl. The gangsters then took the four to a wasteland away from the road, where they were terrified. The crowd thought that the demon would kill people and pleaded bitterly, but the gangsters just snatched Bob's car and drove away.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

The gangsters ran a red light all the way to escape and were stopped by police officers Richard Phillip and Milton Curtis, who were on patrol. The two officers didn't know that the occupants of the car had just committed a major crime, and were just about to issue a ticket. However, fearing that their previous crimes would be exposed, the gangsters suddenly opened fire, causing Philip and Curtis to fall to the ground with bullets.

When he was dying, Officer Philip fired three shots at the gangster's car with all his might, but eventually he was so injured that he fell to the ground. When the police arrived, the two had already died. The Los Angeles police were furious and mobilized tens of thousands of police forces to search, but in the end only the abandoned car was found, but the murderer disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, Bob and three others rushed to the police station to report the incident. The police quickly combined the two cases and painted the suspect's portrait based on the descriptions of Bob and others. Although the police carried out a large-scale search, nothing was found except for the abandoned car.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

Police found three bullet holes in the abandoned car, but only two bullets were found. Through ballistics, the police believed that the third bullet was likely to remain in the car, but it was never found. Therefore, the police speculated that the bullet most likely hit the criminal, but there was no blood in the car, and it became a mystery where the bullet went.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

Despite the clues, the police did not give up and collected evidence on the car again. This time, they found two half-cut fingerprints on the steering wheel. After stitching it together, the police confirmed that it was the thumbprint of the suspect's left hand. The Los Angeles police then launched a fingerprint comparison that lasted for several years, but in the end the killer was still not found.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

The mystery of the third bullet

In 1957, this shocking murder caused a national sensation in the United States at the time. The police made every effort to investigate, and even mobilized a large number of police forces, but due to the technical limitations at the time, the case could not be solved for a long time. The central mystery of the case lies in the third bullet, which disappeared without a trace inside the killer's car. After recovering the crime scene and conducting a ballistic assessment, the police concluded that the bullet most likely hit the criminal. But why didn't there be blood? Where exactly did this bullet go?

Although the police searched again and again, they were never able to find the third bullet. As a result, they began to wonder if there were any clues left elsewhere. The police decided to conduct a more detailed search of the abandoned car. After a meticulous investigation, they finally found two half-cut fingerprints on the steering wheel of the car. These fingerprints became the only breakthrough for the police.

In September 2002, a mysterious phone call shattered the peace of the case. A woman claimed that her uncle had killed two police officers in the fifties. Although this clue did not point directly to the murderer, it brought the case back into the police's sight. Two fingerprint experts decided to re-examine the fingerprints on the robbed car.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

With the advancement of technology, the FBI has built a national database of criminals with more than 47 million fingerprint images. Experts compared the suspect's fingerprint input system, and the results showed that a 70-year-old named Gerard Mason was the owner of the fingerprints. His fingerprints were left in 1956 for theft and were entered into the system two months earlier.

According to the data, Mason has long since started a family, runs a chain of gas stations, and is a member of the local high society. The police immediately questioned him, and Mason appeared rather calm and dazed. After further forensics, a handwriting examination revealed that the signature left when the gun was purchased was Mason's handwriting.

Police eventually apprehended Mason and examined him on the spot for a gunshot wound that found a wound that had healed. Mason still quibbled in court, trying to get by, but had to plead guilty in the face of ironclad evidence. Mason was convicted on multiple counts and sentenced to life in prison.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

The story behind the case

This case is not just a murder, it reveals the problems of society at that time. In the United States in 1957, social unrest was unstable, the crime rate remained high, and the police investigation methods were relatively backward. After the case, although the police invested a lot of resources, they were never able to solve the case due to technical limitations. All this has increased the difficulty of solving the case.

With the advancement of science and technology, the methods of criminal investigation have been greatly improved. The establishment of the fingerprint comparison system has enabled many old cases to be brought to light. It is precisely because of the application of this technology that this case that has been sealed for 45 years has been solved. The power of modern technology has given the police more tools to track down criminals and ensure that justice is done.

The cracking of this case fully demonstrates the power of justice. Although 45 years have passed, the police have never given up the search for the truth. Officer Philip's heroic actions, as well as the efforts of all the officers involved in the investigation, finally led to the murder being solved. Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

Officer Philip was not only a well-known sharpshooter for the Los Angeles Police Department during his lifetime, but the three bullets he fired with all his might when he was dying left a key clue for the detection of the case. The three bullets hit the car driven by Mason, and one of them hit Mason directly in the shoulder blade of his back, which became ironclad evidence that the murderer was finally identified.

Officer Philip's heroic actions are not only a powerful response to crime, but also allow his colleagues to find clues to the crime, uncover the truth, and restore the truth decades later. His bravery and wisdom played a huge role in that crucial moment, leaving the killer with nowhere to hide and finally brought to justice.

After the case, all the officers of the Los Angeles Police Department were deeply saddened by the sacrifices of Philip and Curtis. They are not only colleagues in the police department, but also friends and role models for many police officers. The heroic actions of Philip and Curtis invigorate the entire police department, and all the officers vow to catch the killers and avenge them.

The Los Angeles Police Department mobilized tens of thousands of police forces to conduct a carpet search, and every clue was not missed. Not only did the police launch a large-scale investigation throughout the city, but they also conducted a detailed investigation of all possible suspects. Despite the limited technical means at the time, the police did not give up any detail and worked hard to find the trace of the murderer.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

In 2002, with the establishment of a nationwide fingerprint comparison system, the case finally took a turn for the better. Two fingerprint experts took a keen interest in the case and decided to re-examine the fingerprints of the year. It is this unremitting persistence and pursuit of the truth that has brought the case back to light.

The meticulous work and professionalism of the experts finally found the fingerprint clue that had disappeared for many years. Through a nationwide fingerprint comparison system, they finally found Gerard Mason, who was highly consistent with the fingerprints of the year. This breakthrough discovery laid the foundation for the investigation of the case.

In court, Mason still tried to quibble, trying to get away with the excuse that he couldn't remember the time. However, under the ironclad evidence of fingerprints, handwriting and gunshot wounds, he had to bow his head and plead guilty. Mason was convicted on multiple counts and sentenced to life in prison.

Mason's guilty plea and sentencing are not only a consolation to the victims of the case, but also a proclamation of justice. The court's verdict is a relief to all sectors of society, and justice has finally been achieved, although it was 45 years late.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

The outcome of the case

In 2017, Mason died in prison, a shocking case that lasted for 60 years, and his death finally came to an end. The detection of the case not only comforted the victims, but also allowed all sectors of society to see the majesty of the law and the power of justice.

The cracking of this case fully demonstrates the power of justice. Although 45 years have passed, the police have never given up the search for the truth. Officer Philip's heroic actions, as well as the efforts of all the officers involved in the investigation, finally led to the murder being solved. This case teaches us that there is no way to escape the law for committing crimes. No matter how much time passes, justice will come. The development of science and technology has provided people with more means to fight crime and ensure the safety and stability of society.

Occasional clues appeared in the 45-year-old murder case, the dead policeman left decisive evidence, and the major American case was documented

The above is all the content of this issue, if you like it, don't forget to like and follow, and we'll see you next time.


Occasional clues in the 45-year-old murder case, the deceased policeman left decisive evidence, the American case documentary-Today's headlines (

Documentary of major cases in the United States: Occasional clues in the 45-year-old murder case, and the dead policeman left decisive evidence-Today's headlines (

Old case: Los Angeles police officer killed, murderer arrested after 45 years, dead police officer "assisted" in solving the case-Today's headlines (

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